The Omega For Sale

Chapter 28

I heard the paddle hit the floor and in the next minute the door swung open forcefully and Alpha Greyson was exiting the room, the sound of his feet heavy against the floor.

The atmosphere in the punishment room was musky and heady, like there was a nearby sauna that had left their doors open.

The scent of my arousal filled the air, filling me with even more shame. But there was something else. A much more intoxicating scent that was almost strong enough to overcome the scent of my arousal.

It’s was the Alpha’s.

That scent changed everything, it set my mind on fire and threw my head into a deep sea of overthinking that caused it to throb.

I took several breaths to calm down, I knew I couldn’t walk into the house with my arousal sizzling in the air all around me, that would be begging for attention and bad whispers about me.

I once had my fill of that, I didn’t need a repeat.

The moment I felt better, I walked out of the punishment room with my head bowed in shame.

The brighter lights in the hallway that were opposed to the singular dim light that had been in the room I had just exited seemed to be highlighting the path I was walking through.

The shame that had once been simmering within me burned brighter and hotter as I walked down the steps.

I had just gotten aroused during my punishment with the Alpha, there was no way I could take that back. How the hell was I supposed to face him now?

He had no doubt gotten aroused too but that could be as a result of my own pheromones filling the air.

Stepping into the kitchen, I watched as Jessy flew out of Christie’s arm on her shoulders and bounced towards me.

A surge of relief went through me at the sight of my daughter and I bent my frame to hers and engulfed her in a hug, letting her soothing scent wash over me and calm me.

“What happened? You’re not crying or limping. Did the Alpha decide to not punish you? The other girls came down either crying or limping.” Christie asked, taking care to keep her volume low.

I shook my head in response but otherwise remained silent, cuddling Jessy in my arms.

“I don’t understand you. What does the head shake mean? The Alpha didn’t punish you or what?” Christie prodded and I sighed heavily, averting her eyes.

I wished she would just drop it and understand that I wasn’t prepared to talk about the entire situation, but that was Christie. She didn’t ever know how to let go. Or read cues.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

The punishment had been painful and even as I sat on my knees with my feet rubbing against my butt I could still feel the burn from the wooden paddle that had hit against it, but it was different.

It had been a pleasurable kind of pain.

“He punished me, but I didn’t get a tough punishment since he witnessed the words Emilia had thrown at me.” I murmured, doing my best to avoid eye contact.

Christie hummed in response and when I raised my eyes to her, she had a look in her eyes that said she didn’t belief me but that was the best and only explanation I had to offer.

“Hey, the Alpha wants to address us in the living area. He needs everyone to be present.”

A maid popped into the kitchen to deliver. A shudder ran through my spine at the words. The last thing I wanted was to see the Alpha so soon again.

“Let’s go. Come on Jessy.” Christie said, reaching her hands out for Jessy and moving out of the kitchen with my daughter trailing beside her.

As I walked into the living area, the Alpha was stood in front of the gathered maids, his face was set in a hard line and his lips were pursed in what looked like anger.

When it looked like the maids were complete in the living room, the Alpha cleared his throat and he began to address us.

“I’m very sure you all know why you’re here. When each of you was purchased a set of rules were read out to you all and I’m very sure they were communicated in a clear and comprehensible manner.”

The Alpha paused to run his eyes round the room and I bowed my head quickly to avoid eye contact with him.

“There will be no shouting, name calling, insult hurling, fighting or physical violence in my home. The next time a scene like the one that happened tonight plays out again, there will be hell for the culprits to pay. Is this understood?”

A chorus of ‘Yes Master.’ went up in the air.

Finally the Alpha’s eyes locked with mine in the crowd and he gave me a hard look. I couldn’t determine the look in his eyes.

I didn’t know if he was trying to scold me for my assault on Emilia or if it was something else. But the intensity that his eyes held, burned through me and I averted my eyes quickly to avoid his.

“You’re all dismissed.”

I scrambled quickly out of the room because it seemed like the longer I spent in his presence the harder it was for me to breathe.

I had one more hurdle to jump through for the night before I could go up to bed.

Serve the Alpha his dinner.

Walking into the dining room with the trolley full of food, I paused momentarily in surprise at the Alpha’s already seated frame.

He was never in the dining room when I served his food but this time he was. I swallowed heavily and pushed the trolley to the table, then I began to offload it, fixing the nice array of food onto the table.

It was obvious that the Alpha had freshened up and change his clothes and it seemed like he had doused on a large amount of perfume because his scent was nonexistent and the strong heady smell of the perfume made me dizzy.

I served his dinner quickly, doing my best to not make the dishes clank against the table, I knew how much he hated when that happened.

Once I was done serving his food, I gave a small bow and moved to exit the room, pushing the trolley in front of me. I was almost by the door when I heard the Alpha clear his throat and then…

“Freya.” He called out.

I paused in my tracks, before slowly turning around to face him once more.

“If I didn’t think you would be fit to work here, I never would have purchased you in the first place. And having Jessy doesn’t make you a slut.” He said simply.

My heart stopped in my chest at his words but I simply nodded and continued out of the room.

So that was the reason I had received a lesser punishment. The Alpha had felt sorry for me.

I didn’t know why but the realization sparked two very opposite emotions within me.

It made me angry and happy at the same time.

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