The Stained Omega

Chatper 268

Chatper 268

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 101.


“Come and sit down,” I pat the bed but Mary just keeps walking around the room collecting up laundry.

She looks exhausted, I know me being taken by the rogues took a lot out of her.

“Can’t, I have so much to do.” She avoids my eyes as she keeps gathering up dirty socks and shirts,

she throws them into the laundry hamper with much more effort than is needed. She’s wearing pale

grey leggings, her sports bra does little to hold her milk filled breasts and her short hair is sticking up on


“Come on, Mary. Let me just hold you for a bit.” She drops the hamper she is carrying, it clatters to the

floor causing me to sit up in the bed a little straighter.

“I told you, I’m busy. Believe it or not my life doesn’t just stop because you get hurt.” Her eyes widen as

if she’s only just realised what she said.

“Woah, where did that come from?” I try to get up from the bed but the pain in my side makes me flop

back down. “Goddess that hurts.” I cringe as my side tightens from where one of the rogues quite

literally sliced into me.

“And yet you’ll go back right? You wont give up being the Head Warrior?” Mary’s voice has gone

unusually high, looking up at her I see her usually sun kissed complexion is now red in anger.

“Of course I’m not giving it up, what the hell would make you think I



Rogue Omega Chapter 10

would give it up?” Mary just throws her hands up in the air before picking up the hamper and storming

from the room.

‘Go after her.’ Blynx urges me, I can understand his panic. Mary is our fated mate, so for her to be this

mad at us is unusual. ‘She’s not mad you m oron, she’s scared.’ sighing I heave myself off the bed and

grit my teeth against the pain in my side.

‘She has nothing to be scared of.’ I tell him as I hobble across the bedroom, the pain seems to be

lessening the more I walk but I still take it slowly just in case.

‘Don’t be an idiot, her mate got seriously hurt just after she gave birth to your pup, of course she’s

scared.’ Walking into the lounge I hear Mary banging around in the kitchen, her father who is usually on

the sofa is not there which makes me think he’s gone on the Pack run.

“Babe, what’s going on?” I lean against the doorframe, clutching my side, I watch Mary slam the

washer closed and set it away.

“It’s nothing, I’m being silly.” She looks up at me with red eyes, pushing off the doorframe I walk over to

her and grab her face in either of my hands.

“Mary, baby, I’m going to be alright. I’m not going anywhere.” Her eyes fill with tears as she nods her

head, leaning forward I place a soft kiss on her forehead. “Talk to me.” I whisper against her skin.

“I thought you were gone, I knew being a warrior was dangerous but being Head Warrior makes you a

target all the more.” Sliding my hands down to her back I tug her into my chest and let her so out her

pain. I didn’t realise how much me being taken had affected Mary. I knew she had been left alone to

care for our pup and her father but I didn’t realise how much she had struggled with her own internal




Hi Rogue Omega Chapter 101

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“What can I do, tell me how to make this better.” I’m man enough to admit that when it comes to my

woman crying I have no idea how to fix it.

“Nothing, this is my issue.” I pull her tighter into my chest as I feel, shirt starting to get wet from her



“Your issue is my issue, do you really want me to give up being Head Warrior?” I’m so proud to stand

beside Cas and Eva but if my mate wants me to give it up then I will.

“No, of course I don’t. Just don’t get taken again?” She leans back and smiles up at me with watery


“How about I try my best?” She giggles as I lean down to capture her mouth in a watery kiss, I’m just

getting into the kiss when Joshua squeals from the other room.

‘Sorry babe, someone is hungry.” She pushes away from me and giggles when I try to grab at her

again, “go and do warrior stuff, when you come home I’ll have Joshua down and we can have some us

time.” I playfully growl at her as she dances from the kitchen.

“Your going to have to keep working on this with her.’ Blynx tells me as I lean against the counter.

‘What do you mean? I fixed it.’ Honestly sometimes my wolf can be so animalistic, sometimes I wonder

if he even understands how humans


‘If you think you fix this with a few sweet words, you’re mistaken.” Shaking my head I walk over to the

back door, sliding my feet into my boots I head out.

‘Sometimes you can be a right a ss. I tell him as I head to the Pack house. I might not be healed

enough to go on the Pack run but I can go


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Rogue Omega Chapter 101

288 Mucher

and check on the prisoners. With the warriors on the run to look after the Pack they are being watched

by a young warrior.

The Pack grounds are pretty empty considering everyone is on the Pack run so I manage to get to the

Pack House pretty quickly. Even though it’s dark I know instantly that something is wrong, Blynx has

gone on the alert and the hairs on my arm are on end.

‘Get ready.’ I tell Blynx as I creep round the side of the house, at first I can’t see anything but Blynx

comes forward a little and offers me his eyesight. Looking around me I keep low as I head over to the

cell. block, there on the floor is Lewis, sniffing I can tell he’s still alive, just. out cold. Stepping over his

lifeless body I creep through the huge metal doors to the cell block. I knew leaving Lewis on guard was

a bad idea but Rowan out voted me. The cell block is just as empty as the yard, I don’t expect to hear

much noise given that Vince and Mitch are both tied up but I at least expected to hear something other

than the deafening silence now greeting me.

‘Sense anything? I ask Blynx as I slowly walk forward to Mitch’s cell, stopping cold, I feel panic set in

when I see the silver chains thrown into a heap on the floor. Mitch is no longer chained to the chair,

actually he is nowhere to be seen at all.

‘Vince.’ Me and Blynx say at the same time, rushing out of Mitch’s cell I curse loudly as I enter Vince’s

cell and see it in the same state as


“Boss?” Lewis’s drowsy voice sounds from the front of the main door, inhaling deeply I try to find any

scents that don’t belong in here.

“Down here.” I tell him as I try to get close to the silver, sniffing deeply I sort through the grittiness that

is the silver only to smell the harsh stink that is Jeremy.

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His Rogue Dregs Chapter 151.


“Goddess, they are both gone?” I spin on Lewis so fast he actually

yelps, pinning the small kid to the wall by his throat, snarling deeply at him, I watch as he tries to bow

his head in submission.

“What did you do?” I demand of him as I tighten my hold on him a little. His eyes bulge as he tries to

gasp for breath.

“Tell me what the hell happened.” I demand of him, I can feel Blynx. just under my skin, he wants to rip

the warrior apart but I hold him. back.

‘Alpha, we have a problem.’ I tell him as soon as the link connects.

“Please, Heath. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” I shake my head as Lewis’s whining comes from the


‘What is it?’ Alpha Cas asks me quickly.

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