The President Broken Angel

No, I don’t like it

Jhonia woke up and lay down looking at the ceiling… Time passes. Suddenly, her phone rings and she pick it up and look at it, “Nearce”

“Well, it seems to be that I led you on. Impossible? Mr. Pinnock, why do I suddenly become the person who received your timing and first calls, these days?” Jhonia answered the phone, saying to him and then asked. She addressed him asking why he’s suddenly giving her his time, and calls.

“Where are you?” Nearce asked? Jhonia sat up immediately as it was the first time, he did not sound demanding.

“I’m home, why are you asking?” Jhonia responded to him and asked.

“Will you come back?” Nearce inquired of her return.

“Mmm. I have something to discuss with your mother, so I will stay for dinner but why do you suddenly have interest in where I’m staying?” Jhonia responds to him, she explains she’s to talk with his mother, so she’ll stay for dinner before asking him. Nearce, stay silent for a moment…

“Ahem… I miss you, that’s all I haven’t been seeing you these days. How are you?” Nearce cleared his throat and said to her, then asked her.

“I don’t miss you and you know whose fault that is. I’m doing fine so don’t worry about me, okay?” Jhonia said to him though, she could not hide the fact that this sudden sweet side of him makes her feel like he does care for her. She assured him she’s fine, telling him not to worry about her.

“Sorry, I- I won’t be here then… Have a good talk with mom.” Nearce apologized, he seemed to have discomfort in what she said but he decided to not show himself. He then said to her and ended their call.

“Okay, I– Hello, Nearce? … He ended the call, but why?” Jhonia said, then realized the call had ended. She asked why. As she wondered she felt like he was sad, and this was her fault!

She felt unsure of her reason, but she shook her head and went to shower. After the shower, she returned dressed herself then went to the kitchen and made her breakfast, after eating she went out and met Orean outside.

“Orean, why are you here?” Jhonia asked as she was surprised, he was there.

“I was on my way here, to see if you want me to send you since it would be your first day but, on my way, I received a call from Mrs. Pinnock. She sounded worried! She asked me to come and see you to check if you were, okay? So, I lied telling her you’re fine because I’m with you, but then I wanted to make sure that I didn’t actually tell a lie.” Orean explains he was on his way to her, when he received a call from Mrs. Pinnock who sounded worried and he lied about Jhonia’s well-being to her, but he wanted to make sure his lie wasn’t actually a lie. Jhonia started giggling at him.

“I’m fine, but I was on the phone with Nearce. She must have seen him being sad or angry so she thought I would be upset as well! I’m not upset just feeling uneasy about it but don’t worry I will talk to her later.” Jhonia said to her, she explained why Mrs. Pinnock may be like that. She tells him she’s not upset, just a bit uneasy and he must not to worry because she’ll speak with her later. He nodded as they walked toward the elevator after pressing the button, they waited for the doors to open. They enter the elevator and press the button to go down… After going down Jhonia entered the car, Orean did afterwards then put on his seatbelt then started the car and drove off!

“Do you know where this Sky company is?” Jhonia asked and Orean stopped the car immediately and turned in his seat looking at Jhonia with surprise.

“That’s the company you are going to work for?” Orean asked her.

“Yes, Secretary of the CEO but… Why are you acting like it’s a bad thing if I work there?” Jhonia responded to her, telling him her position but she took a moment and asked him. As she wanted to point out the fact that his reaction was one, one gives when they are surprised and afraid. Orean turned back in his seat and began driving.

“Ah! No, it’s just that they’re strict and they don’t just hire anyone… Also, you should keep this a secret from Mrs. And Mr. Pinnock for now.” Orean said and responded to her. He too knows that the two companies are in competition with each other, and a wife of the opposite side working for the other side… What could go wrong, in that moment Jhonia memories went back to Jaeminy words.

“I couldn’t find anyone that I like well, until you sat down before me. Jhonia,” *

“So that is what that was all about! No wonder, thanks Orean.” Jhonia stated to herself and said, as she then thanked Orean he nodded and continued driving… After some time, they arrived at Sky one minute before eight. Jhonia left the car and went to the entrance of the huge building!

“Wow, how high is this?” Jhonia asked herself looking up. When she heard the sound of shoes she turned to see a lot of people entering.

“Thank goodness I decided to stand here, no one will touch me here it seems. I don’t need to worry.” Jhonia said to herself, looking at everyone suddenly rushing in, she was unaware she’s standing on the path of which only the CEO walked.

“Hey” Kuwain was cut off by a hand to his shoulder.

“Let her be.” Kyhe said and walked around her, as he overheard her not wanting to be among the others acting like they’re going to heaven. They enter the company leaving Jhonia there looking inside… Kyhe stopped turning around…

“Jhonia!” Jaeminy called and Jhonia turn to the direction she’s coming from… Kyhe didn’t get to see her face.

“Her fragrance? ”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mr. Knight, are you daydreaming?” Kuwain addressed him, asking him. Cutting him off and distract him from Jhonia, as Jaeminy reach up to Jhonia.

They turned around to continue to head to where they’re heading, as Kuwain and Kyhe, walked up towards the elevator… Jhonia looked up to where they stood going inside each elevator as she realized that the elevator Kyhe and Kuwain went into had no one going there, she smiled.

“Where are we going?” Jhonia then asked as they were heading towards the other end from where everyone was going…

“The company has a lot of departments and as the Secretary of the President, you will need to know all these departments for each outside store we have, Jewelry, clothes, designers and style. This company doesn’t just do office work Jhonia, we do other stuff. Like why would our President build such a big company for? To show off? No, the company has a department for something. A department for the President. We have two computer technology teams. Three designers for jewelry and four for clothing, of course, there are three for shoes or slippers. The one we are now wearing but of course, we are not the only company who do these but we’re winning. Two floor departments for models, one for male and one for female, we separate them so they won’t have trouble and their management team and assistant etc. This is going to stress the hell out of you but when you get used to it, it will feel like nothing… I love the way you dress. By the way, I wanted to compliment you since last night, but I forgot!”

Jaeminy explained to Jhonia the parts of the company as the secretary of a large corporation. She will need to know all these departments. Asking why Kyhe would build such a big company and for, to show off, she asked and responded to herself. She tells Jhonia what about a few of the most important departments, and how many teams are there within the company. Jiminy told her it is going to stress her out, but once she’s used to it, it will become nothing for her. She complimented Jhonia, and told her she wished to do it the day before, but she forgot to, as for the rest she will have to show it to her. They arrive at a department where photos are being taken.

“This is?” Jhonia asked, looking around.

“This is the company badge making team, the entire department is to make every employee badge including their own. They’re also a part of the photo department team.” Jaeminy responded to her and explain the team and their jon to Jhonia, while she was looking around, she added so Jhonia doesn’t mess up on that.

“They are at least three hundred.”

“Three hundred and fifty to be exact. But by the end of this month, it might be four hundred or more.” Jaeminy say with a smile to her, telling her by the month end it could be four hundred or more.

“Wow, this is too much to swallow.” Jhonia said looking at everyone once glance up at her they continue their work! Soon after Jhonia had her photo taken.

“So pretty. Are you”

“No, I don’t like it.” Jhonia cut off the camera girl and said, as she already knew what she was about to ask; if she’s wearing makeup the girl nodded and went back to her desk! Jhonia and Jaeminy, left and Jhonia become the topic of the department of badge making.

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