The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 32 Welcome BackWelcome Back

-Nickolas’ POV-

As Dominic and I came out of the airport I looked around and then looked back at my phone, texting the lads to check where they were but was cut off by someone calling, “Nick!” My head shot up and I smiled towards my four guys who were walking towards me. We greeted each other with hugs and handshakes before we started talking.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So, what happened?” Jason asked and I grinned at him before replying, “it went well, I got her back and she agreed to join our gang!” I exclaimed and we cheered until Blake asked, “Then where is she?” with a less than happy look on his face. This made us all quieten down and start looking for her.

I looked behind me where I expected her to be but instead was left with confusion when I see she wasn’t there. “Dominic?” I called when suddenly there was a yelp where I looked towards Jake to see Dominic behind him, raising one of his arms in an inspection. “Looks like you’ve been training while I was away, impressive.” She compliments which made me smirk. I’ve been making these boys train senseless this past month and I’m glad she was able to see that straight away.

The guys looked at her with relief and were quick to welcome her back, hugging her too which I could tell caught her off guard a bit but it was nice to see nonetheless. Blake was surprisingly the only one who didn’t greet her which confused me but I decided not to point it out in front of everyone and instead let it slide for now.

When they all let go of her Zack bounced up excitedly and exclaimed, “Let’s go celebrate!”

-Dominic’s POV-

It’s been a couple of days since I came back to America with Nick and Zack’s told almost everyone about a party he’s been setting up for my return. Most people didn’t care about the reason why this party was held though and I think it was better off that way. Zack lived together with Nick and Jason so their house was big enough for this party to take place and they were quite used to holding them to considering Zack was a party maniac. I, on the other hand, hated parties unless I was fighting in it. It just wasn’t my scene.

Night came around and Nick pulled up to my house to pick me up. I stepped into the car in my decent clothes and got myself mentally prepared for the night. “Excited?” Nick asked and I shook my head, “Not really, parties aren’t my thing.” I say honestly which doesn’t surprise him. “Cheer up Demonic, the party is for you after all.” He had a point I guess so I sat quietly and told myself to be grateful that they cared at all.

When we got to the house, music was already blaring out from the windows and there were a great number of people there already. Zack was already drunk too which made me laugh slightly. Nick was greeted by a couple of people and was soon taken to socialize which I didn’t mind. Around me, lots of people were drunk and making out which I was used to. My life was mostly spent in a bar after all so this sight was a familiar one.

After a while, I got really bored and tired. It was past 12 am and the jet lag was still present since I hadn’t gotten to fixing that since I’ve been back. I yawned but was interrupted by an announcement made by nonother than Zack who was holding a mike and had turned off the music which gained everyone’s attention.

“Ladies and Gentlemen stop kissing and start listening! I’ve got a challenge for you all with a $500 cash prize!” A challenge? I had thought, finding myself intrigued especially since there was money involved. “Interested aren’t you? Well, then I won’t waste time! I will give $500 to anyone who can tackle Dominic to the ground and keep her there for more than ten seconds!”

Holy Shit.

My eyes widened and quickly scanned the room to see everyone stare at me with murder in their eyes. “Damn you, Zack,” I mumble and people started charging up to me right after. Punches were swung from behind me and in front of me at the same time so I ducked which got both of them to miss and instead fall due to their lack of balance. Next, some guys started kicking and punching me with weak forms so I was able to easily use my arms to block their attacks, grab their arms and legs and then shove them off to the side.

I wanted to be angry at Zack for doing this but I couldn’t because during this whole battle I had a constant grin on my face. My party had just started. Attacks would come in over and over again, sometimes I would get hit but it didn’t hurt half as much as when Xavier would punch me during training or even just for fun. So this wasn’t bad at all.

Around an hour passed and I was panting like crazy. I wasn’t the only one though. The whole room seemed to have been turned upside down with people on the floor either knocked out or too tired/afraid to carry on fighting. It was definitely quite the workout.

I walked into another room to clear my head a bit. This room was much calmer and had no idea what had gone on in the other room just before but knowing high schoolers, there were probably lots of people with their phones out, recording the whole thing. What a pain.

“Heyyy Dominic, how’s it going?” Jake’s voice called out and I turned to see him walk towards me drunkenly. Well, I thought he was drunk anyway but his appearance looked clean and he didn’t smell like alcohol at all. “Good?” I replied, uneasy. He then came up really close to me, holding my waist with his hands and his head close to my ear. “You probably know I’m faking but I need you to go with it okay?” I giggle a little. Finding his faking quite funny.

“Dance with me, love!” He then exclaimed, pulling back with a hand extended. I laugh a little louder before giving a hand to him which he took and then danced us around and into a smaller room where no one was in. He pushed me against the door which made it slam closed before letting me go.

“Sorry Demon.” He apologized which made my eyes widen before looking down. Xavier was normally the only one that called me by that name. I hadn’t seen him in over 4 weeks and it was painful. I was used to seeing him almost every day. I was used to his insults and jokes. If I was ever reminded of him the memory that would first come up would be the one where he told me to quit street fighting. It hurt and I couldn’t believe it, wouldn’t believe it. There must have been a reason behind it and even if there was I wasn’t going to quit what I loved because of it. There was no reason powerful enough to stop me.

After that memory though, I would be reminded of all of our good times together. I wasn’t closer to anyone else as I was with him. We would have fun. We would enjoy ourselves as partners. Memories I was so fond of would play in my mind over and over. It was painful because I longed for them back.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts when I realized Jake was waiting for my reply. “Don’t worry about it, J. So, what’s up?” I asked and his face turned into a serious one which scared me a little.

“You and my brother have been avoiding each other, I want to know why.” He said, voice stern. This was the most serious I had ever seen him. I guess the ‘brotherly bond’ was really a thing. I relaxed a little and decided it was only fair I told him the truth.

“My adoptive parents were killed, you know that right?” I say and he nods at me slowly. “They were killed by the Men of Mayhem. You know that gang too I was told.” Nick hasn’t told them much about my adoptive family if anything at all so when Jake heard this name his eyes widened a bit before nodding again, probably getting where this story was going.

“I don’t know why but ever since my adoptive parents were killed, they’ve been sending me death threats and stalking me. They’re after me. Xavier has been trying to keep me safe these past few years but even then they’ve been able to find me. It’s not just me they’re after either. It’s the people I love too.” I explained, sitting in a chair in the process for support.

“The night you guys came into my house drunk, Blake said…” I tried saying but my voice stopped out of fear. Jake noticed this and finished off my sentence. “he said that he loved you. Ever since you left he’s been regretting it. Saying that it was his fault that you left.” My eyes glossed over when I realized that he must have been going through a lot of pain because of me and because of the gang I’ve been stripped of something that could have been beautiful.

I shook my head.

“It wasn’t anyone’s fault. When he said what he did, I was afraid. I didn’t know if what he was saying was true or not but if it was, I was afraid they would find out. I was also angry for letting it happen too because out of everyone he could have chosen, it was one that could get him killed!”

I held my face in my hands for a moment. Jake seemed to see how upset I was and respectfully gave me my time.

“There was only one place I could think about going. Xavier was my protector so I thought I’d feel safe with him. But, he told me to quit. I was out of control, confused. In the end, all I wanted was to get away. I’m sorry Jake but it felt like the right thing to do.”

My voice was shakey by the end but I told myself to stay together. While focusing on my breath I suddenly felt arms wrap around me. “It’s okay.” I looked up to see Jake looking down at me with understanding.

“It must be why you haven’t gone to see Xavier yet too.” He says after a bit to which I nodded. “Don’t worry.” he continued, “we’ll sort this whole thing out together. I want you and my brother to be happy. I hate this tense atmosphere you’ve got between you. The only atmosphere I want between the both of you is a sexual one alright?” He ends that with a wink at the end which makes me laugh to which he grins.

“You should smile more, it suits you.” I shove him off of me playfully. “You’re so cheesy,” I replied getting up and following him to the door. “It’s my job to be, sweetheart.” He then opens the door and I start walking out with him behind me. I was going to say something but was cut off by a punch I could see coming our way from the corner of my eye. I didn’t have time to block it properly so I just stood in Jake’s defence.

When the punch made contact with my face… it hurt. It shocked me. None of the punched had hurt me today except this one. In fact, it hurt more than Xavier’s.

I looked up to see a face I knew well but at that moment, it looked different. Why was his jaw clenched? Why were his eyes dark? Why were his hands curled into fists? Why did he look so… angry?

That was the last thing I thought before I was consumed by darkness.


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