The Second Marriage Chance

Through the Husband’s Eyes


For several months now, I’ve been residing at Serenity Pines Estate. Standing before the full-length mirror inside the wardrobe, I observe my growing belly. At 24 weeks pregnant, my belly is a prominent dome, growing more pronounced daily.

I noticed Philip leaning casually against the door, a soft smile playing on his lips, making me feel cherished.

“So sexy!” he exclaimed.

I can’t help but pout, my insecurities bubbling to the surface. “You don’t find me ugly?” I asked curiously.

“Not at all,” he assured me, crossing the room with long strides. His strong arms encircled me from behind, placing a tender kiss on my temple. “You are more beautiful than ever,” he muttered.

His words tickled my heart, spreading warmth through my chest. But there’s a playful glint in his eye as he added, “What if I did find you unattractive?”

“Nothing… I’ve experienced worse. It’s nothing if you find me unattractive.” The thought hurt, bringing back memories of past rejections and insecurities that threatened to resurface.

Philip caressed my round belly and let his lips trail along my neck, looking at my reflection in the mirror. “You are even more beautiful, my love.”

I shared with Philip what was on my mind: “I was supposed to attend a stockholders’ meeting on the next day, but it’s impossible for me to go in person. At this point, I will unlikely leave Serenity Pines Estate in my condition…” I paused, considering my words carefully. “I was thinking of giving you authorization for some of my accounts.”

That would be fine, especially since Philip and I are legally married. My child’s safety is more important than the stock market and the meetings I must attend.

Philip fell silent, his brow furrowing in contemplation. His hands continued their soothing circles on my belly, but I could sense the wheels turning in his mind.

I urged him further, “Come on, Philip. Emily is moving to Henderson. She’s accepted Bronn’s proposal, so asking her to handle transactions as my assistant isn’t feasible anymore.”

Philip caressed my shoulder and then explained, “It’s fine, babe. I want to help you, too; I’m just thinking about Amir and your Grandpa Mitchell. I don’t know how they’ll take our plan.”

Noticing me shivering, Philip fetched some clothes and carefully dressed me.

“My grandfather will understand me, but I’m sure Amir will question me.”

Without warning, Philip scooped me into his arms, cradling me against his chest. Over these past months, his pampering and attention have only made me fall more in love with him. I breathed in his comforting scent as he carried me towards the kitchen.

“Did you want something to eat?” he asked, peering into the fridge.

“Anything!” I exclaimed.

Philip quickly gathered colorful ingredients on the granite countertop. He picked out a thick piece of wild-caught salmon and placed it alongside fresh asparagus, cherry tomatoes, and sliced bell peppers. After arranging them neatly on a baking tray, he drizzled olive oil over everything and put it in the oven.

“Anyway, I’m happy to help you, babe. I feel more comfortable with you here at Serenity Pines. I’ll pick you up later tonight for the hospital. Ethan confirmed your check-up is scheduled for tonight,” Philip murmured.

That night, we learned my children were fine-yes, babies! Tears welled up when the doctor revealed we were expecting a girl and a boy, explaining my larger belly.

Overjoyed, we decided Philip would take over some of my commitments. I needed to be more cautious.

As we headed back to Serenity Pines from the hospital hallway, Philip received a call from his father’s assistant.

“Yes?” Philip answered, his body visibly tensing as he listened. The color drained from his face. “I understand. I’m on my way.”

“What happened, Philip?” I asked, unable to hide my concern.

“There’s been an incident with my mother at the prison, Sarah. I have to go there right away.” He swiftly called Trey and another security team member, telling them to escort me safely back to Serenity Pines.

Feeling anxious and uncertain, I grabbed my phone and messaged Jane, sure she would know more:

Me: Has something happened to Madam Cornell?

My ride pulled up to the Serenity Pines backyard, but there was no reply from Jane. Once inside the villa, I hurried to our shared master suite, quickly changing into more comfortable clothes while my mind raced with worried thoughts.

An hour passed with no word from Jane, even after midnight. Unable to sleep, I returned to the kitchen for milk. As I prepared it, I found Josh drinking coffee outside the main door.

Seeking company in my restlessness, I made my way outside to join him.

“Hey!” I greeted Josh.

He glanced at my swollen belly before returning his focus to his coffee.

“I’m the one assigned to guard through the night, so here I am, relying on coffee,” Josh remarked.

“Do you have any idea what’s happening with the Cornells?” I asked curiously.

Josh paused for a moment, and I sensed he knew something. “It would be better if your husband tells you,” he replied cryptically.

We fell into a peaceful silence, surrounded by the calm night. The air hummed with chirping insects, and a soft breeze gently stirred the leaves. The comforting scent of coffee and milk filled the air.

“Sarah,” Josh began hesitantly, “I’ve decided to leave Philip’s team. My former hospital reached out to me a few months ago; they want me back.”

“Oh! They’ve been trying to get you back for a while. What made you decide just now?” I said, believing in Josh’s capability to handle his work, having seen him manage my panic attacks and episodes.

“Because I need to watch over you, Sarah,” he said softly, a small smile playing on his lips. “Knowing you’re building a life with Philip, starting a family, puts my mind at ease. I won’t have to worry about him hurting you, sending you back to what you went through.”

“Thank you, Dr. Daniel Caldwell,” I grinned back, using his real name.

“I have one last favor to ask,” he said.

Before I could react, Josh held my nape, and his lips pressed mine. Shocked, I stood frozen, my eyes wide with surprise.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“What’s going on here?” My anxiety shot up in a single line from my back to my neck upon hearing Philip’s voice.

Josh stepped back, glaring at Philip. I saw Philip trembling, his eyes darkened with a mix of emotions. I hadn’t even noticed he had returned.

Gasping as Philip’s hand connected with Josh’s cheek in a sharp punch, I quickly covered my mouth, realizing the terrible misunderstanding he must have had upon finding us outside our house at this late hour.

“Philip, wait!” I cried desperately, my voice cracking. “It’s not what you think!” My heart raced as I tried to reach him.

“I’ve had suspicions about your loyalty from the beginning!” Philip shouted through gritted teeth, his demeanor darkening.

“Heh…” a sardonic smile playing on Josh’s lips. “And I’ve always known you were a first-class asshole! I can’t believe Sarah forgave you even after locking her in the closet. But what can we do? But I suppose that’s what love does to people!”

Josh’s words struck Philip hard, leaving me feeling like cold water had been poured over my realization. He was about to lunge at Josh, and without hesitation, I threw myself forward, grabbing Philip’s arm with both hands.

“Stop it, both of you!” I shouted, my voice echoing in the night air. “Just leave, Josh, please. I will forget this night ever happened.” I exclaimed, my chest heaving with mixed emotions. I still couldn’t believe he kissed me.

As I glanced around, I noticed several of the estate’s staff watching our commotion. I wished desperately for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

Philip pulled his arm away from me. His eyes, full of hurt and betrayal, wouldn’t meet mine. Without saying a word, he turned and stormed toward Serenity Pines’ main building while Josh was escorted towards the estate’s gates.

Fear shook me. I remembered when Philip caught me with someone in our room before and kicked me out of Serenity Pines. Tears cascaded down my cheeks.

Alex, who had been nearby, approached me.

“Madam Sarah, I’m not sure what happened, but I know you’re innocent… Please understand the boss. He needs you now more than ever.”

Alex’s following words sent a chill down my spine, leaving me breathless.

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