The Stained Omega

Chatper 208

Chatper 208

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 41.

It’s the overwhelming heat that wakes me up but when I look down and see Eva stretched across my

body I can’t be mad. She’s positioned herself across my chest so she’s laid with her head over my

heart. I thought waking up with Eva would feel good but nothing can describe how it actually feels. I

want nothing more than to lean back and enjoy this moment but there is a niggle in the back of my

mind that feels like an itch I can’t scratch. I’m not sure what it is but I have this deep feeling that it’s

something important.

‘Is anything wrong?’ I reach out Rowan over the Pack link as I fold an arm under my head, it lifts my

head so I have a better view of Eva sleeping on my chest.

Funny you should ask,’ I roll my eyes as Rowan quickly answers me


‘You’re about to ruin my perfectly good morning aren’t you?’ I feel Rowan chuckle over the link.

‘How good? We talking fully good or just a lazy rise?’ I can’t help the laugh that comes out of me, I

quickly hold my breath as Eva shuffles in her sleep but doesn’t wake up.

‘Mind out of the gutter, Beta. What’s going on?’ The niggle is getting stronger and I’m becoming a little


‘You remember Mary Nickel? The one from the veggie farm just south of the Pack house?’ I think for a

second and I think I vaguely recall the red haired, freckled faced pup from the Pack house when I was


‘Yeah? She alright?’ The little niggle isn’t screaming pain to me but it’s




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 41.

288 Vouchers

definitely something happening within the Pack. I can feel the whole Pack through our link and this

almost feels like something is growing within it.

‘Me and Selena are here at the farm now, she went into labour about twenty minutes ago.’ I smile as I

realise the niggle I’m feeling isn’t something bad, it’s a new Pack member being born.

‘I’m coming over, first pup born in my time as Alpha. Can’t miss that one.’ I look down at Eva and

debate if I should wake her or if I should try and roll her in the bed so I can climb out.

‘I’d come quick then, pup is in a rush according to Selena.’ I feel Rowan close down our link as I decide

to just roll Eva instead of waking her up. She had a really bad dream last night so I know she needs the

sleep, thankfully after we fell asleep together she didn’t have another one.

After some careful manoeuvring I managed to get Eva laid on the bed instead of me, she instantly

shuffled back to my side and stuffed her face into my pillow. Even asleep she gravitates towards my

scent, I feel Storm puff up his chest in pride as I quickly shove on some clothes and tiptoe from the

room. I’m almost at the stairs when I remember I should grab some wine to toast the new pup.

‘Pup’s almost here.’ I quickly dash into my office and grab a bottle of red before flying up the stairs.

‘I’m coming, it’s not like I need to see it born.’ I roll my eyes at Rowan as I run out the front door and

jump into my SUV. As much as I don’t need to see the pup born I am excited about welcoming my first

new Pack member. An Alpha’s success is said to be held on the size and happiness of their Pack so

new Pack members are always celebrated.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 41.

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The vegetable farm isn’t too far from the Pack house, I probably could have run here just as fast but

sometimes I like to be lazy. Driving up the dirt road to the farm I take a me ntal note of the fencing and

machines that both look like they have seen better days. Might be an idea to get some guys up here to

give the Nickels family a hand, they supply our Pack with fresh vegetables so the least we can do is


“Alpha?” Jim Nickels is sitting on the porch and trying to stand as I climb out of the SUV, he found his

mate pretty late in life so now he’s getting on in age. “Is something the matter?” I wave my hand in a

gesture to tell him to stay put.

“No problem Jim,” I hold a bottle of wine as I walk towards the porch. “Just heard we have a new Pack

member coming in.”

“Ah the first pup of your Alpha-hood. Please go on in, all that screaming is too much for me these

days.” I pat him on the shoulder as I walk past, he seems to be lost in his thoughts as he looks out over

the growing crops.

“Hello, any new pups in here?” I call out as I enter the cottage style kitchen, glancing around I can see

it hasn’t changed much since I was a pup. Back then the Nickels family was just starting out, now they

are thriving and supplying not only us but Midsey.

“Through here,” I follow the sound of Rowan’s voice into the lounge which is just beyond the kitchen.

He’s not alone, the man sitting with him looks very pale and sweaty, I would put money on this being

Mary’s mate. “Alpha Cas, I don’t know if you’ve met Heath yet?” I shake my head no as I put the bottle

of wine down on the coffee table and hold out my hand to him.

“Sorry I haven’t been by to meet you formally yet,” Heath’s hand is sweaty so I quickly let go and wipe

mine on my jeans.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 41.

288 Vouchers

“Sorry,” the poor bloke looks like he’s about to throw up. “No one warns you that it’s hell when your

mate is in pain like this. I’m just thankful you have a female doc here, back at Grey Pack,” the man

shakes his head unable to finish his sentence. I’ve heard of males going crazy at doctors due to how

pup close and personal they have to get when delivering a pup.

“Don’t worry man, it will soon be over.” As if I planned it all along the sound of a crying pup soon rings

through the house.

“Not going to lie, that was impressive.” I smile over at Rowan as Heath jumps to his feet, I’m surprised

by his size, not many men can match me in the height department. With his blonde hair and broad

shoulders, Heath could make any woman swoon while the men step back.

“Go meet your new pup.” I can already feel the connection of the new Pack member settling into the

mixture of all the other Pack members.

“Heath is from Grey Pack?” I ask Rowan as Heath all but runs from the room, poor bloke looks

desperate to see his mate and make sure she’s alright.

“You didn’t know?” I shake my head no as I take a seat on the floral sofa, everything in this room

makes me think grandparents. I wonder if Mary and Heath will remodel or if they will build a place of

their own.

“I’ve slacked in meeting some of the Pack, with everything it just feels like I’m juggling everything.”

Rowan slaps me on the shoulder as he sits down next to me.

“Don’t worry, we will have a new Head Warrior soon and you can stop doing this alone. Don’t be too

hard on yourself, there is a reason Alpha’ Sh ave Beta’s and it’s to do the small things like this.” I lean

back on the sofa as I listen to someone walking down the stairs. I want to




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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 41,

288 Vouchers

discuss this more with Rowan but I also don’t want ears around to hear my failures.

“Healthy baby boy and two proud parents.” Me and Rowan jump from the sofa as Selena comes

walking into the room, she’s in her scrubs with her hair tied back. “No Eva?”

“She’s still sleeping.” I walk over and kiss Selena on the cheek ignoring Rowan’s small growl, winking

at Selena and I turn back to my Beta. “Shall we go meet our new Pack member?”

“Only if you keep your lips off my mate.” I bark out a laugh as I dodge his incoming punch to my NôvelDrama.Org content.

shoulder, bouncing on my feet I stick my tongue out and run round the corner up the stairs. It’s nice to

be able to celebrate something good with so much piling up around us

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