The Shark Mafia Boss

Chapter 107 - Birthday part 7

Chapter 107 - Birthday part 7

Raphael POV

After twenty hours of labour Mel was finally born. She is perfect. She has blue eyes but as I was told

when Mike was born, Every baby is born with blue eyes.

Olivia is extremely tired and she did so well. She is a hero. She is the most amazing woman I’ve ever


Her mother arrived not long ago. We had a private jet pick her up to bring her here the moment Olivia

went into labour.

Unfortunately there was a big storm hitting here so she was delayed by a few hours.

Olivia is now asleep. I can’t help but stare at her in awe. She is so strong. How can someone so small

be so strong?

“Raphael?” - her mother says walking in

“Come on in” - I say and she smiles looking at me without my shirt and having some skin to skin

contact with Mel.

Mel is sleeping against my chest with both her hands touching my tattoos. This feels right.

“You need to rest” - she tells me

“I am okay” - I reply

“You haven’t slept in more than twenty four hours son. Me and your mother will take care of Mel and

Liv” - she says and I take a deep breath looking at my sleepy wife to be and my baby girl.

I stand up putting Mel on her crib next to Olivia and I put my T-shirt on.

“If anything happens call me, I’ll just go have a shower” - I say

“Have some sleep because you will never sleep again, not with three kids” - she says

“I know” - I say while my hands mess with my hair.

I walk to Olivia and place a kiss on her head

“I’ll be back soon” - I whisper and Olivia moves her head a little.

I walk out of the bedroom and as if was rehearsed my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket.

I take it out and it’s Joseph.


“Congratulations” - he says


“Now on to the reason I called” - he says


“We captured two of the french guard and they are being held captive in the cell”

“Torture them. I want to know everything, where they meet, when they meet, who’s their boss besides

that ass” Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“No problem boss”

“Anything else?” - I ask

“Not for now” - he says and I end the call.

I am extremely tired and I need a shower.

The drive home was fast and when I get in Maria greets me with Mike.

She stretches his arms to come to me and I pick him up.

How is this even possible? I went from a badass playboy manwhore, shark of New York and CEO to

being tamed and a father of three. All in one year.

I shake my head and I take Mike with me to my bedroom.

I put Mike on the floor and he sits playing with some of his toys.

I sit next to him and I enjoy the silence. Well only his giggles and little moans when what he wants

doesn’t happen.

“You look so much like your mother” - I say placing a kiss on his head

Maria knocks on the door.

“Sorry for disturbing but it’s his bath time” - she says picking him up and waving goodbye at me to see

if Mike copied but all that happened was his hysterical cry.

“I’ll do it” - I say while I stand up walking to the bathroom and starting the bath.

Maria walks in with a naked baby and puts him in the bath with some of his toys.

I play with Mike while Maria bathes him. He looks so happy my boy.

I wonder how Gabriel is when it comes to have a bath.

He is almost three years old. How is that even possible.

After we get Mike into his pjs and giving him a bottle Maria takes him to sleep and I have my well

deserved shower.

After I finish I wrap a tower around my hip and I walk out drying my hair with another one.

I lay down I bed not bothered about the wet towel. I am tired and I need a nap. I send both towel to the

floor and I crawl into bed. This bed feels empty without Olivia and I don’t like it.

I close my eyes and I can feel my body relaxing and I drift off to sleep.

I don’t know how long I was out for but when I open my eyes the sun is shining and it takes me a

couple of seconds to adjust my eyes with the bright light.

I roll in bed to find it empty and I take a deep breath.

I grab my phone and I see a text message.

“We need to talk” - from Olivia and my heart skips a beat.

Every time someone says we need to talk there’s hell being lose.

“I’ll be there in one hour” - I message back

I get dressed and I play a little with Mike before I head out to the hospital

Once I am there my mother is cuddling up to Mel and Olivia’s mother is looking at them smiling.

I knock on the door and I can hear Olivia’s voice saying to come in.

I step inside and I find my beautiful woman all showers and smelling amazing.

“Hello love” - I say walking to her and placing a kiss on her lips.

“We have to talk Raphael” - she says and I nod my head taking a seat on the chair next to her bed

Hello everyone

Tell me what you think will happen next.

I will take a couple of days off.

The next chapter will be updated on the first of January 2021.

I wish you all a happy New Year and I hope that 2021 is better than 2020.

Stay safe



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