The Werewolf Order (Erotica)



The moment her eyes open, she knows she has slept too long. The faint sounds of a fight drift up through the floor boards. Furious at herself for falling asleep and not confronting Rick, she scrambles to get up and dressed. Grabbing the gloves Rick got her, she slips them into her pocket. She forces herself to slow down before she exits the room lest she seem too eager and quietly walks out and down the stairs. She is disappointed to see that he is already proctoring a fight on stage. Rick briefly glances at her-suddenly so excited by him, she almost falls down the last step.

She takes a deep breath and makes her way across the tavern to their table. She finds that like before, Sari is the only one left, sitting in Lucas’ seat again. Mora sets herself down across from her when she sees that Todd comes over to greet her with food. Suddenly realizing that she didn’t eat the night before, her stomach grumbles angrily. Todd places a plate before her; chunks of beef lay neatly on a pillow of mashed potatoes. Without asking, he pours her wine.

“How was last night?” he questions.

Chewing the tender meat, she swallows before answering calmly, “Nice.” She continues to eat, knowing that Todd wants more but she doesn’t provide him with any details.

“I hear she’s quite the talented dancer. Put Rebecca to shame, apparently,” Sari adds without looking up from the fight; her voice is cold.

Todd chuckles and squeezes Mora’s shoulder, setting down a few bottles of wine before leaving. Mora looks over the woman while she eats her meal in silence, drinking an entire bottle by herself while she tries to get up the courage to confront Sari.

Since her arrival, Mora has had the feeling that Sari dislikes her because she is Rick’s slave. She wonders if Sari has feelings for him and that is why she’s so rude all the time to Mora. She wants to ask, but is unsure how to word it, so she says “What happened with Rick’s previous servant?”

Sari turns her attention from the fight on stage to Mora, “I killed her,” she says firmly.

“Oh,” is all Mora can respond with. They watch the fight continue. Two men, equally matched, throw punches at each other; neither wanted to use weapons. The smell of blood and sweat wafts from the stage. Finally, one of them manages to knock the other out cold. His opponent and Rick drag him off and into a chair, waiting for him to come to as two more men ready to fight. Mora waits until the next pair gets onto the stage before she blurts out, “If you think there’s anything going on between Master Rickan and I, you are mistaken. He is only treating me this way because the Queen told him to make sure I remained unharmed,” she stops when Sari looks at her.

“And how do you feel about him?” Sari questions.

“He is my Master and I his servant and nothing more,” Mora mumbles, using the start of the fight as an excuse to draw her eyes away from Sari.

“Horse shit,” Sari calls her out. Mora ignores her but she continues to taunt her, “I saw the way you got bent out of shape when Rebecca and Fanny threw themselves at him,” she laughs roughly, “the way you look at him all the time, like you want to kill him-for a peaceful Derven, that must mean you want him as much as you want to embrace violence. I bet you feel the same way about him as he does about you…”

Mora glares at her before looking back to the fight, “He doesn’t feel any way about me. He won’t even touch me willingly… only to tend to my wounds.”

Sari laughs at her, dropping her voice so that others won’t hear, even though there is no one around, “He won’t touch you willingly because he is a gentleman. He doesn’t want to do anything you don’t desire.”

Mora shifts uncomfortably, busying her hands with her wine glass. She wonders how many she has had, most definitely an entire bottle’s worth, if not two. The more she drinks, the more she wants but the alcohol doesn’t make her sick or woozy.

Sari continues, her eyes drawn back to the stage, “He isn’t my type. I like a man that I can beat in a fight.”

“But you killed his last slave,” Mora says under her breath.

“Only because she was sent here to kill him, by King Irron. He has been trying for years to get at Rick.”

Mora stiffens at the name; Sari doesn’t notice. “Why would King Irron want to kill Rick?”

Sari looks at her, surprised by her question, “You don’t know? Prince Varickan of Sceadu… Master Rickan… heavens, Dervens really don’t know much about other countries, do they?”

The information sinks into Mora as she falls silent. Prince Varickan. She grabs the bottle off of the table next to her and fills her glass, snorting to herself. She, a Princess, has fallen head over heels for Rick, who just so happens to be a Prince and an enemy of her future husband. To say that her situation just got more complicated is an understatement. The fight ends as Mora turns back to the stage. While the two men walk off, she catches Rick watching her. Pretending not to notice she raises her glass to her lips and drinks slowly until she hears another fight begin.

“How come you killed her, not Rick?” She asks, watching the two new men dance across the stage; one of them who already has a black eye, she recalls from a fight earlier in the night.

“From the moment I met her, I knew there was something wrong. Farah, was her name; she tried too hard to please Rick. She would do stupid things like fetch him more wine when he didn’t ask her to. It seemed like she was acting. Her dark, beady eyes gave me the creeps. Todd managed to get a hold of steak one night; I noticed that her knife was missing after she and Rick went to bed. I went upstairs to tell Rick and I heard a loud crash. Somehow, she had managed to catch him off guard and break a chair over him. She stabbed him in the back with the knife but missed his heart and got it in his shoulder. I didn’t waste any time-I slit her throat right there.”

Mora shifts uneasily in her chair, “How did you know she was sent by King Irron?”

Looking sideways at her, Sari answers truthfully, “We thought she was from Derven, actually. After I killed her, I noticed she had a small tattoo behind her ear bearing the crest of Alumenia. Rick doesn’t buy slaves; he’s only a Master as a favor to the Queen. When someone of importance unknowingly crosses into our borders, she assigns them to Rick to watch after until a suitable arrangement can be made for their release.”

“Happens often, then?” She tries to sound nonchalant, despite her mind running through the new information at a mile a minute.

She finally turns to face her, “Yes as a matter of fact but you are the first who is actually from Derven. You make his seventh slave-after Farah, the Queen stopped assigning the captives to Rick. She simply sold them at the market. It has been almost three years since she gave him someone to watch over, which leads me to the question-who exactly are you, that you are so important to her?”

She takes a long swig from her glass, completely draining it before she sets it down on the table, “I’m sorry Sari but I was ordered not to say.” She avoids the woman’s look by watching the fight.

Sari doesn’t look away but instead seems to lean closer to her. She whispers, so quietly that Mora can barely hear her, “You are a Princess, aren’t you?”

She turns to Sari, giving her a stern look, pleading with her eyes for her to understand, “It doesn’t matter what I am in Derven, right here, right now I am nothing more than an indentured servant to Master Rickan.”

“You have to tell him,” she urges.

“I cannot, for more reasons than you can understand-”

“But he likes you, don’t you see? You two are a match.”

“For more reasons than you can understand,” Mora reiterates. Though she doesn’t think Sari comprehends the full meaning of her words, she understands enough to know that Mora doesn’t want her to say anything.

“Fine. Your secret is safe with me but only because I think you need to be the one to tell him, no one else.”

Mora rubs her tired eyes; they don’t talk anymore. There are so many in the tavern who want to fight, Rick doesn’t get a chance to approach Mora until Todd kicks out the last remaining patrons from the bar. Daniel, James and Lucas finally make their way back to the table to grab their stuff. Lucas and James nod to Mora before walking towards the door.

“Good morning, dancing Head Huntress of Derven,” Daniel grins at her. She gives him a curt smile.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Sari turns to leave but before she does, she slaps Mora on the back, “Good morning, Princess. Maybe tomorrow we can see you and Rick hash out your aggressions on stage this time, it would be much more entertaining.” The way she said ‘princess’ so mockingly makes everyone else think she uses it as a slur but Mora knows better.

Without waiting for Rick who is bidding good morning to his friends, she gets up and ascends the stairs inaudibly. By the time he realizes that she is gone and heads towards the stairs himself, she has already changed into her night gown and sits solemnly in the pit of pillows.

She lies down with her back propped up against the edge of the pit. Facing away from the door, her legs stretched out before her, crossed at the ankle. She can hear Rick enter. He walks around behind her and changes before he lowers himself into the pit just in front of Mora. She doesn’t look at him when he uncrosses her feet and begins to massage the salve into her bite wound. The wound is completely healed.

“I wanted to thank you, again, for…” he tries to find the right words, “saving me from those women.”

She watches his strong, tan hands rub her pale knee, “I shouldn’t have hurt Rebecca and I shouldn’t have danced with you so… flirtatiously.” Still hurt from his rejection last night, her ache is increased by the thought that she acted so foolishly in front of a Prince. She also realizes that she doesn’t like the idea of women sitting in his lap and definitely doesn’t like the idea that there were six servants before her. Did he patch them up, so tenderly? Perhaps he did something more?

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