The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 52


The walls he built are crumbling. Somehow, I am forcing my way through the crack, but he's fighting it with everything he has. It hurts to see him like this, so conflicted, so torn. Realising that his father had found out he helped me escape has shaken me. Silent tears stream down my cheeks, and I close my eyes.

Doesn't he realise all this does is strengthen my resolve to break those walls completely? Doesn't he realise that there is nothing he does that can make me change how I feel? 5

I told him my stupidest fear, the doubt that always niggled in my mind. I know my dad, and I know he loves me unconditionally, but there were times that question would come to the tip of my tongue. But if I voiced it, it would only hurt them more, so I didn't. They have done everything for me, Dad, Mama, Dante, and Skyla.

I saw how Skyla always put me first. Even when she was hurt, or had something troubling her, she would play it off. She stepped back as if blaming herself for me being kidnapped. But the truth is she has always protected me, always taken care of me and always looked out for me.

I know she made that bond with Malevolent so she didn't need to rely on Mama.

Of course, Mama still paid us both attention, but all the little things... everything from her saying she didn't want Mama to lie beside her at bedtime when Mama would tell us stories and it was her turn, and I would be happy for Mama to always be in my bed, but I realised far too late that she did that for me.

She pretended she didn't want a hug and kiss. Letting Mama kiss me first.

I saw it all.

I would die for her willingly because she is the best sister one could ever ask for.

Dad. Dad's guilt of that day is something that never left him, so how could I ever dare bring it up? I'm just selfish. I went through things, but so did they.

Everyone did...


Looking up at the night sky, I brush my tears away only for fresh ones to fall.

Don't you understand that Dad did his best? There was no way to end the djinn's curse.

If Dad didn't care, he wouldn't have let me come here, no matter how worried he was, no matter who convinced him... If he himself didn't allow me to come alone, I wouldn't have been able to. He has always been worried about you.

Dad got me this necklace. Dad understood and despite everything, he is so much more than you think. He tries his best for everyone. The decisions he makes are hard. So hard, but he has to make them.

I curl up on the ground, knowing I need them to talk. Enrique needs closure, and perhaps for someone who was there at that time to explain everything that happened and why they did what they did. Believe in us Enrique. Not the Rossis, but just us, just people who want the best for you...Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I love Enrique, love him for the goodness in him. No matter how much he tries to fuel his rage, he always was a caring person, a protector, and he still is.

We are going to get through to you, Enrique... we will.


I watch her from where I'm sitting, leaning against the trunk of the tree and resting my head against the bark. Our words spoken in hurt and anger replay in my head, and I close my eyes. Our story started a long time ago. I always thought I was just a page in her book... even though she was more than that in mine. In many ways, meeting her shaped my life.

Helping her was my own choice, and deep down no matter how many times I say I wish I never met her, I know that if I had a second chance, I'd still help the little chica who was just a victim in a game far bigger than the both of us.

I never saw that from her point of view and never knew her father had to make that choice. But I am certain that he loves her equally to her siblings, if not more. There's something about her that you simply can't help but treasure. My padre hurt her, he hurt her family, yet she harbours no hate towards me. I don't understand it, and I don't wish to, but my heart wants to understand how she can be so selfless?

There has never been anyone I've met with a purer heart than hers, than the heart I keep hurting. Hurting because I'm afraid of what it might mean ... I keep wanting to push her away and try to keep her away, but nothing phases her. I'm failing to keep her at a distance.

Frowning, I look at my hand before placing my thumb on my bottom lips, trying to calm the rage within me.

How many times will I hurt her before she finally realises I'm not worth it?

I close my eyes, wishing life wasn't so difficult...



'Come to the waterfall.

He knows which one. This has always been my spot.

'On my way!

I will have him watch her, there's no one else I can trust more. 'Bring a blanket and cushion.

'Ok..." he doesn't ask questions and I open my eyes, staring at the night sky, unable to shake off her words.

I shouldn't care, I don't care, but... I am a fool...

I am...

I place my hand on my forehead. Deep down I know what I feel... know that somehow, she's shaken the very core of my beliefs. My goal, my hatred.

But it is something I am unable to face because, in the end, it means nothing. This is no place for a princesa.


"Yes, Alpha?

'Any update with finding the witch? I ask, standing up and looking down at the woman who has now curled up on her side by the river.

'Not yet, but you will be the first to know.'

'The only one to know, I correct. There's a stretch of silence and I c**k a brow. 'Diego?'

'Alpha, prior to you asking me to find the witch... Beta Jose also asked, at the time I assumed it was on your request, but I'm not so sure anymore... Did you ask him to ask me?'

My eyes flash as I feel a sting of betrayal. 'Yes, I mentioned it, but I didn't realise he already had done so." I lie. "But I thought I'd do so myself. You will report only to me going forward,' I command. 'Oh, I see. Then I am glad I mentioned it, Alpha.'

'Yes. But if it was prior to my asking, then you should have told me then and there,' I reply coldly.

'Apologies. I will remember that in the future. I will find the witch.

I end the mind-link. Her words as she broke into sobs once again replay in my mind.

Words I know I won't be forgetting any time soon.

I hear light footsteps and turn to see Jose approaching, holding a cushion and blanket. That same sting of betrayal hits me, but I don't bother

questioning him. What is the point when I know he will simply lie? There is no point in it.

Taking the blanket and cushion from him, I look back at the woman far below.

'Watch over her at all times. Make sure she is safe and under your eye. There are things I need to handle,' I say quietly.

'Yes, Alpha. I look at him, fighting the urge to ask why he was looking for the witch, wishing he could trust me... but this is where we are at... an alpha and a beta who are not so close... But I know he'll keep an eye on her.

Turning, I silently make my way down towards her. She's asleep, tears like dewdrops still cling to her cheeks. She has one arm under her head, the other hugging the prosthetic to her chest.

My heart clenches at the sadness on her face.

The moment from earlier returns and I feel cold.

I almost lost her...

But can I truly lose her when she isn't even mine? I lean closer, lifting her head with my hand and resting it on my right arm before I slip the cushion under her head. She stirs a little and I still, not wanting to wake her. Once she settles, I gently place her head on the cushion.

I look up at the sky. It's a warm night. She'll be alright...

My gaze dips to her lips before I bend down, almost about to place a soft kiss on top of her head of curls, but I force myself back. Sleep, my flower petal.

I put the blanket over her and softly brush away her tears with the coarse pads of my fingers. Her skin is smooth in comparison to my hand, an angel who deserves someone of her standards.

What do you see here?

I stand up and back away slowly. I'm not at her rank...

Turning, I shift and head to the packhouse, I need to find more information on the Crimson King. Entering my bedroom, I grab some pants and shoes before grabbing a large gym bag and quickly make my way to my office, and over to the back shelves. My eyes fall on the box where I keep the necklace she had given me as a child, and remove it from the box. Staring down at it I frown...

No matter how much I denied it, why did I keep this?

I shove it into the bag before I uncover the hidden niche, pulling the lever to reveal a sensor pad and scan my finger on it before keying in a security code.

The ground rumbles a little as I feel the mechanism unlock before the bookshelf slides out and to the side, giving way to a dark, windowless room that is slightly larger than my office.

The walls are metal and stone, and the entire room has shelves, chests and crates. The room contains important documents, money, and everything else of importance.

The fireproof walls would keep this all safe even if there is a fire. I quickly go over to where there are several books on the shelf and start grabbing any that might contain something regarding the words I uttered earlier.

All the books here are on our pack and our history. Those words I spoke were words that I am certain no one taught me, but something I knew... but what exactly I did, I need to know. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on NovelDrama.Org.

Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the complete chapters for free. Stepping back into my office, I make sure the wall swings shut and is secured before I make my way out of the room. Carlos had mind-linked earlier, telling me where we would be staying, and I don't know how to feel about it. It was a home my madre would go to.

I grab a bunch of my paperwork and laptop, shoving them in the bag. I still need to deal with the attacks in the water.

What are we? A beacon luring monsters? I can't stay here long in case a crawler returns and I don't want to risk that. Shouldering the large bag, I glance around the room before I exit and lock up behind me. Exhaling, I head to the villa where Kataleya and I are meant to be residing, the silence giving me time to think. Once I reach it, the sound of the fountain reminds me of my childhood and I shake my head. This was Madre's safe haven, a place she often brought me to when Padre was supposedly busy with work, a place I'd shut out because she was always in tears.

Back then I didn't understand it... but as an adult, I do now. It was when he would have other whores in our home. Women of our own pack who didn't seem bothered that they were disrespecting their luna. It disgusts me, and it is the reason why I would never sleep around with my pack members. I am their alpha, and that is the relationship that will always remain.

But Kataleya... that is a woman I would possibly break every rule for...

I stare up at the villa; the lights are on which means someone is here, possibly waiting for my return.

Why here?

I reach for the door, but it is pulled open before I can ring the doorbell, and I find myself staring at the white-haired man who bows his head deeply. "Welcome home, Alpha Enrique."

I'm not expecting him. I relieved him of his duties years ago... I haven't seen the man in a while, refusing to have anything to do with him because he knew my past... He has seen me at my lowest and at my best...

"Hugo." 10

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