Chapter 10 Poisoned II

“Maddie, Maddie, hang in there… okay?”

He shuttered, hastily wearing her his rope, covering her naked body properly. He wouldn’t want anyone else to see her nakedness, she was his and only his, alone.


He yelled, his voice terrifying and dangerous, filled with anguish and anger shooked the whole corners of the house and Henry came running inside the room wondering what was wrong.

Henry eyes widen in horror, seeing the condition of his master’s pet. Blood was gushing freely from her mouth and her skin had suddenly gone pale as her vibrant colors had suddenly disappeared from her face.

He stood there unable to utter a word as an image appeared in his head, he really hope that won’t happen again.

“Get the doctor!”

Diaz harsh voice jolted him out of his thoughts and he slightly nodded his head before leaving the room in search of his master’s doctor.

“Hang in there Maddie, please hang in there, the doctor will be here soon, just hang in there.”

Diaz whispered, bringing Maddie’s body which has already started turning cold closer to his chest with an aim of warming her up.

“Hang in there Maddie.”

He added, gently kissing her forehead.

10 minutes gone when the door of the room suddenly flung open and Diaz quickly tilted his head towards the door, sighing in relief as he saw who the intruder was.

“Walk faster!”

He urged the men.

“Holy shit, what happened to her?”

The doctor asked, seeing Maddie in her terrible state, he could clearly tell she was fighting between life and death at the mere sight of her.

“Stop asking questions and treat her already, you are the fucking doctor here for God sake.”

Henry scolded the doctor from behind making the doctor scoff.

Why were they angry at him as if he was the cause of the lady’s predicament?

He just came in minutes ago.

“She has been poisoned by deadly Nightshade.”

The doctor announced after checking Maddie pulse and Diaz eyes darkened.

Who had the guts to use such an ancient deadly Poison on his pet?

Deadly Nightshade was a deadly Poison used in the ancient world. A poison used only for criminals, it is a deadly Poison which makes the victim die in a slow and painful death.

Deadly Nightshade works by paralyzing the whole body, it spreads very fast and when it reaches the heart also paralyze the heart, making the victim gasps for breath and slowly his/her skin decays before the victims breath their last breath.

Who would dare use this kind of poison on his beautiful pet, just who?

“Mas… Master”

Maddie quiet and painful voice brought Diaz back to the present and he stared at his beautiful pet face who was suffering from the deadly Poison without uttering a word.

He had suddenly lost his voice.

He gently stroked her hair and gave her a reassuring smile before facing the doctor.

“How is she Kai?”

Diaz asked, finally found his words while staring at the doctor.

“I’m sorry to say Diaz but the Poison has already reached so closed to her heart, I’m afraid to tell you that she got only some hours left to live.”

The doctor whoose name was Kai blurted out, dropping the bombshell.

The air suddenly seemed to seized in the room, the wind blew furiously sending chills down the birds hovering on the trees and thunder struck dangerously in the sky.

The once beautiful day had suddenly turned sour.

Diaz sat on the bed with almost lifeless Maddie in his arms as his eyes glowed dangerously and his body emitted deadly aura.

He carefully and gently dropped Maddie on the bed and in a flash ran out of the room with deadly aura emitting from his body.

His staffs shivered and trembled in horror as they saw their Boss descend the stairs looking like an angry devil who was about to go on a blood bath.

His eyes darkened, seeing the maid who made Maddie’s food and his insides burned from anger and only anger.

In a second his hands went to the maid’s neck, choking her as he swept her off her feet and lifting her effortlessly in the air

“Who paid you?”Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He asked, danger and dread lurking in his voice.

“I… i… I don’t know what you are talking about Lord Diaz.”

The maid answered gasping for breath and Diaz could clearly see she was lying.

“I said who fucking paid you?”

He growled, tghtening his grip on the maid’s neck and she trembled in great fear.

“It’s Master Damien, Ma… ster Damien paid me to put the Poison… in your… your pet food.”

She finally confessed and Diaz hissed in anger.

“Your pet is awake Diaz and she want to talk to you.”

Kai announced behind Diaz and the deadly man immediately dumped the uncionscious maid’s body on the floor and didn’t waste a second superspeeding to Maddie room.


He slowly called, walking closer to her on the bed and he felt his anger slowly dying down.

“Stay with me Maddie, stay with me.”

He muttered, squeezing her hands gently.

“Mas… master.”

She slowly called, coughing loudly and another round of fresh blood gushed out from her mouth.

“Shhh, don’t talk Maddie, save your strength.”

He ordered and smiled wiping the blood from her lips.

“Mas… master… I’m ”

She tried talking but couldn’t as she felt her energy slowly leaving her body.

Was this how death felt like?

was she finally going to see her parents now?

She must tell him the truth before she dies but she couldn’t as she didn’t have the energy to utter a single word.

She slowly stretched her hands wanting to touch his face one last time but she couldn’t and her hands slowly fell down beside her.

Her eyes lids becoming heavier and heavier by each passing second.

“Dia… Diaz.”

She called him by his name and sweetly smiled at him.

That was her last smile as her eyes slowly closed and she breathed her last.

Diaz frozed on his seat, feeling Maddie’s body turn cold in his arms and his body went numb.

She’s was gone.

His beautiful pet was gone.


He growled angrily.

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