The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 34


Something is wrong with me, at times I feel like I'm not myself, almost like-

Almost like my padre...

And that is something I would never wish for.

What am I doing?

I drop into my seat, hating the words I said to her. Even as they left my mouth, I wanted to stop.

Then why didn't I?

Self-control is something I have, for the better part, but then why didn't I?

I look down, wondering if this so-called revenge is going to be worth it? Is this the revenge that I'm seeking? What Alpha uses a daughter against a father?


Madre sure would be proud. I think sarcastically.

I lean back, staring at the ceiling. The feel of her lips lingers against mine.

That kiss... impulsive, fuelled with rage and anger, it hadn't been like the first... Yeah, she still felt incredible and still tasted delicious but it was almost as if she had frozen up... and I realised I could kiss her against her will as many times as I wanted to... but if she doesn't want to kiss me back, it won't feel the same.

The way I wanted it to feel... I wanted to hear her sexy little moans when she responds, feel her body lean against mine, hear her racing heart...


I close my eyes, the incessant hum in my head growing louder, and I massage my temples.

I want her so fucking bad, I just need one f**k to get her out of my system, but I'm not sure that's going to work... I might be a d**k at times, but I'm not stupid.

One kiss only made me want her more. What's the guarantee it won't be the same once I've fucked her? I might just screw myself completely.

This is the longest I've not gone to the club, and just thinking of a visit has sounded unappealing to me.

Even Jose, who is usually as bad as me, is no longer there for me to take as company, so now I have no excuse.

And Carlos, he won't drag me there. The fool only goes because we force him along.

I sigh once again, thinking about what I said to her once more.

I took it too far... but did I?

My plans for her have never been a secret, so why does she linger here?

When I was told that these lands were tainted due to the Djinn's long period of residing here, I had wanted to protect this place... but am I letting that darkness get to me? Is this intense hatred from me or the evil that remains here? Clinging to the very walls of this house? How does one vanquish evil?

How do I control my emotions that are intensifying violently?

In a way that I never wanted them to be.

Why now? What is making this darkness grow?

What kept me grounded?


Jose was the calm to my rage, but it would mean putting my ego aside and talking to him...

But he is a brother first... even if he is a dickface who needs a fucking beating.

But it's hard to admit that I might have been wrong.

I hear her whimper from the hallway, and pause, listening to her through the crack of the open doorway. Another pitiful whimper and I stand up, unease flooding through me. What is she doing out there?

Not that I should care.

I push open the door, instantly realising there's something wrong when I catch the smell of blood.

Her blood.

A surge of worry floods through me as I race down the hall.

"Kataleya!" I shout, catching sight of her just as she crumbles to the floor. I'm by her side instantly, lifting her up and freezing when I spot the blood that drips from her blue lips. What's going on?

'Jose! Come to my bedroom now!' I snarl.

Fuck, why are her lips changing colour!

'Coming!' he answers as I carry Kataleya quickly down the hall to my room and place her on the bed.

Removing her heels, I elevate her feet on a cushion.

"Come on... wake up," I command, but like always, it doesn't work on her.

I move back and head to the bathroom to dampen a towel before coming back and wiping the blood from her mouth. She sucks in a breath and her eyelashes flutter before she stills once more.

Just then Jose hurries through the door, before stopping as if uncertain if he should knock before deciding he should and knocks lightly.

"When have you ever knocked?" I ask coldly as I check her pulse.

"When you were alone, it was different." He answers as he comes over and checks her vitals. "What happened?"

My eyes rake over her body as I stand tall and run my fingers along her leg, stopping at the hem of her dress and looking away.

"We had... an exchange in the office and then she collapsed in the hallway. Shall I call the healer?"Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

He frowns as he looks at her hand. "What kind of exchange?" he asks sharply.

My anger flares through me at his accusation. "Are you accusing me of something, you hijo de puta?" I growl, hating his almost protectiveness towards her.

He stands up and looks me dead in the eye. "No. I'm simply asking Alpha." I force him to submit when I glare back at him, my aura raging around me. "Disrespect me again and I will show you what it means to be the Alpha." "I'm sorry I meant no disrespect, but she is Princesa Kataleya Rossi of England, Daughter of the Lycan King, Alejandro Rossi and the blessed wolf. Her sister is mated to a prophesied king! Her cousin Alpha Rayhan Rossi is one of the wealthiest and most influential alphas around."

With every word, my anger is rising once again.

"Her other cousin? Alpha Leo Rossi. There are rumours he is far more than we know. Her Uncle is the Deimos Prince. Oh, and let's not forget that her cousin Serafina is a high witch of the coven of England and-"

"One more word. And I will fucking throw you out of this pack." I snarl. My eyes blaze with rage as I grab him by his throat and slam him against the far wall, cracking it. "Yet remember that all those so-called fucking Rossis that you are singing praise for needed to unite to fight my father! They were too weak to take him alone! If you are such a fucking Rossi lover, then go f**k off to England! And take her with you!"

He looks up, a slight sadness in his eyes. "I apologise... but can I then say something as a friend?"

"A friend? I think you forgot what that was a long fucking time ago."

"I haven't."

I scoff, "Then go ahead. What do you want to say and make sure it is not on this fucking matter?!" I snarl, slamming him into the wall.

I want him to fucking fight back! I want him to stop being so f*****g antagonising and patient.

And that's why I know he doesn't see me as a friend anymore... because he would have spoken up.

"Do you remember the day we first met, and you promised me that I'll be your beta one day?"

His words aren't what I was expecting to hear, and I look up sharply. "What?"

"Do you remember it?" he asks quietly.

I frown, remembering that day... although I have blocked out a lot of memories, that was one that I classed as pleasant...

(FLASHBACK Enrique aged 11)

"Who's hiding there?" I growl, staring at the trees. I am out here training, but I'm sure there's someone there.

"I-It's just me. I wanted to see you train."

A boy probably around my age or a little older steps out from between the trees looking guilty, but I doubt he had any ill intent.

"Why? Go train or make use of your time instead of watching someone else train." I say coldly.

"But you're not just someone, you're the Alpha. I always wondered how you became alpha so young, but watching you train, I understand now. It's so cool."

"There's nothing cool about it," I say coldly, turning my back on him.

"I think it is. You've been Alpha for a year, and things are already looking better. I heard you even suggested that those who wanted to start a business be given funding. You're even making your home into a packhouse. You're going to be the best Alpha we ever had, I damn well know it!"

How can he be so sure? I don't think I will be... none of the elders like me. I'm certain they just wish I was dead so they could appoint a new alpha and be done with the Escarra bloodline for good.

"Your family will think you are a fool if you said that."

He frowns. "I don't think so. My parents also think you're doing incredible. From the age of ten, you stepped up and did a lot already. Imagine what you will have accomplished in ten years. How much stronger our pack will become."

I look down at my hand. I have been training harder because I used to do everything with my right, but now I must train my left...

"You're already doing great with your left hand." He adds.

I freeze as I look up at him, my heart thudding.

"Sorry... I've been watching you for a while..." he mumbles truthfully.

I frown. "Yeah... I won't let it hold me back. I will fight with one hand and still surpass everyone."

"You will... I... can I train with you, it's better to train with an opponent than by yourself... I can tie one hand behind my back-

"No, I will defeat you at your full strength." I'm ready for him to refuse, like everyone else, scared to hurt or upset me, but he surprises me.

"I think that's a better idea, otherwise you won't be able to push your limits!" he fists the air in excitement. "Besides, I'm pretty well trained."

I can see he wants to show his skills, but it's those words that really hit me.

I have tried to train with the warriors, but they all fear hurting me. They try to go easy on me as if just training with me to entertain me. I don't want that... I want to train with no holdbacks.

"Very well then... and if I do indeed find you skilled, then I will make you my beta one day," I say as I fall into my stance.

His eyes widen in shock, the wind rustling in the trees around us. "What?"

"I said I'll make you my beta, but on one condition."

"What condition?"

"That you will always speak the truth. You will not try to please me but say what you think. I have enough people trying to please me and worry over me. I need a beta who is better than that. A beta who will be the voice of reason when I need it... You will speak the truth no matter what... do we have a deal?"

He's silent as if letting my words sink in before something changes in his eyes. Awakening a determination in them, he nods before he falls into his stance.

"I promise to always speak the truth to you. I'm Jose, by the way. Nice to meet you, Alpha Enrique!"


"I promised I'll always speak up when you make a bad decision and as much as I know revenge is what you want, don't make an innocent woman suffer in the process."

"The thing is, you're no longer my beta..." I say quietly, although something about his words is sending my mind into turmoil.

"I may not hold the title of beta, but you said to me, you will make me beta as long as I told you the truth... you didn't say as beta- but as a person. And I'm doing that now." My eyes flash, realising he's right....

"That boy is long dead," I say quietly, turning my back on him.

"No, he isn't."

I turn sharply to the bed as two people say those words simultaneously, Jose and the Rossi Princesa herself. Her fierce pink eyes burning into my own...

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