The Second Marriage Chance

Traces of Heartache


As I stirred awake, the room enveloped me in a shroud of darkness, leaving me momentarily disoriented. Recollections trickled back, reminding me of my recent journey with Philip to this hotel, shadowed by Jessica’s persistent pursuit in her unmistakable pink vehicle.

My gaze fell upon Philip, seated on the couch as I exited the bedroom. A dim light illuminated his figure, casting shadows that danced across his troubled features.

Is he drinking?

Heavy with sorrow, his eyes met mine as I approached, his silent inquiry hanging palpably in the air.

“Why keep the truth from me?” he asked.

Confusion clouded my thoughts, grappling with the weight of his accusation. “What truth?”

He responded to my inquiry about the baby, our child, the infant I had been grieving for until this moment. As I sifted through memories, myriad thoughts crossed my mind, but one remained etched in my heart.

“Don’t you know? You saw my pregnancy report, Philip! You even asked your mother…” My voice quivered as the weight of the past threatened to suffocate me once more. How I was mercilessly taken to the clinic by Madam Cornell, the callous disregard for my maternal rights-they clawed at my consciousness, leaving me gasping for air, my vision blurred by tears.

“Sarah, I had no idea you were pregnant back then! I only learned about your miscarriage when we reconnected… But what baffled me is why you didn’t tell the truth that very night you demanded a divorce! You should have told me then about the pregnancy!” His voice grew louder, filling me with fear.

I looked at him, feeling a wave of disgust. “How, Philip? You treated me like dirt, just like your parents! You led me on, accused me of deceit, inflicted pain for three years, betrayed me…” Tears welled up as memories of the anguish at Serenity Pines flooded back. “I witnessed you gifting Megan the sapphire necklace. I saw…”

My voice faltered, stifled by the imminent cascade of tears.

“You went to the restaurant?” he asked, guilt evident in his expression. “Let me explain, Sarah…”

“No! The point is, you don’t love me, Philip! So, how dare you cast doubt on my decision to seek a divorce then? I confronted you! And without a flicker of hesitation, you coldly affirmed that there’s no love between us!”

Philip stood there, utterly dumbfounded.

My chest constricted, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. “How dare you, Philip?!”


My vision blurred, darkness encroaching as anger fueled my sobs.

Philip approached me tentatively and then pulled me into a hesitant embrace. “Are you alright, Sarah?”

I shook my head, gasping for air. “I-I can’t breathe.”

“Where’s your medicine?” he asked urgently.

“No!” I had to resist. I needed to see Josh.

Philip scooped me and gently carried me to the couch. I nestled into his embrace, settling onto his lap as he cradled me close, my head finding refuge against his steady heartbeat. I surrendered to his touch, finding a moment of peace in the familiar scent of his clothes, letting his presence soothe the turmoil within me.

“I’m sorry…” Philip whispered multiple times, his hand soothingly running through my hair.

Philip’s apologies failed to ease my mind. The truth is, I crave independence. I want to achieve success on my terms. I long to retaliate against those who harmed my baby! I want them to experience the pain that haunted my heart, hoping that by doing so, the ache and agony I’ve endured for a year might finally begin to fade away.


I stirred awake, roused by the soft morning light seeping through the curtains. Unsure of the hour, I found myself still cradled in Philip’s embrace, which surprised me; I hadn’t realized I had drifted off in his arms.

A pang of sorrow washed over me. The conversation from the night before yielded one certainty-Philip remained unaware of the truth.

At one time, I wouldn’t have been shocked if Madame Cornell had painted Philip as the villain, the one seeking harm for our baby.

‘That old woman!’ I muttered, my eyes narrowing with determination. ‘She has to pay.’

Standing up slowly, I adjusted my robe, casting a fleeting glance at Philip, who was still peacefully asleep on the couch. After a quick freshening up, I emerged from the bathroom to find Philip still on the couch.

Approaching the table laden with food, my stomach growling with hunger. At that moment, I didn’t care about the flavors or whether the dishes were still as delicious as before. All that mattered was satiating the gnawing emptiness inside me. I reached for the garlic bread, hastily tearing off a piece and stuffing it into my mouth. Along with it, I grabbed three extra cookies, craving the comfort they promised.

Peeking outside the suite, I spotted Trey.

“Madam?” Trey’s surprise was evident as he saw me emerging in just a robe.

I offered no response, instead choosing to quietly close the door behind me as I walked down the hallway.

“Where are you going?” Trey persisted, trailing after me.

“To my car,” I replied tersely.

“With that attire?” Trey’s concern was palpable as he glanced back.

“Trey, I’m no longer Philip’s wife. You don’t need to watch over me.”

Despite my protest, Philip’s bodyguard persisted in following me down to the parking lot, and I relented. After all, Philip’s staff mirrored his annoying nature.

I scanned the lot, hunting for my parked car amidst the sea of vehicles. Trey remained steadfast in his pursuit. His unwavering dedication to fulfilling his boss’s directives added to the mounting pressure throbbing in my temples.

Nevertheless, I chose to brush aside his presence. As I slipped into the driver’s seat, Trey desperately attempted to detain me, his imposing figure blocking the driveway.

“Madam Sarah, please! I’ll be in trouble with the boss if you leave without his knowledge!” he pleaded, his voice tinged with urgency.

“Tell your boss to go to hell!” I snapped sharply, inching the car forward. “Trey, believe me, I won’t hesitate to drive right over you if you don’t move!”

From his expression, it was evident that he was indifferent to the situation.

“Unbelievable!” I sighed in exasperation.

“Please, Madam Sarah, at least let me accompany you. I’ll take the blame if the boss gets upset. Besides, you won’t even notice me following you. Please…” Trey persisted, adopting a tone of desperation.

“Fine! Get in!” I relented, annoyed by the tactics employed by Philip’s bodyguards. They always play the sympathy card with me, as if I’m responsible for their boss’s bothersome behavior!NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Trey stepped aside from blocking the driveway and settled into the passenger seat.

“Ugh, annoying,” I grumbled, shaking my head.

All I wanted was a moment of peace without Philip. I drove towards Apartment Number 5.

As I exited my car after I parked in front of my rented residence, Jessica swiftly approached me, catching me off guard as I hadn’t noticed her pink car. Did she wait for me?

The corners of her eyes shadowed with intensity.

“You’re really a slut!” she accused sharply because I donned a hotel robe. “Who were you with last night, huh?” she demanded, her voice strained with jealousy and anger. “You won’t escape what you did to me at my wedding! You’ll see how ugly things can get, you ugly bitch!”

Before I could even react, she hurled the contents of her bottle in my direction, the liquid inside splattering dangerously.

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