The Mafia’s Seductress


Isadora’s POV

It’s late, or if you want to be precisely accurate then it’s really early. 2 am to be exact. I should be asleep but Im buzzing. I can’t believe I’m in an actual relationship. 6ft 2, sun kissed tattooed skin, golden honey eyes, muscles that make you drool and a bit of a spanish accent…. and he’s all mine? … Yes. All mine. Laying in bed, high on happiness, I hear frantic banging on my door, then I hear my name.

“Isadora!…. Isadora open the door! It’s Javier!”

Javier? What the hell is he doing here? I shoot out of bed and answer the door. I open it to reveal a blood splattered Javier breathing heavy. Why is there blood on him!?

“What the fuck Javier!? Why is there blood on you!? What happened!?”

“You need to come with me right now!” He screamed, grabbing my arm hard and yanking me out of my apartment.

“Javier stop! That hurts!” I yank free and he stops, turning angrily back towards me.

“Rafael was shot. They’re removing the bullet from his shoulder as we speak. He wants you at the house where it’s safe. Dont worry about your things, just come with me right now.” He grits his teeth and grabs my arm again, harder this time. Digging his nails into the soft part of my arm. I’m so absorbed in the fact that my arm is hurting, it didn’t sink in that Rafael was fucking shot! By who!? Why!?

“You’re hurting me Javier, let go!” I scream. We get to a vehicle parked sideways in the parking lot. Tread marks littered the pavement.

“Get in.” He spat angrily. I get in and buckle my seat belt just before he peels out of the parking lot… making the tires scream.

– The Montez Mansion –

He was silent the whole way here. He never once looked at me. I didnt need to ask if he was mad cause he showed it very clearly. I rub my arm where he grabbed me and felt the little nail indentations sting when I touched them. He pulls into the driveway and gets out of the car, slamming the door hard. I follow him.

“Why was he shot Javier? Who shot him?”

“We dont know who shot him, but he was shot because of you! Someone tried to take out my brother because he just cant seem to stay away from you! Just some floozy waitress that works at his strip club!” He screamed. WHAT!? He was shot because of me? I don’t know anyone around here! Who would care that much about who I’m with? I have no family and the only friends I have are happy for me. I walked up and slapped him hard. How dare he fucking blame me for this! I would never want Rafael hurt! I couldn’t hold them back any longer. I wanted to let the tears flow but I was too mad to breakdown just yet.

“Don’t you dare blame me for this! I have nothing to do with Rafael being shot! I would never want to see him hurt! So, puedes tomar esa actitud sucia tuya y empujarla por el culo! (You can take that filthy attitude of yours and shove it up your ass!) No me pongas a prueba, puta.” (Dont test me, bitch.)

“Javier Ramiro Montez!” Javier and I turn to see Gabriella glaring at him. She was fuming. Then my eyes shift to a teary eyed Mirella clinging to her leg. Her eyes were puffy and red. Poor baby, this is hitting her the hardest. “If you say one more hurtful thing to that girl, I will personally make sure you feel everything your brother is experiencing right now.” That….. was the scariest threat I’ve ever heard. Her tone was low and eerily calm. He became a submissive little puppy in less than a second. He lowered his head. “Get your ass in the house. Clean yourself up and go to your room. Do not come out unless I say so!”

“MOM!” He screamed and puffed out his chest. Oh shit. Am I about to witness a murder, on top of getting news that my boyfriend was just shot because he is with me? What the fuck has my life turned into? Gabriella went dead silent. She stood there glaring white hot daggers at him. “I’m twenty three years old! I’m not a child anymore, so stop talking to me like one!”

Gabriella’s eyes widened. In one swift motion, she took off her two and a half inch heel, grabbed the back of his neck and using the heel as a handle, beat the hell out of him with the ball of her shoe.

“IF…. YOU… EVER, talk to me like that again I will put a bullet in your leg! Just I did Rafael when he back talked me! I am your mother boy! You will show me some respect! I brought you into this world and I will have no problem taking you out! Now get your ass in the house!” She screamed and reared her hand back as if to hit him again. Mirella was now fully crying, holding onto her stuffed tiger. Gabriella waited until Javier was out of sight before turning to tend to Mirella. Picking her up and patting her back. “Shhh baby girl. None of that was directed at you. Don’t cry my princess.” She cooed, then turned to me. “Isadora darling, come on in. Mirella, Case, Johnny and myself were about to head to the hospital to see Rafael.”

“I want to come. I want to see him.” I said. She smiled.

“Of course sweetheart. We’re taking the black SUV right there. Please take Mirella and buckle her in for me dear. I’ll go get the boys.”

“What about Javier?”

“Oh he will see his brother soon enough. He’s staying here.” She said handing me Mirella. As soon as she was in my arms she wouldn’t let me go. Clingling to me like a baby monkey to its mother. I sat the whole ride to the hospital with her on my lap, facing me and hugging me hard. Not that I minded. Poor baby is probably confused and just looking for comfort. Even when getting to the hospital she still had a death grip around me. Gabriella tried to take her a few times but Mirella would scream and cry when she touched her.

We walk into the waiting room and see Emiliano and his brothers all sitting, not saying a word. Gabriella still fuming over Javier went straight for Emiliano.

“Emiliano! You better teach that son of yours some respect!” She shouted.

“Which one mi amor?” (My love)

“Javier! He pulled up to the house, screamed at Isadora and told her it was her fault Rafael was shot!”

“What!?” He shouted. Before he could say more, a nurse walks into the room.

“Montez family? You can see him now.” She said, leading us down the hall to his room. With Mirella still clinging to me, I walk in last. He’s sitting up with a thick bandage wrapped over his shoulder. “There was no permanent damage. You will make a full recovery. Don’t do anything strenuous for the next few days or you will undo your stitches.”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thank you.” He nods. As soon a Mirella heard his voice she jumped out of my arms and ran straight to him.

“Santi!” She yelled, climbing onto the bed and throwing her tiny arms around his neck. He winced a little when she bumped into his shoulder, but he wrapped his other arm around her and held her as she cried.

“Don’t cry Mirella. I’m alright. I’m not going anywhere.” She only sobbed harder. “Hey… look at me princess.” She straightened up and wiped her nose. “What have I always told you?” She sniffled. Her breathing ragged and glitchy.

“That… you’ll never leave me.” She said. He nodded.

“I will never leave my princess.” He smiled. She smiled back and sat down in his lap, clinging to him. When he spotted me he smiled but…. I couldn’t. My heart broke seeing him like this. The pain and pressure building behind my eyes was nothing compared to my heart breaking. He was shot because of me. I burst into tears and sprinted out of the room and down the hall.

– 30 Minutes Later –

– In The Waiting Room –

“Isadora?” Emiliano called softly as he walked out of the heavy double doors. He sighed and sat down next to me. We sat in silence for a few moments as I tried not to cry again. “This was not your fault.”

“Javier said….”

“Javier will be dealt with when I get home and he’s wrong. You are not the cause of this.” He placed his hand on my back.

“I shouldnt have run off like that but, I couldn’t face him.” I said shamefully looking down at my feet.

“You’re in shock. Rafael understands that. He’s not upset at all. In fact, out of all of us, Mirella is the most upset. She’s crying again because she accidentally bumped into his should and hurt him a little. He’s doing his best to calm her down.” He chuckled. I tried my best to smile, but it faded as soon as it appeared. “Do not tell Rafael that I told you this but, my son loves you.” All sound stopped. All the air was sucked out of the room and my lungs felt as though they were collapsing. He loves me? “I’m sorry, I know this probably putting you into shock even further but….” He was cut off by a deafening scream that shook the walls. It was Rafael.



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