The Second Marriage Chance

A Son’s Burden


“I handed you the job! We poured millions into this movie, only to discover the audience isn’t pleased with the story’s flow. And now there’s negative feedback because the lead actress is embroiled in scandals!” My father’s voice echoed in his expansive office.

“Do something!” he bellowed, hurling papers at me that had been neatly arranged on his broad desk moments before.

Clenching my fist, I exited his office. Crisis after crisis plagued Luminary Productions, and yet, as CEO, my father dumped it all on me.

This was the norm in the office between me and my father. Despite orchestrating the issues himself, he still pointed the finger at me, the designated heir apparent as president of production. According to him, it was my responsibility to foresee these challenges! But when would he finally confer the position upon me? I had been his protege for two years now, and there seemed no end in sight.

I practically lived at work, bending over backwards to cater to his every whim! But I doubted I’d ever receive the love I yearned for from Dad.

His treatment was like a heavy weight crushing my spirit! Yes, I’ll admit to making errors in judgment and overlooking matters in the office, but I’ve paid my dues. I deserve the position that rightfully belongs to me!

With a heavy heart, I channeled all his anger into my work.

But hours later, my father barged into my office again, immediately blaming me for the current ranking of a popular movie produced by a rival company.

“You failed to secure that celebrity from them! Had he been with Luminary, we wouldn’t have been overshadowed by StellarScape!” he exclaimed, gesturing towards our competitor before hurling the iPad containing the news in my direction.

I couldn’t even count how many times an iPad had been replaced due to his outbursts. Unfortunately, I was today’s target. I remained silent, but my furrowed brows betrayed the weight of his accusations. Alex stood quietly on the side, avoiding eye contact with my father.

After the CEO stormed out, frustration boiled within me.

“Investigate the ranking!” I ordered sharply, my tone cutting through the tension.

“Understood,” Alex responded dutifully before reminding me, “Boss, we have a dinner meeting.”

I didn’t respond immediately, taking a moment to compose myself before reluctantly heading to the gathering.

At the event, I commanded unwavering respect from partners and acquaintances alike, a testament to my unwavering stature. Despite the relentless storm of mistreatment from my father, I stood tall, unwavering in my resolve. I am not just Philip Cornell; I am the indomitable heir to the illustrious Luminary Group.

I’m unable to resist the allure of alcohol once more, succumbing to its temptation after enduring several days of feeling low. The stress weighed heavily on me, driving me to repeatedly reach for the whiskey until I lost all sense of control.

As I stirred from the haze of the night before, I was met with the sight of Sarah beside me. Her very presence casts a calming spell over the chaos of my mind. In her embrace, I found refuge from the storm raging within me. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of green, glimmered with an innocence that washed away my troubles.

In a world fraught with turmoil and strife, it was in her arms that I discovered true solace. She bore the weight of my burdens without complaint. She never demanded more of my time or the things I could offer.

Bare of inhibition, I removed our garments, consumed by the intoxicating ecstasy of the night, and surrendered to each other in a passionate s3x.

The following morning, in a routine now familiar, I awoke with the weight of my troubles pressing upon my mind. Despite the throbbing ache of a hangover, duty called at the office.

As I stood beneath the frigid downpour of the shower, allowing the icy droplets to wash away the turmoil within, my phone lit up with a notification. It was a message from my mom, waiting for me to read it.

Mom: Megan has returned. Son, we must extend our support to her. Her time abroad hasn’t been kind. Despite everything, she’s still a friend. She confided in me that her lover mistreated her, even neglecting to provide for her basic needs. If possible, please consider buying a gift or something that could make her feel better.

I briefly glanced at the message before returning to my preparations for the office. Megan has always been close to my family. We’ve been friends since university, but our relationship took a casual turn. However, when she entertained the idea of eloping with another man, I wasn’t hurt; rather, I was annoyed because it bruised my pride.

One of our investors, who holds the company in high regard, inquired about my marital status when I was twenty-seven. He cited examples of their children, who married between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. They believed I needed a partner to accompany me to various social gatherings and to uphold the image of a responsible and respectable man. This reasoning, endorsed even by my father, was why I eventually agreed to marriage.

Back then, my thinking was straightforward: it didn’t seem like there would be any problems if I married someone.

Like a programmed machine, I dutifully adhered to my parents’ wishes, convinced that I would wield power effortlessly once I ascended to the presidency.

But today, as I marked my third wedding anniversary with Sarah, memories flooded back. I retrieved the necklace box and casually added it to my belongings.

A tidal wave of desire crashed over me, seeing Sarah sprawl on the bed, tempting every nerve in my body to reach out to her, yielding to the irresistible allure of her presence, just as I prepared to leave. Yet, like chains of obligation, the weight of impending office matters held me back.

Later that evening, I unexpectedly encountered Megan at the restaurant. Her face lit up, contrasting with my puzzled expression as I pondered her presence there.

“I thought this was supposed to be dinner with Dad and Sarah?” I asked Mom, my expression carrying the usual nonchalance.

“Ah, Megan is still family! She struggled for three years in another country. Have some compassion!” Mom scolded.

“Philip, I-I’m sorry… It just so happened that I bumped into Auntie outside,” Megan replied, though I suspected it was a lie.

Nevertheless, I just shrugged. Time flew by as they conversed while I diligently attended to my emails on my mobile phone. Their chatter annoyed me because I had office matters, and some required immediate responses. I didn’t want to face Dad’s anger again.

I stood up when Mom asked me, “Where are you going?”

“I need to call Alex.” Glancing at the clock, I realized Sarah still hadn’t arrived. I understood that if Dad couldn’t make it to dinner, it was his habit not to attend these gatherings. “Ma, can you call Sarah? She’s late!” Irritation laced my voice.

“What is she even doing? My goodness! She’s not even contributing to expenses!”

I allowed my mother to contact Sarah, as another pressing issue was demanding my attention at the office. Stepping away, I phoned Alex, who is currently representing me in a meeting. The multitude of issues is pounding against my skull like a relentless storm, threatening to shatter the fragile peace within.

After the call, Megan approached me. With her presence near me, I couldn’t help but notice the changes-her hair was now shorter and radiating glamour after her triumphant return to her family.

“Philip…” Her voice quivered, and she couldn’t meet my gaze.

“What’s wrong?” I inquired.

“I-I just want to apologize,” she said with tears in her eyes as if burdened with all the troubles.

I recalled what my mother had mentioned about Megan’s mistreatment by her lover, resulting in her return to Highland Hills City.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s alright,” I reassured her. Though my pride had been wounded at the time, that was three years ago, and truthfully, I had moved beyond it. The accusations by my father against me at the office now sting even more.

“Um, Auntie mentioned you got me a gift?” she asked tentatively.

My eyebrow shot up in astonishment. The memory of my mother’s mention of purchasing a gift for Megan flickered in my mind, though it had been shrouded in the chaos of my thoughts.

“I-I’m sorry!” she said tearfully. “I shouldn’t have expected anything.”

Her tears flowed. I felt irritated, but I couldn’t bring myself to scold her. Somehow, Megan and I had become friends.

A sigh escaped my lips, and I hugged her. “It’s fine,” I muttered.

I delicately retrieved the exquisite box, cradling the necklace meant for Sarah. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to gift it to Megan instead. After all, Sarah was nowhere in sight, and I decided I could purchase another one for her later.

I secured it around Megan’s neck before proceeding to the restaurant together.

It wasn’t until we decided to leave that I realized how much time had passed.

“Oh, I left something at Serenity Pines Estate earlier,” my mom said, so I decided to join her ride and let my driver do his routine.

Torrential rain pounded down relentlessly as we navigated our way home. My mind raced with concern, wondering where Sarah could be.

The dirty rubber shoes by the front door weren’t familiar. I was confused about who owned them, especially since they were significantly larger than my wife’s size.

Did Sarah invite a worker to the house?

“I knew it! That Sarah has another man!” Mom exclaimed, souring my expression.

Sarah’s scream from the bedroom pierced the air, shattering the silence of our home. However, the true shock set in when I entered the room to find Sarah accompanied by an unfamiliar man.

Instantly, anger surged through me, igniting a desire to hurt them!

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