The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 62.


The beefy hand on my neck is holding me down onto the bed so tightly I can barely breath, I try to gasp

for breath as he pounds into me over and over again. At least this time he’s taken me from behind so I

don’t. have to look at his face while he takes his fill. Each thrust in has me gasping for breath and each

time he pulls out I find myself wishing that would be the last time, it’s like this every time he decides

he’s in the mood for what he declares is his.

“So tight, how are you always so da mn tight.” I cringe as Jeremy speaks into the back of my head, he

sounds like he’s speaking through clenched teeth. My only saving grace is that he’s not that big so at

least I’m only sore from his hands by the time he’s done. I know he’s getting close because his

thrusting has started to speed up but his hand has also become harder on the back of my neck. Now

it’s not about trying to breath so much as I start clawing at the comforter to try and get out from under

him, he’s completely blocking my airway now.

‘Ghost, please help me.’ I cry out to my wolf but she’s not there and I seem to be devoid of all the extra

strength she affords me. No matter how much I cry out or try to escape Jeremy continues to grunt and

thrust above me, I can feel his sweat dripping down onto my back as I try to stop the vomit rising up in

my throat.

“Go d da mn it!” I quickly curl into a ball as Jeremy jumps off me and throws me off the bed, tucking my

head into my chest is the only thing that protects me from a good head smack. “Maybe if you did

something other than lay there like a dead fish I could finish.” I stay curled into a ball as his naked foot

starts slamming into my back, I flinch as he grabs



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the hair at the back of my head and drags me across the room just to slam me into the opposite wall.

I try to stand from the floor but I suddenly find myself in a completely empty bedroom, it’s dark and I

can’t see any furniture. The only thing I can see is the metal chain dangling from my neck attached to

the wall, the sound of siren’s and talking from the street below flowing up to the window.

‘Ghost? Where are we?’ I can’t keep the confusion out of my voice as I try to reach Ghost, one second

I was being beaten by Jeremy and now I’ m here. ‘I swear this could be the first night I slept with

Jeremy.’ I look down at my naked thighs and see the telltale sign of c um and blood, ‘this is that night.’

Ghost seems oddly absent as I start pulling tugging on the chain keeping me in place, I scream and

pound on the wall but as per the actual night nothing happens. In my despair of being back here I drop

to the floor and cry until there is nothing left.

‘How long did you spend in here?’ I sniffle as Ghost’s voice comes to me, she sounds so far away.

‘I don’t know for sure, I was basically a bag of bones by the time he took me off the wall.’ I smash the

back of my head off the wall as I try to block the memory of how Jeremy dragged me back to this

apartment kicking and screaming. For weeks I was covered in bruises, I remember it hurting to breath

for ages, sitting down was out of the question and so was breathing at the start of the healing.

“Why did you stay here for so long? Why not run?’ I feel the tears roll down my cheek as Ghost asks

me the questions I’ve been asking myself for weeks, it’s so easy to ask these questions when you are

looking in from the outside.

‘It wasn’t that easy at the time, I was stuck and I was already so broken and beaten down after living on

the streets. I tried to leave but he just


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Rogue Omega: Chapter 62

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dragged me back, he hurt me so badly that I was scared to try again.’ I can’t keep the pain out of my

voice, it’s not easy explaining to someone else how you can become so trapped and become so

helpless within a fraction of time.

‘Why not just kill him in his sleep?’ I tilt my head to the side as Ghost makes a very serious suggestion,

honestly it never even occurred to me to try, sure I fantasised about him dying but I never actually

imagined. me doing it.

‘Fear I guess.’ My ears pick up the tell-tale jingle of keys telling me Jeremy is back in the apartment, I

know as a wolf you haven’t felt fear like this but it’s all consuming, it’s enough to keep you from doing

something. After a while he didn’t have to use his fists anymore although it didn’t stop him.’ I turn my

eyes to the door as I hear a key being inserted, I know what comes next, Jeremy comes in and beats

me so hard I lose days and wake up in a puddle of my own blood. It was right here that Jeremy realised

how quickly I healed and that it would hide his secret.

‘Get us out of here then,’ Ghost suddenly sounds panicked as the door starts to open and the lights

behind Jeremy make him look like a massive black silhouette, I clench my eyes closed and brace

myself against the wall for him to start the beating. I can feel and hear Ghost whimpering inside of me Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

as she also prepares for the pain she has no idea how to handle.

“This garden is a real mess, you know you should fix that.” The warming voice of Anna catches me off

guard and I open my eyes to see I’m in the garden of the Pack house. Except the cell block is gone and

the sun is blazing overhead, I’ve never seen the Pack garden in such bloom or covered in so much


“How did I get here?” I look over at Anna who is sitting on a plastic

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His Regua Unga Chapter 62

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garden chair, reading a magazine and wearing a white dress covered in sunflowers. She looks

absolutely beautiful, with her blonde hair it seems like she’s almost glowing.

“I don’t know, where were you?” She doesn’t look up at me, she seems totally engrossed in her

magazine, “this garden is a mess by the way.” This time she does look up and she nods her head

towards a flower patch in front of the back porch. All of the flowers have been uprooted and are strewn

across the lush green grass.

“Somewhere I didn’t want to be,” I murmur as I walk over to the plants and lean down to pick them up,

with a plant in each hand I turn back to Anna. “What happened?” I can’t keep the hurt out of my voice, I

don’t understand why someone would uproot all the plants like this.

“I don’t know, it’s not my garden. If I was you I’d get them sorted before they wither and die though.”

Anna seems totally uninterested in the plants as she flicks through her magazine, I look back down at

the plants and decide, she’s right, they need replanting right now.

“How did you get here?” I ask Anna as I drop to my knees and start to dig through the earth, it’s warm

to the touch and feels really nice in my hands, perfect for planting.

“A story for another time.” I shake my head at her, I’m pretty sure that’s what she said last time.

I’m not sure how long it takes me to plant the little uprooted plants. back into the ground but once I’m

done the sky is dark and there is a chill in the air.

‘Looks good.’ I turn to see Ghost strolling towards me, she’s so white against the inky darkness of the


“Thanks, I think they look good like this.” My voice sounds as



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 62

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exhausted as I feel, dropping back on my as s I look up at the sky and see there are hundreds of stars

shining down on us.

‘These ones smell weird.’ I chuckle as Ghost snorts as she sticks her nose in a tiny sunflower just

starting to grow.

“You’re not supposed to stick your nose in them.” I laugh loudly as Ghost starts rolling around in the

grass trying to clear the pollen from her nose, it isn’t until I’m wiping the tears of happiness from my

eyes that I remember Anna. Turning around to the seats I see the magazine is one the chair but Anna

is gone.

‘She left a while ago, she said you were in the zone and not to disturb you.’ I nod my head in

understanding as Ghost comes over and plops. herself on the ground next to me.

“Do you think I’m making a mistake letting him in?” I push myself into Ghost’s fur, for some reason I feel

closer to her than I ever have before.

‘I don’t think so, he’s no Jeremy that’s for sure. I’ll never let anyone hurt you like that again.’ I smile into

Ghost’s fur as I recognise the pain in her voice, it’s the same pain I’ve carried with me for years, it hung

heavy like a cloak of lead but now it feels lighter with someone else helping me carry the burden.

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