The Twin Brothers

Chapter 17: It Saloon Time!!

She put the last tray in the oven. A heavy sigh escapes her lips as she takes off her baker gloves.

“I think you can leave early today, dear.” Mrs. Willy said.

“W–Why?” She frowns while grabbing one cookie.

“Boss wants everyone to go home early. We don’t know why but who doesn’t want to go home early, right?” The elder woman chuckles.

Liana slightly smiles. She knows Lorenzo might have something to do, that’s why he asks everyone to go home early.

The pastry door burst open, “I’M BACK, MY TINY PEANUT!!!” Adam yells. His yell caused her to flinches.

“Adam, don’t burst just like that.” Mrs. Willy scolds him.

“Hehehe. I’m sorry, Mrs. Willy.” He scratches the beach of his neck. His gaze turns to the little girl who nibbles on her cookie. The sight was so cute. “Peanut, let’s go!!”

“Huh? G–Go where?” Liana arches her eyebrows.

“Leo know you will get bored when you go home. So, he told me to ask you if you want to go shopping with me.” He said with a big smile on his face.


“B–But…” She fiddles with her cookie. “I… I–I… uhh… didn’t w–want to–to s–spend my m–money. I–I need to… umm…” She stops talking as she felt tired of her stuttering.

“Oh, sweetie” Adam brings her into his arms. “Don’t worry about that. Leo told me to give you his black card. Just use his and you don’t have to worry to spend a single penny from your wallet.”

Liana looks at the black card in his hands. She furrows her eyebrows, thinking it was rude to spend people’s money. Thinking of being a burden, she shakes her head vigorously. “N–No. I–I don’t w–want that.” She pushes his hand away.

“But, Liana. Leo wanted you to use it. He even threatened me that if he didn’t get the notification, he will have my ass as a collection!!” He shivers when thinking Leo will do it.

Oh my.

Have his ass as a collection? That was extreme. Liana didn’t want him to lose his ass. “O–Okay.”

Adam smirks. “It not that he will accept a negative answer anyway.” He mumbles.

“Mrs. Willy?” She turns to the woman.

“Oh, dear. I’m fine. I will ask Daisy help to clean the rest. You can go and have fun!!” Mrs. Willy smiles making her face wrinkle a bit.

Before Liana could reply, she was pulled away by Adam. His other hand holding her bag which she didn’t know when he took it.

As they ran toward the exit, everyone looked at them. More like, to Liana. They whisper and judge with their eyes.

‘Who is that girl?’

‘I always saw her with Adam and Leo.’

‘I also saw her with Sir Lorenzo before this.’

‘I think she sold herself.’

‘Yeah. Eww, that was disgusting. I mean, that twin never attached to someone.’

‘She not even that pretty.’

Whisperers fill her ears. As if, they whisper beside her ears. She clutched her sweater tightly. Her smartwatch starts to beeping.

“Peanut, are you okay?” Adam brings her out of her thought.

She lifted her gaze and didn’t notice they were already in front of the car. “Your smartwatch is beeping.” He points at it.

“O–Oh. It… It’s n–nothing.” She shakes her head.

Even though Adam wanted to know whether she was okay or not, it is not good to push someone.


Right now, Adam’s hands are full of stuff he bought. While Liana didn’t buy anything. Adam keeps telling her to buy something but she insisted.

It is not that she didn’t like the things, she just didn’t want to waste people’s money.

“Now, we go there!!” He points at the girl’s store. It is full of girl stuff, like nail polish, scrunchies, makeup, dresses, and something else.

“W–Why do w–we go there?” She frowns, knowing Adam is the guy. Except he’s gay.

“Who knows you got your eyes on something.” He shrugs his shoulder.

They walk into the store. Everything is pink in there. All stuff is colored in a girl theme color. While Adam fooling around with a tiara, Liana loses herself in the sparkling thing. That’s when she remembers something.

Adam put away the tiara and find the little girl. He looks around and saw she had a basket full of nail polish, scrunchies, and make-up.

“I told you, you will have your eyes on something. I should have known this.” He jokes and chuckles.

“I–I want… to–to have s–saloon time.” Liana grins.

“With who?”

“L–Leo and E–Enzo.” She answers simply while busy searching for a nice pallet.

When heard she say that Adam couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He is willing to help this girl if that is what her intention is.

“If you want to have saloon time with those twins, you can’t miss the tiara, don’t you?” He smirks as he lifts the tiara.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oooh!!! Y–You are right!!” She squealed brightly.

Adam helps her with excitement. He can’t wait to snap a picture of those twins after the makeovers from Darliana. They’re own precious.

“D–Do you… umm… t–think they w–will a–agreed?” Liana looks at him with concern.

Adam smirks.


“You want what?” Enzo asks, eyes wide open same with Leo.

Felix and Adam holding their laughs behind. Even their red face is obvious but they still try their best.

“I–I bought th–this mak–makeover stuff!!” Liana said. She takes out the stuff from the bag. “We c–can have a s–saloon time!!”

“Um… baby. It is not that we don’t want it.” Enzo anxiously looks at his twin.

Liana lifted her gaze, her doe eyes filling with tears. “Y–You don’t w–want it?”

Panic took over them. They rush to her and hug her together. “Oh, little one. Don’t cry, please. We will have a makeover. Okay?” Leo strokes her hair.

“Are–Are you m–mad… I–I waste y–your mo–money?” She sniffles.

“Oh, baby. None of us are angry. We just… uhh… shocked.” Enzo said.

“I–If that so…” Liana pulls away and takes out the brush. “L–Let’s get it!!”

“Oh gosh…” Leo mutters.

After an hour~

Felix and Adam couldn’t help but keep laughing. They are already on the ground, laughing like almost dying.

Leo is in two pigtails with scrunchies and a tiara on his head, and some makeup and he never felt this humiliating.

While Enzo is in two short tiny braids, a tiara on his head, and Liana still working on making his face.

“Oh gosh, what did I do to deserve this,” Leo mumbles.

“I definitely will keep this as a memory!! Precious memory!!” Felix said while laughing, phone in his hand recording the scene.

“Y–You look p–pretty!!!” Liana clapped her hands.

Enzo sighs, and pulls her waist to bring her closer, “Thank you, baby. You are such a good stylist, don’t you? Such pretty baby.” He uses a baby voice for the last sentence.

Liana giggles at his silly voice.

“You should be our stylist, little one.” Leo spokes.

“S–Silly. I–I just… do this f–for fun.” She said. “Now, y-you two a–are already d–done. Next!!” They turn towards the two guys who still laughing their asses off.

But they stop when notice everyone looking at them.

“What?” Adam arches his eyebrows. Seeing the twins smirks, it must be something not good.

“Please don’t tell us…” Felix narrows his eyes.

Liana happily lifted her brush and scrunchies on the other hand.

“Oh shit.”

A while later~

“Ouch!! That’s hurt, peanut.” Adam pouts as she tries to fix his eyebrows. She changes the two guy face to cat makeup.

“S–Sorry.” She sheepishly smiles.

The twins already wiped off their makeup and fix their hair.

They busy watching those two suffering from their girl. Whoever saw them, must be shocking. Since none of the twins smile while looking at the girl. This smile is full of life and admirable.

The ring of Enzo’s phone interrupted their moment. “What?”

“Can I meet you guys? It is urgent.” Matthias said.

“Sure. Is Alex there?” Enzo asks and feels furious light up in his body when remembers what he did to Liana.

“He’s not here. He is out with his friend. Don’t worry. You can bring the sweet little girl.” Matthias chuckles.

“Okay. We will be there soon.” With that, he hangs up. “Mat call. Prepared now.” Enzo said.

They stop and look at him in confusion. “Why?”

“He got something to tell us.” Enzo answers. Leo stood up and grab his blazer.

“Let’s go then.” He agreed.

Liana still sits on the ground with confusion. She knows Matthias is. He’s the nice old guy she ever met. Even though his age maybe around 40 or above, he still looks like a young guy.

“Baby, get your bag. You will come with us. Don’t worry, that dumb bimbo is not there.” Enzo crouches down.

“A-Are you su–sure?” She frowns.

“Yes. Even if he was there, we wouldn’t let him near you.” Leo backup.

Liana slowly nods. She grabs her bag and clutches it on her chest. Leo pulled out his hand, “Do you mind?” He smirks.

“S–Sure.” She giggles. Her tiny hand wrapped around his pointed finger. Not gonna lied, it felt safe to be with them.

“Dar,” Felix called. She turns to him. “Can we wipe off this makeover? I can’t help seeing our guards holding their laughter.” His tone sounds like he begging.


Adam and Felix didn’t waste their time grabbing wet tissues.

As they are all inside the car, Felix and Adam try their best to wipe off the makeup.

“How this shit didn’t off of my face!!” Adam groans.

“Dar, what did you use?” Felix asks.

“Umm…” She bites her lips, holding the bunny stuffie tight. “I–I… might… umm… u–use gum–”

“YOU USE WHAT!!??” They yell.

“Ooohhh, that will take time,” Enzo smirks.

“Dude, our face change into cat form!! The good news is, it is such a good skill makeup. The bad news is, we can’t take it off!!!” Felix whines.

“S–Sorry…” Liana looks down.

“Little one, it’s not your fault. It looks great on them though.” Leo pats her head.

“Sir Leonardo was right, miss.” Darry butt in.

“Don’t let us tell Liana to do one for you, D.” Adam glares at him.

Darry laughs and continues driving.

“Help us take this off, Liana!!” They whines.

“M–Maybe I can. W–We need so–some stuff at–at Sir Matthias house.” She smiles.


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