The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


King Yulnar’s eyes grow wide with disbelief. Rainer cuts him off before he can speak, “Where are they now?”

“Dead,” Vadim feels no remorse for his fallen cousin when he looks into his uncle’s eyes.

“How?” King Yulnar whispers.

“I killed them,” he lies seamlessly, “Two of them at least. Callen killed the first centaur because he had been ordered to only kidnap me, but as I was never alone Coral was grabbed as well. I managed to steal the keys from the second guard before he left-then I stabbed Callen and killed the guard.”

Yulnar’s face twitches, his voice quiet, “The punishment for a human killing a centaur is death.”

“That is not an issue-Vadim is a centaur!” Rainer roars at him. “After the atrocities your son committed,” he growls, unable to even find words. Vadim has never seen his father this angry before; Rainer manages to spit out, “I should declare war on Centurion-peace treaty or not. My mate will have no qualms with my decision!” He turns to Yulnar, his towering imposing figure making the other King take a step back. Over his shoulder, Rainer directs Vadim, “Take her back to your quarters. Clean off the stench of Callen’s inferior, unworthy seed off of her-when Quell gets back you and the healer will return home immediately.”

Vadim swiftly walks away, Rainer’s screams at Yulnar fading. He reaches the room they shared with his brother, thankful that Quell is not there-he cannot imagine what it would be like to discover his mate like this. Tenderly, he lies her down on a plush rug and strips her of her dress, tossing it into the fire. Hastily he drenches a towel and wipes her clean, starting with nether regions and the last remnants of Callen’s fresh seed. His eyes burn when tears break free again, suffering his own personal torment at having to clean another creature’s seed off of his sister.

He does the best he can without a proper bath, though it is not as well as he would have preferred; he can still smell centaur on her and he knows that Quell will be able to. None the less, he dresses her in a fresh shift and a soft robe before resting her body on the bed.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Vadim gives himself the same treatment, briskly wiping his body down before changing into fresh clothes, pulling on boots over his bruised ankles. Hastily, he packs everything that he can see, including Reid and Quell’s things. By the time he has finished, his arm sears in pain. He drags a chair over to the bed, taking her hand into his and intertwining his fingers with hers, remaining near her in case she wakes.

The door bursts open, Quell’s wide, feral eyes surprise his brother; Vadim carefully puts Coral’s hand down by her side. Quell rushes over to the bed, dropping to his knees before his trembling hands reach out to Coral. His entire body shakes as he grasps her tight, pulling her close. Tears fall down his face while he strokes her hair; his gaze turns on Vadim.

Vadim knows what Quell wants, “Now is not the time, brother. Let us make haste home-it is the only way to make sure she is safe.”

Without hesitation, Quell rises, protectively holding her close to his chest. Vadim throws a cloak on, glancing at Reid as he enters. The centaur’s face twists in disapproving horror, his nose picking up the faded scent of forced mating.

None of them see anything or anyone while they make their way through the dark halls of the castle and towards the entrance-all of them just wish to get as far from Centurion as they can. Just outside, at the base of the ramp stands Rainer with the four other centaurs from their party, Junta, Tomir, Nevren and Letin; Marcus waits close by with the reins of a large horse in his hand.

Rainer’s knuckles are white, his grip is on the sword at his waist, prepared and ready to strike. He has a dangerous look in his blank black face, his eyes narrowed and his full lips pulled into a disapproving frown. When his gaze falls on the unconscious Coral, his frown deepens, “Make haste home and have Pelium tend to her right away,” he commands his son. “Tomir and Junta will ride with you. The rest will stay with me while I try to decide if Yulnar’s head should remain on his shoulders.”

If Vadim had any energy about him, he might have been shocked but he can barely force his body to continue moving. He struggles to pull himself up on the large horse; he wonders how Coral will make the ride home and he gets his answer when Quell doesn’t wait for anyone, but starts galloping off down the road with his mate in his arms and Tomir at his side. Vadim glances briefly at his father and nods before turning and spurring his horse forward to follow his brother. Junta brings up the rear.

The ride to Centurion took half of the day at a leisurely pace, however the ride home to Centurna only takes a few hours as hooves beat the ground, the party moving as if wolves are upon them. None of them speak, only the labored panting of the centaurs coming from their mouths. Each jarring clop of hooves sends pain searing through Vadim’s arm but it also reminds him of the dreadful echoing sound that preceded the arrival of Callen and his guard every time they came to torment them.

The agony of Vadim’s broken appendage is merely a shadow when compared to the blackness that settles over his heart. He loves Coral, with all that is in him-it was hard enough knowing that she took his brother as a mate, but having to see Callen’s hands on her flesh, watching him take pleasure in her body while simultaneously being able to do nothing to stop it and envying the fact that his cousin got to experience his sister in a way he never would put him in an awful place.

Vadim always felt like he had been cursed-he never understood why the Fates saw it fit to ruin his entire life. As soon as he was old enough to talk, he was old enough to understand that he was not like his parents or the other creatures in their world. He grew up hating what he was-half of a half breed. Not even being a Prince was any sort of comfort, in fact it only made things worse. He could see the looks on his parents’ worried faces, wondering what would happen to Centuarna unless they could bear an actual foal and not a deformed, two legged centaur. They tried to treat him the same but their efforts only highlighted his ineptitude-he couldn’t gallop for hours, he wasn’t as strong and powerful, he would never lead their people or command soldiers in battle.

When his first younger brother was born, their father was relieved. The future of Centuarna was safe now that there was someone worthy of ruling it, a handsome, strong, four legged beast. Vadim hated Quell when he was a foal. Then, the Battle happened. The men to the west waged war on Centuarna. The humans hated the half breeds with a passion. Vadim knew why, too, though it was something his father and the elders made it a point to never talk about-it was because of Centurion.

Though Centuarna was a buffer between the humans and the barbaric centaurs, the Centurions’ need for fertile women pushed them to skirt the northern mountains and attack the humans to the west. It was Vadim’s grandfather-Keira and Yulnar’s father-that led the charge. They killed all the human men they could, desperately raping women before whisking away to their lands. By the time Rainer caught word of it the war was well underway. He and every able bodied centaur descended upon them. Rainer killed the old Centurion King and any Centurion that refused to surrender but he did his best to spare all of the humans he could.

Of course, the men had no way of knowing that all centaurs weren’t created equal-in their eyes every half breed was an abomination that needed to be wiped out. The men he had so graciously spared stormed through the mountain pass into Centuarna, out for blood for the lost women and their fallen brethren. The Battle took place in the forests just inside of the Centuarna valley, a stone’s throw from the town, a place where Coral frequently visits to harvest plants.

Vadim can recall watching the horrors with his mother from one of the castle guard towers. It was a bloodbath-the human men, already weak and worn from the beginning of the war, lost quickly. Knowing that they teetered on the edge of extinction they surrendered in a desperate attempt to avoid death and were surprised when Rainer immediately called off his forces and accepted. The King had never wanted his war or the rift between their species; he knew that his choice to spare the human men before brought the destruction directly to his home, yet he couldn’t bring himself to do what he should have and kill the hateful attackers. Instead, he inflicted the Atonement upon them, a way to constantly remind them of their poor choices, a deterrent from repeating the past.

It was after the Battle, that Vadim realized the greatness that he was born into. Despite not having four legs, he was a centaur. This was only reaffirmed by the fact that those in Centuarna continued to treat him as such, not like he was a human-they held no fear or hatred of him. He decided to be thankful for what he had, instead scornful of what he wasn’t. He cherished his little brother and the one that followed, though he would never be such a magnificent beast as them he was pleased to be family.

As he grew older, Vadim knew that he was a curiosity to the female centaurs and even to the female humans. Not quite man, not quite centaur, but some odd amalgamation of both they were all curious about his body, about his mind. He enjoyed playing with them, but when Quell found a mate in Searra, Vadim realized how truly alone he was. None of the women had any lasting interest in him as they were all looking for something more normal. When his mother told him of Lynette, he never said a word in response but he was heartbroken, knowing he would never have what his brother had found.

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