The Stained Omega

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Chatper 242

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 75.

* Eva *

11 241 Wouchers

“Come on, I’m not dying. Tell me what I need to know.” I want to slap Cas something stu pid, he’s been

awake for two days and he’s already sitting up in bed demanding to know what’s happened within the


“This can wait, right?” I look around the bedroom at Rowan, Darryl and Fraction, I want them to agree

with me but all three just stay silent. “Cowards.” Cas chuckles as he reaches out and grabs my hand.

“I need to know Angel, they understand that. You can go and do other stuff if you prefer.” I shake my

head and sit in the chair he once sat in while I slept, I’ve been sitting in this chair for two weeks and I’m

not leaving now.

“Go ahead, I’m not leaving. You can’t make me.” Fraction actually laughs out loud as Rowan and Darryl

take a step back.

“Tell me you’re mated to an Omega without telling me, trust me Cas. It will only get worse once pups

come into play.” I shoot daggers over at Fraction, the tattoo’d Alpha has been nothing but nice to me

while he’s been here, it’s actually had me on edge so I’ve stayed in here a lot.

“Alright, get to it. How many did we lose?” I look down at my hands as Rowan pulls out his notepad and

steps forward. I hate it when he starts listing off the dead, Darryl had to oversee the funerals and it was

horrible. There was so much sadness I felt like I was drowning in it.

“Nine in the clearing and then another two, Alex was shot and killed. instantly.” I want to slap Rowan for

talking in such a monotone but I



His Rogue Omega Chapter 75.

38 Wouchers

know he’s doing it to try and distance himself from the situation, I saw him at the burials it killed him to

bury th


“All buried on Pack land?” Cas asks quietly and we all nod, “we are short of warriors now?”

“We are but Darryl and Fraction have loaned us some. We are alright. for now, I’ve put the word out

that we are recruiting.” Cas closes his eyes and drops his head back on the headboard, it’s almost like

he’s praying but I know he doesn’t do that.

“Anything else I need to know?” He doesn’t open his eyes, I can tell he’ s getting tired but he won’t say

anything in front of two strong Alpha’s.

“We can talk about it later,” Rowan closes his notepad as Darryl and Fraction nod, they leave the

bedroom without another word. I’m actually surprised that the two Alpha’s didn’t have more to say.

“Have you eaten Angel?” I angrily shake my head at him and stand from the chair, “you’re mad, why

are you mad?” I walk for the bedroom. door, once I get there I think better of it and spin on him.

“Why am I mad? Did you really just ask me that?” Standing there with him laid in the bed covered in

bandages and smirking at me I let my anger go, every emotion of the last two weeks is finally boiling

over and I let him every part of it. “You almost died!” I throw my hands up in the air as I start shouting at


“Eva.” I point a finger at him and grit my teeth.

“No, don’t Eva me. No Angel, you don’t get to sweet talk me right now. I get to be mad, two days Cas,

two days, that’s how long I got you. before you went and nearly died on me!” I start to breathe heavily

as Cas just looks at me from his sick bed, “you made me think you would always be there and then you

went and vanished. You got shot,


Rogue Omega: Chapter 75

actually shot, you have holes in your actual body!” I know I’m not making much sense, my mind is all

over the place and all I know is that I’m terrified he’s going to die and leave me all alone with this

craving for him. “There is a pup out there who is really sick but I’ve been in here wishing you would

wake up and what do you say when you do? You love me. You can’t love me Cas, you have no idea

who I am!” I slap my hand over my mouth, I didn’t mean to say that, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

“Eva you’re exhausted, I’m not going anywhere. How about you come and get in bed, we can take a

nap?” His voice is low like he’s speaking- to a wounded animal, he pulls the covers back but all that

does is show me the bandage on his leg, around his stomach and over his shoulder.

“I’ll hurt you. I’ll nap upstairs, sleep Cas.” I turn from him and open the door, I close it on him shouting

my name, hearing him grunt, I know he’s trying to get up but that’s not happening anytime soon.

“You can’t avoid him Eva, he’s your mate. You will always fall back to each other.” I almost jump out of

my skin as Fraction’s deep voice speaks in the darkness, he flicks on a lamp and the soft glow warms

the room. “I get it, he scared you and you think you’re going to lose him. Anna went through the same

thing when I was stabbed, he’s healing and he’s not leaving.” He leans back making the sofa look tiny

compared to his massive tattooed body.

“I hate him.” I say quietly as I lean against the wall, I know Cas will be listening in and unable to join us.

“No you don’t, you’re scared.” I shake my head as Fraction stretches his arms along the sofa, “you are

and that’s alright. You fell for him fast and quickly, that’s fated mates for you, you can be mad at him for

almost dying but you will forgive him. Over the years he’s going to piss you off something rotten but you

will always come back together.” I


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 75.

288 Vouchers

feel the warm tears spill down my cheeks, I dash them away not wanting him to see me like this. “You

have to know that if you run he will hurt himself to chase you, it’s not safe out there for you Eva. You

and I both know what The Shalamayne are capable of, you’ve been through some sh it but look at what

you have here.” He’s right, if it was The Shalamayne who sent the rogues then it means they know I’m

here, I don’t understand why they would attack otherwise. “So you have two choices.”

“Just two?” I ask Fraction with a bit of a smirk on my face.

“More than you’ve ever had before.” Fraction chuckles as he stands from the sofa and pulls his phone

from his jeans, “you can take these keys and run, triggering a series of events that might lead to Cas

dyiftg and maybe others. Maybe even you. Or you can take the dangerous path.” I blink rapidly

wondering how it could possibly get worse, as he drops his car keys on the sofa.

“That one’s not the dangerous one?” I ask in disbelief.

“Not hardly,” he nods his head to the bedroom door behind me. “You can go in there, strip down and

feel your mates skin on yours. Remind yourself that he’s there and hasn’t left you and then guess

what?” He drops his voice low, I’m sure it’s so Cas can’t hear him. “You live the rest of your life

together. Two broken shifters become one and Everfur becomes a home to you both.” Fraction smiles

at me as he climbs up the stairs, I quickly run to the sofa and grab up the keys. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Fraction.” He stops and looks down at me, “I really am sorry for what I did to you and Anna. It eats at

me, I need you to know that.” It’s the first time I’ve mentioned the kidnapping in the whole time he’s

been here.

“We know, everything is working out exactly how we expected. That human we didn’t foresee mind

you,” knowing Fraction has actually

forgiven me feels like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

“Don’t forget your keys.” I hold them out and Fraction’s tattooed hand leans over the banister sna

tching them up.

“Knew you were a smart one, do me a favour and when you see Anna, tell her I do give good advice.” I

nod at him as he presses something on his phone, brings it to his ear and keeps walking up the stairs,

“Little one, you should be asleep. Tell me what you’re wearing.” I blush as Fraction closes the

basement door.

Walking back into the bedroom I see Cas has turned off the lamp, I carefully make my way to the side

of the bed and pull off my clothes. Doing exactly what Fraction said, I climb into the bed and press my

naked body against the side of him, his body warms me as his arms comes around my back and pulls

me tighter into him.

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