The Stained Omega

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Chatper 186

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 19.


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While waiting for Cas to fall asleep my entire body is a live wire, I keep waiting for him to decide he’s

jumping into the bed with me but it doesn’t seem to be happening. It isn’t until Ca s’s breathing evens

out that I know he’s fallen asleep, laying still I wait a little longer before I make my move.

‘This is wrong.’ My inner crazy seems to have gone from crazy to kind of speaking sense, the thought

keeps running through my mind but it’s not one I’m listening to. The longer I stay here the more danger

I’m putting Ca s’s Pack in and myself in, I didn’t run into the forest to be kept under the fist of yet

another man. Once I’m confident Cas is sleeping soundly I carefully peel the comforter off me and slide

from the bed, I wince a little as I put weight on my left foot. Getting my teeth I force myself to stand and

slowly shuffle over to the door, Cas starts to whimper so I stand still as a statue for a bit and listen as

he calls out.

“Stop, I don’t want to.” He sounds like he’s in pain and part of me wants to go over and comfort him, I

stamp that part down deep and carefully open the door stepping through it.

Luck seems to be on my side because the room beyond the bedroom is clear of people but I don’t see

a door leading to the outside as I expected. Instead there is a small cream sofa, a television and what

looks like a mini fridge. It’s almost like a small lounge, something you would find in a small home and

not a Pack house. Thankfully there are some stairs just off from the two doors behind me, I know from





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and Cas chatting earlier that the second door is most likely Ca s’s office, so I head for the stairs praying

that they don’t creak. It’s a bit awkward climbing the stairs with a foot that doesn’t like me putting weight

on it but I eventually make it and push the door open onto what looks like a bigger version of the lunge I

just came from. It’s got cream walls and a soft carpet, there are three big leather sofas, a large

television and what looks like some kind of bar. Most of the walls have floor to ceiling bookcases each

filled with books, someone in the house must be big on reading.

“Well if it isn’t the world’s most pathetic rogue.” The sounds of the female voice makes me jump as I

close the basement door, turning around I see a small woman sitting in an armchair holding a glass of

clear liquid. The small lamp on the table beside her is the only thing lighting up the room, I can just

make out her light brown hair, brown eyes and brilliant red lipstick. “On the run are we?” Putting my

back to the door I just stare at the woman sipping her drink, I don’t know why but my entire body is

screaming at me to run, everything is telling me this woman is bad news.

‘Go back to Cas.’ I try to shake off my inner crazy as it begs me to run back the way I came.

“Where’s your wolf?” The woman leans forward a little revealing the swell of her breasts in her

revealing top, she sniffs the air loudly like she’s trying to draw in my scent. “Either the impossible has

happened and I’m actually drunk or you have no wolf little girl.” She tilts her glass to the side, spilling

some of her drink onto the armchair before shrugging her shoulders and taking a big drink. “After a

while even this stuff stops affecting you, why are you still here? Ain’t no one stopping a wannabe rogue

from leaving.” Feeling with my hands I start to side step along the wall, never taking my eyes off the

lady sitting in the chair. “That’s it,” she nods as if agreeing with my movement. “All the way along the

hall to the kitchen, the back door will lead to a garden, follow it to the forest.” I don’t know why she’s

helping me but





His Rogue Omega Chapter 19

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right now I couldn’t care less, I just want to get out of here.

Seems the drunk lady was right because before long I am breathing in the night air while standing on

what appears to be a wrap around porch. It’s white wood which goes nice with the green colour of the

house. I bet it would look really nice during the day, especially in the summer with flowers blooming all

over. The garden itself looks to be rather small compared to the massive one back at Swiftmane, a

large portion of this garden seems to be taken up by an awful stone brick building. It looks completely

out of place next to such a nicely painted house and I can’t for the life of me think of what can be in

there. It’s not until I have hobbled my way down the steps that I realise there is a person standing in

front of the brick building.

“Eva.” I don’t recognise the voice but it’s authoritative enough to have me stopping still with one foot

still on the white steps and another in the cold wet grass.

“Over here kid,” I roll my eyes at being called a kid, Cas sometimes calls me that too. Looking to the left

I see another man standing next to a massive metal door, I can’t see much thanks to the dark but this

man is clearly a giant like Cas.

‘They make them big here,’ my inner crazy seems to be in awe of how tall the guys around this Pack

seem to be. I haven’t yet seen a single one of what I would call normal height.

“I just wanted some fresh air.” I shout back lamely as I fully step onto the grass, I’m me ntally

calculating if I can make it to the forest before either of these guys gets to me.

“Come here, I want to show you something.” I don’t really have a choice, even without a bum ankle I

wouldn’t beat two shifters even in human form, sighing I make my way over to the man standing next to

the door.

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His Rogue Omega Chapter 19. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

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Once I’m standing in front of the man I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him before, his green eyes are sparking

a memory that I can’t quite grasp.

“Rowan.” The man’s voice is gruff but also hypnotic, something about him just instantly puts me at case

and that instantly gets my back up. Men who can relax you with just their voice are dangerous. “Come

on, I want to show you who you’re running from.” I don’t say anything as Rowan reaches behind him

and opens up the massive metal door, I expect it to squeak or at least make some kind of ominous

noise. Instead it opens like any other door showing a room filled with stone walls and concrete floor,

even from here I can smell the urine, blood and sweat emanating from the room.

“I don’t want to.” I know instantly that this place is filled with cells just like the basement at Swiftmane

Pack, been there and done that. I have no desire to be locked behind bars again.

“Once I’m done I’ll walk you back to Ca s’s room or if you still want I’ll get you a go bag and send you

off into the forest.” He smiles at me making his cheeks dimple and his green eyes shine, “and maybe

some shoes.”

“Promise?” I don’t know why I trust Rowan but for some reason I really do, it’s something about how he

holds himself. He’s full of confidence but not overconfident, I’m sure I’m going to regret my decision but

I already know I’m going to follow him into this building.

“Promise, now shall we?” He holds the door open for me giving me the choice, nodding my head, I

slowly shuffle into the bricked room.

The door closes behind us and I’m actually surprised by how well lit the room is, I can see the bars on

the doors now. I was right in thinking this was home to cells, from what I can tell it holds maybe ten



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His Rogue Omega Chapter 19.

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“This way.” Rowan doesn’t touch me, he just points ahead of me and walks at my side, he walks me

through the cells but never enters any of them. One cell has a man with blonde hair sticking to his face

from the sweating rolling off him, from the smell of it he’s vomited a few times. as well. “Ignore John,

he’s in here for a reason.”

“You hurt him?” I don’t understand why they would seal a Pack member away in his own vomit, he’s

clearly in need of medical


“Not us, John decided to mess with drugs and it’s f ucked with his wolf. Selena is trying to figure out

how to help him.” I don’t say anything as Rowan leads me round the corner to a cell sitting on its own,

completely away from the others. This one is different though, there is a small bed in this one, maybe

big enough for a child and there are scratches in the wall. Some look like they are from a wolf and

some look like they have been made with something sharp. Stepping into the cell I reach down and

trace my fingers along the name etched into the wall.

“Castiel?” I ask Rowan as I finish tracing the ‘L’.

“He prefers Cas, never was a fan of his own name.” Looking around me I’m shocked when I realise

Cas has at some point spent a lot of time here.

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