The President Broken Angel

Similar fragrance

Next day! Kyhe woke up and sat out on the front of the bed of an hotel room, his mind rush back to the night before.

“Wow. So glamorous.” Jhonia eyes open wide as she said with a smile.

“Happy New Year– Where is Azerjie?”

“Happy New Year– Where is Azerjie?” Kyhe cut himself and asks. Just then Jhonia received a message.

“Happy New Year to both of you, thanks for allowing me to watch the fireworks with you.” Azerjie message.

“Happy New Year, Mr. Knight. I should go now.” Jhonia said stepping back! Kyhe grabbed her by her waistband and pulled her back to him. The two of them stared at each other for a moment…

“This was nice… To watch the fireworks with you, Ms. Smith. You should turned around and don’t just step back with looking. You could fall or almost fall like earlier. Okay?” Kyhe said to her before letting her go. Jhonia speechlessly nodded, turned around and leave quickly.

“How can someone seem so innocent but very bold when she has to, with a straightforward and sweet character. She always put others first, but someone like this is for sure”

“What are you talking to yourself about?” A pair of hands wrapped around his waist then asked. She place her chin on his shoulder cutting him off!

“You should clean up and leave.” Kyhe responded to the female saying.

He got up taking his phone with him to the bathroom, the female companion sat with confusion as she watches him walked to the bathroom and close the door behind him. After taking his shower, Kyhe return, and the female clothing was lay out on the bed! He sighed and walked out to the living section of the hotel room.

“I thought I made myself clear?” He asked the female companion as he notice her laying on the sofa, she sat up and turned to him.

“Do you even know my name?” She asks him.

“I don’t and I don’t care.” Kyhe responded to her as he began turning back to the bedroom.

“Why are you”

“You got paid. You did what you were paid for, now leave.” Kyhe cut her off and said, as he reached the inter section of the door.

“Who made you this way?” She asked Kyhe, who stopped, and she stood up! She waited for him to turn around and answer her but…

“Jhoni-ni… And apparently she doesn’t exist anymore, and don’t let me repeat myself if I were you.”

Kyhe said to her, he stood there not making any movement. After a minute he then stepped into the room, and as he realized his phone was left inside the bathroom he went for it. The phone rang as he picked it up!


“Where are you?” Tillayu asked?

“I’m out! I will be home in an hour, will you be there?” Kyhe said to her and asked?

“Ah! This boy when will you stop messing around with these different, different women when?” Tillayu sighs and asks him in an upset tone of voice.

“I love you too, I will see you soon! Bye.” Kyhe said to her in a sweet tone of voice.

“Hurry, you have a lot to tell me.” Tillayu said and ended the call! Kyhe went out to see his sleep withstanding at the door, with an angry face and tears in her eyes.

“Are by… Any chance… Married?” Her words shattered as her voice tremble asking him.


“Are you?” She yelled at him asking.

“I’m” Kyhe was cut off by a slap to the face from her, tears ran down her cheeks.

“You ungrateful bastard.” She said to him and after she dressed, she left, Kyhe sighed when she slammed the door.

“You didn’t even let me finish! What did she hit me so hard for?” Kyhe asked himself then he went and got dressed then left, he opened the door and noticed papers at the doorway. He squatted down and picked them.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“She rips it up!” Kyhe said as he realized it was the cheque he gave her.

“It’s not my lost!” Kyhe stated and stood up! Sometime later he arrives at his parents’ house.

“What’s up Tyu, why did you call me?” Kyhe asked as he saw his cousin lying on the couch with her feet curled up!

“If I quit working at the hotel, what would you do?” Tillayu asked him as she sat up and look at him.

“Nothing.” Kyhe said walking over to her.

“Nothing?” She asks him, raising her voice a bit.

“Unless you want me to do something. Then, go ahead tell me.” Kyhe said and she smiled at him.

“I want it. The hotel, however, they won’t sell it to me and could buy it but they will not sell it to you either, so we have to find someone who has been in public eyes at least once to buy and then hand it over to me. How dare they treat badly?” She told him she wants it but they’ll not sell it to her, even though he (Kyhe) can buy it they won’t sell him ither. She then asks sounding revenge full.

“Okay, the hotel will be yours Monday afternoon. I’m taking off then.” Kyhe said getting up walking away!

“If you dare… Come back here and tell me why you bought that room. Tell me now and here!?” She dared him and took a moment before calling him back demanding answers. Kyhe stopped and turned and walked back to her and sat facing her in the solo sofa.

“Do you remember the girl I talked about?” Kyhe asked her as he looked up at his cousin with a clear face before it shifted to hurt! He sighs and put on his poker face.

“Jhoni-ni right?” His cousin asked as if she wasn’t sure.

“Yea well, I can’t fine her, but I keep having dreams about her.” Kyhe said rubbing the back of his head!

“Wet ones at that! Continue. Don’t give me that look I’m your best friend even after ever.” Tyu teased him, then said to him when he looked up at her, telling him even after death they will still be bestie.

“Point is. She doesn’t exist, I can’t find her no matter how hard I try.” Kyhe said telling it’s no good looking for her, looked up at her, Tyu covering her mouth with surprised eyes.

“Ghost… A ghost! A ghost Kyhe of all creatures?” Tyu said and covered her mouth, her eyes widened as she then asked him. She then points at him as she looks at him up and down.

“She is not a ghost! I’m sure of it. That time when I lose my virginity to that unknown girl? I felt like she was someone I know, someone I long for, but when I woke up she too was gone.” Kyhe said to her, he then began to explain how he had felt with the innocent taker. Tillayu sat thinking about it for a moment.

“Well, obviously cousin but I can tell that you feel they are the same person. Why?” Tyu said to him, and then asked as she waits for him.

“Well, that day she told me she was running away with her cousin but she’s returning however, she wasn’t full in detail as to what or why they were running away? But the fragrance she wore that day was the same one the girl I sleep wear. I asked her to stay but she refused but then when I decided to look for her, she’s married to someone else. I would just kill if him if Jea would just say where she is.” Kyhe told her what he believes and why, but when he questioned her, he didn’t much of a reason why she was returning, and the similar smell of the one he slept with. but he found that she is married and what he would do if only he knew where to look with Jae’s help.

“And now, you don’t want to ruin her life, so you decide to give up! I think it’s best that you do, letting her go, but maybe faith will be on your side, the universe might send someone similar to you don’t worry. But i think I know now why you are changing females daily, it’s because they’re not her or her. Isn’t it?” Tyu said to him and told her she agreed with him to give up. She tells him may faith be with him and he would find someone similar, she then asks.

“I’m going to get everything set for Monday, I feel good after talking to you, as always. Thanks, Tyu.” Kyhe said to her with a smile getting up!

“Mmm, rest well!” Tyu said and watching him go upstairs.

“A ghost?” Tyu asked softly/

“She’s not a ghost!!” Kyhe yelled from upstairs. Tyu giggled that he knows her so well!

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