The Princess Slave

Chapter 89

Violette POV

“Look at my daughter.. finally able to do things that are necessary,” Father said as he walked towards me. His white hair flashed brightly in my sight as the rest of him was blurry.

I let out a scream of pain as another wave of contractions rolled through me.

“You know.. after all these years.. I can’t believe you were strong enough to survive two attempts on your life.” He said. I tried to move away from him as he walked towards me.. but I was just too weak..

“F**k you,” I growled.

“That’s no way to treat your father.. I took care of you. Made you who you are.” He growled lightly as he kneeled in front of me.

“Why.. are you doing this?” I asked through my heavy breaths. My gown was soaking in my b***d.. I tried to hold my hand against it but I didn’t think it was doing much.

“You know why, my sweet daughter..” he said as he tried to reach for my face. I jerked my head back and held the b***d-soaked, silver knife between us. He let out a chuckle.

“You won’t.” He said.

“I will. Don’t f*****g test me.” I growled.

“See.. at first, I was just trying to spare you from the torment Viktor would put you through.. but then I realized that I’d wanted you dead for the longest time.. you’re the reason my mate is dead.” He growled that last line heavily..

“You’re the reason she’s dead.. had you just stopped..” he cut me off with a hard slap to the face.

“YOU ARE THE REASON YOU WHORE. I TOLD YOU.. TO F*****G WATCH HER.” He growled angrily. His eyes were flashing between his deep blue ones and the black ones of his wolf side.

“I.. I’m not a whore.” I began sobbing. I held my belly tightly hoping to stop the bleeding.. I wasn’t feeling any movement from my pup and I feared the worst.

“You killed Viktor’s little brother.. had you not.. mother would.. still be alive.” I sobbed.

He shook his head and sighed.

“I killed that little bastard because I caught him trying to poison us all. He was pretending to be a servant.. I caught him slipping some sort of poison in our food.” He growled.

“And it is still why mother is dead,” I growled. He gripped my face tightly and got into my face.. the look in his eyes was deadly.

“Do not try to put the blame on me. You had a responsibility, and you failed. Now.. one more word of your mother and I’ll cut that f*****g pup right out of you and make you watch as I kill it. Unless that slut behind you already did the job of killing it.” He growled.

“I’m your daughter! You shouldn’t be like this!” I cried.

“You.. are a f*****g disappointment, Violette. And to find out that your mate is Viktor? Our f*****g enemy! The child of the man who took your mother’s life? And pregnant with his f*****g pup! I ripped apart the castle when I heard the news.. you didn’t really think I wouldn’t kill you all for this.. right?” He asked.

“I knew you would. But I don’t care! He is my GODDESS GIVEN MATE!” I growled angrily.

“And I’ll kill him just like you killed your mother. But not until I make him suffer one last time by killing you.” He growled in response. I slashed the knife at him and missed. He smacked the knife hard out of my hand and towered over me.

“I should’ve killed you long ago. I should’ve killed you the day your mother went missing and I felt our bond break.. I should’ve F*****G KILLED YOU.” He growled as he lunged at me. He wrapped his fingers around my throat tightly cutting off all oxygen. I reached for the knife but it was too far away.

“You won’t survive this time.. it’s a shame, really though. You would’ve made a fine Queen..” He growled. He squeezed tightly around my scar.. my neck seared in pain.. my stomach ached with every second that went by. I felt a gush of fluid between my legs and I was grateful I couldn’t see whether it was b***d or not.

“I was happy when Viktor took you.. I knew someway.. somehow you’d make him fall for you had he not killed you already. I had people watching all the time.. seeing you two together, walking around the palace grounds, smiling.. laughing during the fireworks.. I would’ve taken you from him.. but my men constantly failed so I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and kill you myself.” He growled. I slashed my claws at his face and sliced deeply down his eye. He let out a growl as he removed his hands and held his face.

I choked in deep breaths.. they burned my throat and lungs but I was glad to have the air back.

“I hope he feels it.. like I felt it with your mother.. I hope he feels you both die.” He growled as he looked at me. He shoved his hands back to my throat and began digging his claws into it.

I looked deep into his eyes through my teary ones.. I opened my mouth and mouthed “I forgive you.” As I slashed my claws deep across his throat.

His b***d spilled onto my face and into my mouth.. he grabbed his throat tightly to stifle the bleeding, but it was no use. He choked on his own b***d as he looked at me.. His face paling as he fell against me and I choked in more air, also choking on his b***d.

The world around me began to spin.. everything was blurry, my belly was still contracting and I could feel a bulge pushing out of me..

The door busted open and I heard the faint yelling of.. I think Viktor..

My eyelids began to close but I tried my best to keep them open when the sight of my mate came into view.

“Violette! Violette, please! Stay awake..” he said frantically as he pushed my Fathers body off of me. I watched him.. his eyes widening once he saw the stab wound to my belly and he let out a wail of anguish. He pressed his hands against my belly and spoke to me.

“Violette, stay awake.. stay awake! Loren! Come help!” He growled loudly.

“Th.. the pup.. is c-c-coming..” I said breathlessly. Loren rushed over to us and took Viktor’s place and held his hands tightly to my stab wound.

“I see the pup! I see the head!” Viktor bellowed. I needed to push.. I.. I need..

“I.. have to.. push.” I choked out.. I pushed as hard as I could and felt my gown soaking further with b***d from my wound.

“Pushing is making the bleeding worse!” Loren cried.

“The pup is almost out..” Viktor said frantically. My head fell to the side and my eyes rested on my dead Fathers. He was a bloody mess. B***d pooled around him as it poured from his eye and throat.

My eyelids began to slowly close despite how hard I tried to keep them open.

“No. No. No.. Violette, stay awake.” Loren said. He turned my face gently and made me look at him.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Stay awake.. the pup is coming. Your pup is coming.” He said.

“My pup.. Minerva.. she killed my pup..” I said softly as tears ran down into my hair.

Viktor growled loudly.

“I.. will push,” I whispered.. I don’t think I will survive.. but I.. need to push.

I pushed once again as hard as I could.. until I felt relief.. but I couldn’t.. keep my eyes.. open..

“It’s a girl..” Loren said through his tears. Viktor rushed to me with our pup in his arms but I couldn’t get a clear sight of her.

I heard the faintest cry..

“She’s alive, Violette.. you have to stay awake.. you have to for our pup.. Beatrice is almost here. Please, my love.. please.” Viktor cried. He placed our girl on my chest and held her tightly against me. Her scent filled my nose.. so heavenly.

“I.. can’t.. Viktor..” I whispered. My eyelids began to close. I couldn’t hold them open any longer.

“Beatrice!” Was the last thing I heard Viktor yell before everything vanished.


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