I opened my eyes to see the space beside me on the bed, empty. That was best for us. His family had successfully forced us to share a room, and I was glad I didn’t have to wake up to see his face every day. I couldn’t be angry first thing in the morning. Cleaning off the sleep from my eyes, I stepped down the bed in my silky night robe, and walked into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, and I was glad I looked better. I also felt better. It was the fourth day after the Russo’s traditional family dinner and after party. I had not seen or heard a word from Anthonio, and to be very honest, all I could tell him was that I was sorry. I always dropped a new message for him every day, but he never replied any. It got me worried because more than any other thing, I could not bear to go ahead with this wedding, knowing I hurt another man. The day of the wedding was fast approaching and if I had what it took to delay it or make time go still, I would have.

We were supposed to proceed with the wedding two weeks after the dinner. Mia; Manuel’s mom, had insisted that we didn’t waste any more time. According to her, money wasn’t a problem, so I could have everything I wanted for my dream wedding within the short period of time. ‘My dream wedding’. I did have a dream wedding, what girl didn’t? But I guess my dream wedding should be to a man I loved. I no longer love Manuel, so…NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Truly, I no longer loved him or even liked him. It was so suprising how everything you have ever wanted and hoped for, turns out to be your worst nightmare when you have it. Manuel wasn’t the kind of man I wanted for myself. Beneath all the beautiful and masculine exterior, laid a very self centered and selfish man. I guess where everything became much clearer to me, was when he actually said Francesca could raise my child. How much more unfeeling could he be? I was already going through a lot of hormonal imbalance and funny body changes since I got pregnant. It wasn’t the best feeling, trust me. I guess it would even get worse in time. But somehow, a mentally deranged man thought I would give his girlfriend my child? A woman who clearly disliked me? How was she going to treat my child then?

I turned on the water in the sink, and started brushing my mouth. After I was done, I splashed some water over my face and sighed as I enjoyed the cool feeling it gave. I turned on the hot water and let it flow into the blocked bathtub. When the water was filled enough, I completely pulled off my robe and stepped into the bathtub. God, it felt so warm and nice. I remained soaked for some more minutes, before proceeding with my bath and washing my hair. The moment I was done bathing, I walked out of the bathroom in one of the fluffy robes that was hung inside.

I walked into the bedroom to see a tray of food on the bedside table. Ohhhh nice. It smelled so good. I quickly rushed to the bed and opened the lid covering the plate of food, making the steam and aroma hit my nose in full force. These days, my appetite had increased a thousand folds, and I just wanted to keep munching away on anything. So I decided to eat first, then continue my morning routine afterwards. I ate so fast, surprising even myself. Within some minutes, I was done and full. But I knew I was only momentarily filled. Very soon, I would feel like eating again.

I had a lot planned out for the day, so I hurriedly blew dry my hair and dressed up. Loving how fine I looked in the mirror, I made my way out of the room. My first destination today was A. RUSSO. I didn’t have the opportunity to speak with him during the dinner, but my boss sure looked like he had a lot to say to me. Apart from that, I had to see Laura. She had called me yesterday, sounding worried and angry. She had every right to be angry though. I hadn’t been so great at keeping the promise we made to each other. We had promised to not keep secrets away from each other, and always open up when there was a problem. There was literally no time that she hadn’t kept to that promise.

“Ah, Bianca! You’re up?” I looked towards my right to see Mia, seated on the couch with a magazine in one hand, and a cup of tea in the other.

“Hello.” I waved awkwardly. I guess it was still very awkward to be around the woman. I found it difficult to believe how easily welcoming of me, she had been.

“Heyyyy honey.” She grinned, keeping her magazine and cup of tea on the side stool, before standing up and walking to me. “You look like you’re stepping out.”

“Yes, I am.” I nodded with a small smile playing on my lips.

“Goodness, you’re too beautiful for comfort.” She sighed, put some fallen strand of my hair in place. It was so funny how she just completely spoke out of context.

“Thank you?” I muttered. Too beautiful to be true? I guess I had entered that era where I looked wonderful to everyone around me.

“Hmm. Where are you headed? It’s the first time you’re stepping out since you arrived here.”

“Oh. I just need to be at my former work place. I have some things to speak to my boss about.”

“I see.” She nodded. “Do you need company?” She asked, her face lighting up as she eagerly looked at me for my response. How was I going to tell this dotting woman that I really needed to do all that I had to do, on my own?

“I would also go to see my parents after leaving A. RUSSO.” I added. She seemed to have gotten my underlying message, as she nodded in understanding.

“So did you love the new boxes of clothes that Greta brought you yesterday?” She asked, and I found myself smiling. I was so touched when I saw the suitcases that had been taken into my room yesterday. The dresses inside them were all so beautiful. Even the night robe I had worn last night.

“Yes ma’am, they were all pretty. I couldn’t look at them all because they were quite much, but I truly love them. Thank you.”

“I’m glad you loved them. They are all from Greta’s fashion line. She’s a fashion designer, you know?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “Manuel mentioned once, but I didn’t know the dresses were from her line. She’s quite good.”

“Oh? You probably didn’t look at the tags then. But that asides, please I don’t want you referring to me as ‘ma’ again. You should call me Mia or mom.” She smiled hopefully. I felt calling her mom was too quick, but I could settle for Mia.

“Alright Mia.” I smiled.

“Beautiful.” She grinned back at me. “So I would have Marco drive you to your destinations today.”

“Not at all!” I rushed out. “I would just order a ride.”

“No no no.” Mia shook her head, almost as if my statement was a taboo. “It is my duty to ensure you are safe at all times. Please, you would be using my personal driver and one of my cars. I should be able to arrange your own car and driver soon. But for today, you should let Marco take you wherever. I need to be sure that you are safe.”

“Okay, if you insist.” I guess I had finally become part of a wealthy and powerful family.

“Yes, I insist.” She smiled warmly at me. The next thing I knew, she was calling Anna. Anna was one of the maids who worked in the mansion. “Anna!” She called out.

“Yes Madame.” Anna appeared, smartly dressed in her uniform. “Do you want anything ma?”

“Yes, please.” Mia nodded. “Get my favourite burgundy purse from my room.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Anna replied and walked upstairs. While she was away, Mia got busy putting a call to Marco, and asking him to come pick me up. Some minutes later, Anna returned with the purse and handed it over to Mia.

“Thanks.” Mia nodded and opened the purse. She looked through it and pulled out a gold card. “Here.” She stretched out her hand for me to take it. “In case you have the need for anything while you are out, you can just make use of it.”

“No no no, Mia.” I shook my head, truly mortified. “You don’t need to stress, I’m fine.”

“I’m not stressing honey. It is my duty.”

“But I’m fine.” I tried convincing her. Nonetheless, she kept her hand held out to me. I thought for a moment what to do, and finally collected it. No much case. I wasn’t gonna make use of the card after all. “Thank you.”

“Always welcomed.” Her phone beeped and she looked at the screen. “Great! Marco is ready. You should get going now.”

I nodded in agreement and began making my way out.




“You hurt me real bad.” She said, and I looked down at my fingers in remorse. “I had spent weeks worried about you. Meanwhile, all you had been trying to do, was hide from me. You could hide from everyone else but not me.”

“Laura…” I sighed. “I’m truly sorry. I cannot tell you how sorry I am. What happened doesn’t mean you aren’t important to me, because I swear that you are. I was just confused and scared.”

“Bianca.” Her eyes softened. “That is why I’m here. To listen to you when you are confused and scared. Please don’t ever do this again. You gave me the kind of scare that you had given me the time that you were taken to that God forsaken island. Christ!” She exhaled. “I can’t believe all that is happening right now. Bibi, are you really getting married to Manuel? Jeeezz! I cannot even believe that you are pregnant.” She looked to be in a lot of shock, and it only made me sigh. I also couldn’t believe my predicament.

“Even up until now, I am still suprised that Emilio turned out to be their Nonno. God, it was so dramatic.”

“I can imagine.” She held my hands in hers. “I’m sure you had cried so much when Anthonio showed up.”

“You don’t know half of it.” I blinked, thinking back to few days ago. “I have honestly thought this whole thing through these past few days. I have to marry Manuel, even if that long term wish suddenly seems like a death trap to me.”

“Bianca. Are you sure that this is what you want?” She asked, worry in her eyes.

“Even if it isn’t what I want. Right now, my child comes first.” I said, placing my hand on my flat tummy. “Same way I wouldn’t like Francesca to mother my child, it would be selfish of me to want Anthonio. If I remain with Anthonio, I definitely cannot give my child away to Manuel and Francesca. Moreover, it’s really selfish for me to want to keep my child away from its father, even when I have the chance to give it a life with Manuel. Plus, I even doubt that Anthonio would still want anything to do with me. He doesn’t reply any of my messages anymore. I am only hoping that he forgives me. Wanting to still remain in his life is a greedy and far fetched thought. No man would gladly remain with me after such deception.”

“Bibi stop this! You are honestly being too hard on yourself. You never even knew you were pregnant for Manuel. Neither did you have the intentions of deceiving Anthonio. It’s not your fault, life just happened.”

“Enough about me.” I forced a smile. “What about you? How are you and Ricardo doing?” On hearing his name, she couldn’t help but smile so widely.

“Wellllll….. we got official a week back.”

“Oh my goodness, Laura!” I grinned in genuine happiness. “This is so good to hear. I am truly happy for you. You deserve every happiness.”

“I know right?” She chuckled. “Ricardo is really striving so hard to be a better man, and I truly appreciate his efforts. I have never been this happy all my life, Bibi.”

“That’s great my friend.” Then, I thought of something else. “But how is Federico? How did he take the whole thing?” I watched as her shoulders slumped in defeat.

“It was a really hard pill for him to swallow. But you know what makes me glad?” She asked, managing a small smile. “His problem wasn’t that I had picked Ricardo over him. His problem was the fact that he felt Ricardo wouldn’t treat me right. I understood his fears though. Ricardo hasn’t been much of the best man in the past, but he is getting there.”

“How about the adoption plans with Madame Beatriz?” I asked.

“Well, what would you expect? Her son made it clear to everyone that we were now together, and he had the intentions of making our commitment to each other, permanent in time. The woman was elated. She definitely had to drop the thoughts of adoption, because of our relationship.”

“That makes a lot of sense.” I nodded. “Either way, you would still be her daughter.” I grinned, before looking at the time on my phone. “Laura, I would have to get going now.”

“So soon?” She pouted, making me smile warmly. We were currently in the executive lounge of the company, and it was past lunch hour already. When I had stepped into A. RUSSO today, I had spent most of the time at my boss’s office. The man had a lot of questions to ask me. I was so thankful because in all he said and asked, he seemed genuinely worried about me. He had also told me to give my marriage with Manuel a chance, and try to forgive Emilio for his staunch order to make me marry Manuel. Truly, I had been so angry at Emilio. I hadn’t spoken to him in days, even though he was regularly at the house.

Whenever he was around, I either pretended to be sleeping or sleeping. Yes. Sleeping was the only way he wouldn’t force me to talk with him. I truly missed him, but my anger prevailed more.

“Laura, I have to go see my parents before heading back home. You know how it would be. I’m very sure they have a mouthful of things to say to me. They had promised to come see me a few days back at the Russo estate, but didn’t show up. So I thought to go see them myself, and get over and done with this important part of the situation. You know Papa particularly favoured Anthonio. He is definitely displeased with the recent turn of events, especially after seeing Anthonio cry the other day.”

“Hmmm. I understand.”

“But you could come check up on me at the Russo estate.” I suggested with a small smile.

“Are you sure they would be fine with strangers coming into their home?”

“You are my friend Laura, not a stranger.” I corrected. “I would speak to Mia about it as well. It would feel better spending these few days with you, before I transition into being Manuel Russo’s wife. I’m scared that it might be a very unhappy phase of life for me, and sadly, it’s until death do is part.” I sighed.

“I would love nothing more than to be by your side through it all.” She caressed my cheeks, before grinning mischievously. “I also love nothing as much as sitting on Ricardo’s face too.”

“My goodness, Laura!!” I yelled out in exasperation, and we both started laughing.



The moment I stepped out of the car in front of my parent’s home, I asked Marco to leave and come back for me later. But he insisted on waiting as long as was necessary. I made my way into the gates and walked to the door. I felt nervous, but pressed on the doorbell nonetheless. After waiting for a few seconds, the door opened, revealing my mother.

“Honey.” She muttered, so much emotions in her eyes.

“Mama.” I sighed, not knowing what to say. “Can I come in?” I finally asked, and she frowned.

“Don’t be silly now! You are pregnant, not disowned.” She went teary eyed and pulled me into her embrace. I found myself close to tears again.

“For a moment, I thought I was.” I muttered into her bosom.

“And why would you think such a thing?” She gently pulled away from me, in order to see my face much clearly.

“You and papa had promised to come see me at the Russo estate, but you didn’t.”

“Oh.” Her eyes softened. “Honey, your papa took ill after the dinner at your…. new home.” My ‘new home’. Hmm. “I’ve been tasked with taking care of him, and that’s the reason we haven’t showed up yet. I’m so sorry.”

“No no! It’s totally fine mom. How is papa doing now?”

“Getting better.” She sighed. “He is extremely worried about you.”

“He is?” I asked in slight disbelief, tears clogging my eyes.

“Of course, he is.” She looked around us and hit her forehead. “Silly me. Come on in already. We have a visitor.” She muttered. A visitor? She opened the door much wider, and I made my way in. I was shocked to see none other than Emilio, sitting on one of the couches.

“Mama?” I called, and she looked up at me with a small smile. I waited for some kind of explanation, but she didn’t give any. She only shrugged her shoulders and excused herself to go infom my papa of my arrival. I knew it was an excuse to let Emilio and I have our privacy though. I was grateful. I waited as she walked up the stairs, until she was completely out of sight.

“Good afternoon.” I muttered to Emilio, not looking at his face. “How did you know I would be here?”

“I asked your chaffeur for a small favour.” He replied, and I nodded, still not looking at him.

“Oh, my sweet girl.” He sighed, walking up to me and pulling my stiff body into his embrace. I slowly felt myself begin to soften up.

“Why did you do that to me? You know I shouldn’t hurt Anthonio that way.” He pulled away and cleaned the small tears from my eyes. “He doesn’t deserve such pain.” I added.

“I know.” He nodded in agreement. “To be very honest my dear…” He began, pulling me to an empty sofa where we both sat together. “I would have chosen Anthonio over Manuel, if the situation was different. But you have to understand that in life, you should always put your children first. Manuel may act and seem so infuriating, but you are the only one I have come to realize, would bend him and make him better. He is a good man, but just needs a bit of chiseling. You loved him before…. You can love him again, for the sake of your unborn child. I believe so much in your capabilities to make this marriage work. Please, give him a chance.”

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