The Stained Omega

Chatper 218

Chatper 218

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 51.


Eva is practically vibrating next to me, I’m sure she didn’t realise all the attention would be on her but I

needed it this way. Storm is pis sed she’s moving out and I can’t say I’m too happy about it either, I

need my claim on her in some way.

“Eva, please kneel.” She shoots me daggers as she gracefully drops to her knees, I’m ignoring the

crowd, she has my full attention. I didn’t miss how my mother shouted out vulgar words when I told

them Eva was my intended. “I, Alpha Castiel Freelin, accept you, Eva Smith, into the Everfur Pack.

Once you drink from my blood you will be connected to me and the Pack.” I pull the silver pocket knife

out of my jeans pocket and stab the blade into the tip of my first finger, once the blood starts to pool I

accept the glass of Jameson, Rowan holds out to me. I keep eye contact with Eva as I let the blood

drop from my finger and swirl into the amber liquid turning it a pink-ish colour. The entire crowd is silent

as I hold the glass out to Eva, for a minute I think she might refuse but she quickly takes the glass and

slams it back like a seasoned pro.

“Calm down everyone, you know what’s happening.” I block Rowan out as he responds to the gasps This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

and shouts as Eva’s link takes hold. Usually the Pack isn’t all together when this happens so it seems

more impactful this time, not only are they getting a new member they are also gaining an Omega.

“Breath Angel, just let it wash over you.” Eva has dropped to her hands, she’s now rocking back and

forth as her mind and wolf try to






He Rogue Draga Chapter $1

comprehend the Pack links taking place.

‘I can’t stop it.’ I smile as I step back from Eva, I doubt she even realises. she just spoke to me over the

Pack link. Her jaw is clenched as she tries to fight Ghost, her wolf wants out and I think she should do it

surrounded by her Pack.

“Everfur, let’s run!” Dropping my jeans I call Storm forward just as Ghost steps in front of me, I chuckle

when I realise she’s hiding me from the females in the crowd. “Don’t worry Angel, I’m all yours.” I wink

at her as Storm comes forward and I land on four paws, I can feel Storm’s joy at finally being linked to

Eva and Ghost. He throws his head back and howls so loudly that Ghost drops her front paws to the

ground and tries to cover her ears. The Pack returns my howls and I watch the clearing start to empty,

walking over to Ghost, Storm nudges her with his nose.

‘Alpha, Eva, come on.’ Selena’s cheerful voice breaks over the link as Ghost rises from the floor, Storm

nudges her again before yipping and running off the wooden platform.

It isn’t long before we are breaking through the trees and chasing after Rowan and Selena, all around

me I can hear wolves playfully running and growling at each other. Everyone loves a good Pack run

and this is why I wanted Eva brought into the Pack tonight, I wanted her to see the fun side of being

part of a Pack.

‘How you feeling Angel?’ I can feel Storm holding himself back as he tries to run alongside Ghost, he

isn’t ready to part with her yet.

‘There are so many voices, it’s going to take some getting used to.’ I laugh loudly as Storm launches us

over a pile of rocks and waits for Ghost to join us.

‘You can do it Angel, just let Ghost take over. She knows what to do




Hit Rogue Omega: Chapter 51

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and if she doesn’t the wolves around her will help. That’s what a Pack is Eva, it’s a family stronger than

blood.’ I don’t want to rush her but I can see her battling with her wolf on the other side of the rocks,

they aren’t big and are easily jumpable if she just lets her wolf take over.

‘Everything alright?’ Rowan’s voice comes over the Pack link and I watch Ghost’s ear swivel as she

tries to understand where the voice is coming from.

‘All good, you keep going.’ I feel Rowan grow further away from us as he leads the Pack into the trees,

he will take them down to the stream where they can play and let off some steam before heading back

to the Pack house for a cookout. I’m so focused on Rowan and where the Pack is going that I don’t

realise Ghost is growling until it gets much louder.

‘Eva, what’s going on? Ghost, talk to me.’ I try to pull Storm back so I can speak to Eva as a human but

he wont let me. He forces me to sit and watch as Sookie comes walking out from behind a tree, she’s

wearing a bikini top and booty shorts, she hasn’t shifted with the Pack which is a huge disrespect on a

sanctioned run.

“Don’t growl at me, I should be the one pis sed off.” Sookie crosses her pink nailed hands across her

chest making her breasts look massive. Ghost just lowers herself to the floor and growls more deeply,

“you realise he might as well have just co cked his leg and pis sed up you? You’re a rogue, you don’t

belong here.”

‘Alright, time to stop this, let me out Storm.’ I try to move us but Storm is holding me perfectly still, it’s

then that I understand, behind the rocks and under the shade of the tree Storm’s fur blends in perfectly

with the inky darkness surrounding us. Sookie has no idea I’m here.

‘Let’s just see how our mate handles herself.’ I really don’t want to




* Poque Omega Chapter 51

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leave Eva to deal with Sookie alone but I have to admit, I’m intrigued to know what she says to her

when she doesn’t think I’m here.

“I told you to know your place, instead of leaving you wormed your way into a Pack invite.” Sookie

takes a step forward but stops when Ghost growls even louder, “please like you could hurt me. I’m a

warrior and you’re a baby shifter who has no idea what she’s doing. Is that why you don’t smell like

Cas?” I hear loud sniffing, thankfully the wind is blowing away from me so Sookie won’t scent me

unless it changes. “I can tell you haven’t been with him, when you’re intimate with a shifter it mixes with

your scent deeper than any shower can clean.”

‘What do you want from me?’ I can hear the annoyance in Eva’s voice as she speaks to Sookie over

the link, being inexperienced she hasn’t closed down the link she shares with me so I can hear her


“I want you gone, I’m the next Luna of Everfur, not you. There is no way a filthy rogue Omega could

ever be a true member of this Pack, let alone lead it.” The venom in Sookie’s voice is one I have never

heard before, I knew she was a spiteful vapid female but I never knew she was this mean.

‘He doesn’t want you,’ I notice Eva doesn’t use our time together to hurt Sookie, she probably doesn’t

see it as something to brag about.

“Do yourself a favour and leave, I was screwing the last Alpha and I’ll soon be in this one’s bed too.

This Pack is mine, it’s my home and my right.” I can’t help but wonder if my mother knew my father was

sleeping with one of his warriors, I can’t imagine she does or else it would have been thrown in my face


‘No way, why would she want you to mate with her son if you slept with her mate?’ I hear leaves

crunching as Sookie steps forward and crouches down so she can look Ghost straight in the eye.





* Ague Omage Chapter 51

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“I’m a full service warrior, I do what is required of me no matter who asks. My Luna asked a favour of

me and I was more than happy to oblige, all I asked for in return was Luna when her son took over

control.” Having heard enough I pull Storm back with both hands and quickly step onto the rocks,

Sookie’s wide eyes would be comical if not for the situation.

“Stand down Ghost.” I walk over and place my hand in Ghost’s fur, she brushes her head against my

naked leg as I pulse out my Alpha aura. Sookie’s whimpers and the way she drops to the leaf strewn

floor tells me she’s fully under my control now. “You were warned to stay away from my mate. She is

Pack and my intended, you are nothing.” I spit the words out as I stare down at her, I can feel Ghost

shaking beside me as my anger grows.

“I’m one of you warriors, Alpha.” Sookie’s voice comes out in gasps as my aura holds her down.

“You are not, you are no longer part of the Everfur Pack. I banish you from this land and from

communicating with any of its members,” I feel her link snap as a few howls sound out around us. The

whole Pack will have just felt her leave the fold, they will all know what I have done. “I warned you that

if you kept pushing me I would get rid of you. Now get off my land.” I stand with my hand in Ghost’s fur

as Sookie drags herself from the forest floor and takes off running. I send out a message to my warriors

to make sure she leaves just before I bend down to look at Ghost.

“You ready to finish our run?” For a second Ghost just stares at me before sliding her warm tongue

along the side of my face and taking off over the rocks while yipping at me.

‘Storm, we have a mate to catch.’ I feel Storm take over and quickly I am following the sounds of Ghost

deeper into the trees.

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