The Stained Omega

Chatper 177

Chatper 177

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 10.


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‘Come to my office,’ I reach out to Vince, I’ve had enough with his attitude and lack of work lately. Eva

has been in the hospital for two days and although I want nothing more than to sit with her, I can’t. It

would draw too much attention if a Pack Alpha was to sit at the bedside of a rogue. I have Selena

giving me hourly updates though, I’ve been waiting for the ball to drop but as far as I can tell neither

Rowan or Selena have said anything to anyone about who Eva is to me.

‘I’m busy.’ I grit my teeth as Vince’s voice comes over the Packlink, the fact that he’s ignoring a direct

order from his Alpha just shows me how little respect he has for me.

‘I don’t care, get your as s down here or you will be in the cells for the next few nights.’ It’s barbaric to

lock up your Pack as punishment but I don’t know how else to handle this situation.

It isn’t long before my office door is being slammed open so hard it bangs off the wall shaking the

pictures I’ve put up. I just sit in my desk chair and stare at my fathers Beta. He’s wearing jeans and

nothing else, his hairy beer belly chest is shining with sweat which means he just came from a run or

another activity I don’t want to think of.

“Sit down.” I add a growl behind my words and for a second Vince’s hazel eyes go wide.

“What is this?” He drops himself into the chair in front of my desk and I just look at him before looking

at the door. He sighs loudly before




Ha Roque Omega: Chapter 10

288 Vouchers

leaning behind him and pushing the door closed.

“Tell me about the drugs in Midsey and the coal mine.” I pick up my pen and pretend like I’m writing

something down, in actual fact I’m just trying to make him think I don’t know anything, “I heard whispers

while I was in town.”

“No drug problem I know of,” he crosses a leg over his other and leans back in the chair, he looks

completely relaxed.

“And the rogue problem?” Again I make it sound like I don’t know anything, I don’t understand why he’s

keeping these things from me.

‘Because he’s as useful as a dead rotten rabbit.’ I inwardly laugh at Storm, my wolf definitely has a way

with words.

“Only rogue I know about is the one in the hospital, if we are lucky she will die and that will be that.” I

fist my hand under the desk as I try to control my temper. I know he doesn’t know Eva is my mate but I

don’t think he would care if she was.

“So this is where I’m at,” I look Vince in the eye and keep my face as blank as possible. “You are either

the worst Beta in the history of Beta’ s or you disrespect and hatred of me is making you purposefully

neglect your role.”

“What did you just say to me boy?” Vince jumps to his feet and slams his hands onto my desk, the

anger is clear on his face but I force myself to stay seated.

“That’s Alpha Cas or Alpha. I haven’t been a boy for a long time.” My words are calm and carefully

chosen, I speak them slowly to make sure he hears every word.

“You’re not half the Alpha your father was, running around chasing rogues and drugs: When was the

last time you held a Pack meeting or





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 10.

288 Vouchers

directed your household? Hell, where is your Luna?” Vince is raging so much that as he finishes a

small dribble of spit rolls down his clean sh aven chin.

“Sit down before I put you down.” There is only so much disrespect I will take, Vince holds my eyes as

he growls at me, I growl back louder feeling Storm just under my skin. I pull him back as Vince lowers

his head and sits back down in the chair.

“My father was an egotistical religious fanatic who ran this Pack with an iron fist, there was no room for

error from anyone.” Vince goes to speak but I hold up my hand, “I’m speaking now!” I growl loudly and

Vince whimpers a little as I pulse out my Alpha aura. “He was a private Alpha who never let anyone

inside the Pack borders, he was a bully and an abuser. I am three times the Alpha my father was and

you’re lucky I don’t kick you out on your as s!” I could bring up everything but why bring up the past to a

man who doesn’t see any wrong in it.

“So what are you going to do? It’s not like you can’t have a Beta, it’s against our laws.” He’s smiling at

me, thinking he’s caught me in a loophole. I open my laptop and open the email from Alpha Darryl, I’ve

been speaking to him about Vince for a few days now. I’m a new Alpha and never really had anyone to

guide me so Darryl is the first person I went to when I decided to do this.

“Actually I can be without a Beta for a period of one year before the Elders force me to take another or

disband the Pack.” Vince suddenly looks uncomfortable, I glance at the email to make sure I have the

wording right, Darryl was very clear that it needs to be exact. “I, Alpha Castiel of the Everfur Pack,

declas s you Vince Freelin’ from Beta to Pack member.” Vince/gasps out as his link to the Pack starts This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

to change, I can feel it vibrating within my head as it molds into something different. “No longer will you

share my confidence, my concerns or have the burden of Pack problems.” Vince howls out as I finish






His Rogue Omega Chapter 10.

288 Vouchers

removing him from Beta, I know it hurts. I can feel the pain too but I grit my teeth against it, Vince starts

to shake with the pain as tears leak out of his eyes.

“You’re going to regret this.” I narrow my eyes at Vince as I take the threat for the promise it is.

“Leave this Pack house, you may stay on Packland but if you do anything to affect this Pack you will be

exiled.” As a simple Pack Member he has no choice but to follow my order, he practically crawls to the

door and leaves my office much more subdued than he entered.

Alone I lean back in my chair and let the pain of the link change come over me, it’s like an itch under

my skin that I can barely get to. It’s going to be hard without a Beta but it’s not like I’ve had a proper

Beta since becoming Alpha. My phone ringing has me pushing the pain back down, grabbing it off my

desk. I see Selena’s name and quickly push the accept button.

“Alpha, I thought you might like to know that the rogue’s brain bleed has lessened. I will be trying to

wake her later this evening.” her tone is particularly formal which makes me think she’s around other


“Are you alone?” I sit up straight in my chair. I’m ready to issue the order to Rowan if Selena is in


“The rogue Eric is still here, Alpha.” I understand now, she’s in the presence of a none Pack member

so she’s being formal to show the Pack’s power.

“Do you need us there?” I hear Selena tell a nurse to get some medication just before she speaks to


“No Alpha, I just wanted to keep you updated.” The line goes dead and I lower my phone to the desk. If

Selena says she doesn’t need us then I





Fox: the wems to know Eva ‘In the

On it, I felt the change within the Pack II was you I’d put the word out before he does ‘I notice Rowan

doesn’t disagree with my devinim but again offers me advice on how to handle it, if Rowan wasn’t so

good as Head Warrior I’d have him as my Pleta

His Rogue Omega Chapter

288 Nouchers

believe her but I would be foolish not to be cautious.

‘Rowan, I need you to look into this new rogue, Selena said he’s called Eric. He seems to know Eva.’ I

issue the order to Rowan over the


‘On it, I felt the change within the Pack. If I was you I’d put the word out before he does.’ I notice

Rowan doesn’t disagree with my decision but again offers me advice on how to handle it, if Rowan

wasn’t so

good as Head Warrior I’d have him as my Beta.

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