The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 30 Mum And Dad

-Nickolas’ POV-

I had told Dominic that morning that I wanted to take her somewhere before we left for America. It was somewhere I had wanted to show her ever since I found out she was in London.

I didn’t know if showing her this at this point in time was right or wrong but I felt she deserved to see this. It was important to both of us and in some way, I had hoped that it would be a step towards a better relationship between us.

I had blinded Dominic before bringing her out but she was good at reading my facial expression as I did. She knew this wasn’t going to be enjoyable.

The drive there was silent. Mostly because I was nervous and she could feel that. When we reached the destination, I took her hand and guided her slowly and carefully to the entrance. She was stiff in my hand, still untrusting of me which was fair but after this maybe, just maybe, she’d start properly seeing me as her brother. Plus if that were to happen, she might finally agree to become a member of my gang – as my sister, the girl who deserves all of my respect especially since she can beat me up otherwise.

I open the entrance doors to see an old man at the front desk. When I was younger and had found out I was adopted, this man was the first to tell me about my biological parents and where I could see them. At the time I thought he meant that I could be with them, live with them, like a real family but instead he bought me here. It wasn’t what I wanted to see but I’m thankful that he did because I felt closer to my real home than I ever had before.

The man raised his head at us when he realized we were in there and smile when recognizing who I was, walking up to Dominic and me. “Nickolas? I haven’t seen you in years, my boy, how have you been?” he asked and I grinned, hugging him in greeting. “I’m alright sir, just came for a visit,” I reply and he gives me a sad smile knowing this was what I used to say back then too when I visited frequently.

He then looked round towards Dominic who was standing patiently and listening to our echoing voices. Dave leaned into me a bit and whispered, “Is that your girlfriend then?” which made me chuckle and Dominic, who had heard him anyway, cleared her throat which humoured me more. “No sir, she’s my sister,” I inform and Dave’s eyes widen and is taken back a bit. “Your sister? Dominic? That’s impossible! She died!” he whisper/yelled which made me smirk and from the corner of my eye I could see Dominic doing so too. “A mysterious miracle. I was as surprised as you are.”

After that, he led us to a nostalgic field and left us to ourselves. We stood in front of two headstones and my nerves started to kick in again. I took a deep breath and walked behind Dominic, slowly taking off her blindfold.

I watched her as she stood looking around herself before coming to realize where exactly we were. I heard a soft gasp and looked to see her eyes focused on the two headstones. The graves of our parents. Amelia Nick and Zane Secter.

Dominic’s eyes switched between the two, within seconds I could see tears beginning to form. She was stubborn though, she wouldn’t let them fall. Her mouth was also wavering, unsure of what reaction to make. I decided to fil the silence a little,

“Mum was a police officer so it’s probably where you got your strength. Dad was a surgeon. It’s ironic; they were both good people, and we ended up becoming fighters and wanted people. If they were alive they’d probably hate us huh?” I said looking up. My voice cracked so I bit my lip slightly, trying to stop my voice from shaking anymore in sadness.

Dominic hadn’t replied to me and instead fell onto her knees and stared at the pictures of our parents which laid on top of their graves. After a few minutes, I started to worry about Dominic’s silence. Unsure if I should have done this at all until- “They’re beautiful.” I hear her say. I smile at her words and knelt next to her, putting an arm around her shoulder protectively and in support, myself also looking down at their photos too.

“You look like our mum,” I say and that’s when she broke. Crying silently yet there was still a small smile on her face, letting me know that she was happy. My own eyes watered while watching her.

“Mum, Dad, it’s nice to meet you. It’s Dominic, your daughter. I’m glad to finally be able to see you.” She introduced with a pain-filled voice which made my eyes sting some more because I remember saying something similar when I first got here. She felt my pain and I felt hers.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Amelia Nick… is that why we both have ‘Nick’ in our names?” she then asks me when made me grin, “you caught onto that faster than I did. We have a piece of both of them in our names and we didn’t even know it.” we laughed together before sitting in comfortable silence for a bit, taking everything in.

Some more time passed before I felt like it was time to officially ask her properly. Hoping that she would accept. “Dominic?” I ask and she hummed before turning to look at me with a calm expression. “When we get back, the Scorpians will be coming. I know I’ve pestered you enough about this already and given you more pain than deserved but for your brother… will you please join my gang?” I asked, looking at her hopefully. For a second she didn’t reply but then a smirk formed on her face.

“What would you do without me, Sector?”


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