The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


The next morning she wakes up well before dawn, Quell still fast asleep. Her womanhood is still very tender, though the shooting pains of fire don’t burn through her when she moves. She eases out of her mate’s grasp, quietly getting herself ready for the day without the help of her handmaid. The towel from last night has dried blood on it; she grabs a fresh one and pours on some more witch hazel, patting her tender bits with it and relieved when it comes back still white.

After donning a dark purple dress, she unbraids her hair, letting the still damp length of it loose to dry freely before slipping out of the room. It being early, she doubts the rest of the family is awake but the halls are somewhat alive with servants quietly walking to and fro to get ready for the day. She runs into Gladys on her way to the breakfast room.

“Good morning my lady-I wasn’t expecting you to be up for some time now,” the handmaid says cheerfully, “oh, and I found your and the Prince’s clothes in the bathhouse, I’ll get them put in with the wash.”

Coral smiles at her, “Thanks, Gladys. I doubt anyone else is awake yet but I’m used to getting up before dawn.”

“Queen Kiera is the same way-she generally takes a book with her to the breakfast room and reads for a bit before the others join her.”

“Oh,” she says, nodding, “thank you. I think I will join her.”

Sure enough, Coral discovers the Queen reading a book in the breakfast room. Quietly she enters, climbing up into her seat, offering a soft acknowledgement, “Good morning, Kiera.”

The Queen looks up from her book, a small smile on her face, “Good morning, Coral. Finally manage to get away from Quell?”

Coral pushes the corners of her lips up into a smile, “Yes, we left early to take a bath. How did the rest of the party go?”

Kiera looks over Coral, reading into her question, “It seems that Vadim and Lynette had much to talk about. They remained in the garden until her father came to collect her-he was very appreciative that you tasked Reid with chaperoning before you left. I believe they are going to head out later this morning.”

Her brows furrow, “Head out? They are going home, so soon?”


She frowns, “Doesn’t Lynette turn eighteen years in a few days?”

“Tomorrow, actually.” Kiera replies, watching Coral, “It is my understanding that they intend on returning to town next week.”



“Perhaps, if it is all right with you, Lynette could remain at the castle for her birthday? I realize it is all untoward, but it would be nice if… I would appreciate having a friend around… I have yet to explore the town and I did hear there was a building for me to occupy soon…” She offers up a pathetically veiled excuse for her request.

A grin crosses the Queen’s face-understanding Coral’s intentions, she accepts her reasoning, “Why, that sounds like a grand idea. We will have a chat with Laire, to get his approval.”

“Of course,” Coral breathes a slight sigh of relief.

Rainer soon joins them, also surprised that Coral is awake so early and makes it a point of saying that she is usually late to breakfast.

Sheepishly, Coral admits, “The reason I have been late to breakfast thus far is your son, King Rainer.”

He huffs with a smile, filling up his plate.

Hesitantly, Coral speaks, “My King, perhaps I could have a moment of your time today, to speak of… the project Doctor Pelium and I have been working on?” Unsure if Kiera has been apprised of the elixir, she tries to word it delicately.

“No time like the present, Coral,” Rainer says after taking a drink, “The Queen knows of the elixir-or, at least, what Doctor Pelium has told us. In honesty, it is not much. Why don’t you start from the beginning?”

She sighs, but is thankful to have their audience, “All right, your highness. Doctor Pelium gave me a book which contained an old recipe for a decoction that was created to assist in the mating of a female human and a male centaur-not much was explained beyond that, simply that it prepared the woman to receive her mate. After a bit of research, between our combined knowledge we were able to decipher the ingredients for the recipe. One of those ingredients was very familiar to me, though apparently is unknown to centaurs-that is why Vadim accompanied me to Severton, in my search for this plant. I discovered it there and was able to successfully brew the elixir; following a few adjustments of my own, I had a finished product,” she chooses to omit testing it with Vadim given the present circumstances. “I asked my handmaid if she would humor me by testing it with her mate-it was very successful. I myself tested it with Quell, a few times,” her face starts to flush, “and I can say that it does as promised. It is my hopes that I can make this available to the women of Centuarna-the Doctor cautioned me to be careful and not to let anyone else know of the recipe, which I haven’t. He believes that the success of this elixir could greatly help Centuarna-if mates can be together more often, the chance of conception is higher, meaning the birth rate is higher. With your approval, King, I’d like to find a few more mated women to do some further testing on.”

Rainer eyes Coral carefully, curious about her proposition, but it is Kiera who asks the question, “Coral, can you explain fully what the elixir does?”

She drops her head, closing her eyes; it is not a discussion she wants to have with her mate’s parents, but she forces the words from her mouth, “Once the elixir is applied topically, it affects the woman’s body almost immediately. Arousal is amplified and that causes the womanhood to relax and open up for entry. The act of mating becomes actually enjoyable, instead of excruciatingly painful.”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“But if you’ve only used this elixir with Quell, how would you know if mating was painful or not?” Rainer’s voice creeps into her thoughts.

She sighs, opening her eyes to stare at her empty plate-she wishes she had some mead, “Because last night I mated with your son, without the use of the elixir. I can assure you, Rainer, that is most defiantly an experience I never want to have again. The amount of pain it caused me-I can hardly imagine how any woman can lie with her mate enough times to produce bairn.”

The pair is silent, eyes fixated on her. Kiera’s voice comes out softly, “But… you would lie with Quell again? Using the elixir?”

Slowly, she forces her eyes up to the Queen, “As soon as I am healed enough… down there… so that I can walk without pain, I wouldn’t hesitate to use the elixir with my mate.”

“All right, Coral,” Rainer grabs her attention, “I will defer to your expertise in this matter-but Doctor Pelium is correct, you must never tell anyone else the recipe for the elixir. If you need herbs for it, collect them yourself so that no one can piece it together. If it is as you two believe, then it becomes the most valuable commodity that our country can produce. Perhaps with time, we can use it to trade with other nations, maybe even as a means of encouragement during the Atonements so that our human neighbors don’t think that we are cruel in our ways. This has the potential to change everything.”

Coral nods in appreciation, “Thank you, Rainer. I will treat this carefully and start by choosing a few more women to test it out.” As she finishes, Quell walks into the room; though he is dressed, he appears a bit disheveled, a worried look on his face until his eyes fall on Coral. Immediately he skirts the table to be at her side, reaching a hand out to take hers. She offers him a smile, bringing her hand to his cheek; pulling him close, she calms his worries with a tender, gentle kiss, “Good morning, my love.”

“Good morning,” he says quietly, “I was worried when I woke up and you were gone…”

Gently stroking his cheek, she says, “I finally feel like I am back to my old self. I am not used to this life of leisure you lead-getting up after the sun. Though, there seems to be little point rising early when there are no chores to be done.”

He offers a relieved smile, kissing her on the tip of her nose before circling the table to stand opposite her, next to the Queen. He keeps his watchful eye on her as the rest of their breakfast party appears; a yawning Wistan sits to Coral’s right while Vadim takes up his usual post across from her. Shortly after, Laire and Lynette appear; Kiera offers Lynette a spot at her side by Wistan while Laire squeezes in between the brothers. The table is full, but there is still plenty of room.

“Where is Joanah?” Coral asks Laire casually, idly playing with a pastry on her plate. He nods his head, expecting the question, “My mate is not one to rise early, Lady Coral. She still sleeps even as we speak. If she had her way, she would spend the entire day lounging.”

“Father,” Lynette chastises, “it was a long night last night, I am sure she is tired.”

Kiera chuckles, “If I recall correctly, Lynette, it was a long night for you as well. After Rainer and I retired, I was told your father finally collected you from the garden.”

Lynette blushes hard, dropping her face. Vadim draws the attention his way to spare the maiden embarrassment, “It is my fault, mother-I can be quite a talker. Though I am sure Reid was thankful to get to bed, I feel like our time has been too short.” He flashes a sincere, easy smile, his eyes locked on Lynette.

Coral ignores the green of envy threatening to rise up in her, “Speaking of which, Laire, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to grant me a small favor?”

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