“I have to drop the call now. I have a meeting with Francesca’s father this afternoon.”

“Hmmm.” I was sure he had a silly smile on his face. “First meeting with your father in law to be. Must be nice.” He muttered, and I sighed. Alexander never really had the opportunity to meet Bella’s parents. She was an orphan when they met and hence, they proceeded with the wedding without her family or parents present.

“We are her family now.” I said, but he remained silent. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I am. I’m just worried that when she puts to birth, she would be sad like she was on our wedding day. But just as you said, we are her family now.”


“Yes. So enjoy your meeting with Francisco Ferrari, while I enjoy mine with Nonno.”

“Yeah, that reminds me. I would try to pay him a visit before he returns to Sicily.”

“Yeah, you should. I’m using the opportunity to introduce him to Bianca.” Bianca. I hadn’t seen her ever since we got back to Milan. Sometimes I think of stopping by at Alexander’s office, but when I remember I am definitely going to run into her, I change my mind. I wouldn’t deceive myself by saying we had parted ways on good terms. We hadn’t, and that was a topic I wasn’t ready to discuss. More so, I have been so angry about the way she invaded my dreams. These days, I noticed I thought about her a lot, and whenever I did, I pictured her naked beneath me. It made me so mad with anger especially during nights I laid together with Francesca. It pained me that I was busy thinking about another woman, while laying next to my wife to be. I regretted ever having sex with her because now, I found it difficult to flush her out of my system or memory.

I guess it worried me more because even after a whole month of having not laid my eyes on her, I craved her even more than I did before. Maybe she was a witch! Her unusual hair and eye colour, her guts towards me…. No other woman had ever dared to challenge me physically or by invading my thoughts and dreams uninvited. Not even Francesca. Bianca was definitely a witch. But she wasn’t going to conquer me. I am Manuel Russo. Manuel Russo is not just any man that can be easily conquered by a woman.

I just had to remain steadfast and refrain from seeing her. That was it! Once Francesca and I get married, the spells of that pretty headed witch would probably not have an effect on me anymore. Yes, that was the solution.

“How is she?” I found myself asking.

“Who?” Alexander asked.

“Your assistant, of course.”

“I can see she did make an impression huh? I told you she’s good.” He sounded happy.

“I was just asking how she was doing.” I muttered. I wasn’t expecting the questions he asked. She did make an impression. A lot of impressions!

“Like you have been doing for the past couple of weeks.” He chuckled.

“No, I’ve not.”

“Why do you sound offended? I’m just saying I’m glad she made an impression.”

“And I’m saying she didn’t!” I burst out in annoyance.

“She didn’t?” He asked, almost sounding worried. “But Bianca is very impressionable. A certain business colleague she met at the conference hasn’t even stopped asking about her.”

“Is he interested in her?” I tried to sound as casual as possible. Why did I even care?

“I guess so. Why do you even….? My goodness, Manuel! You like her!!” He laughed like a kid, and it only provoked me.

“That is very absurd, Alex.” I scowled, even though he couldn’t see me.


“What do you mean by ‘how’? You know I’m very picky and not a lot of women interest me. I only ask about Bianca every week because I still feel guilty over her wrongful abduction. And that’s that. Wouldn’t you be suprised if I don’t ask about her, after spending three weeks together on my island? How could you think I would fancy Bianca?” I scoffed. “She’s your assistant for crying out loud.”

“And assistants do not deserve to be liked or admired?”

“I never said that, Alex. Stop putting words in my mouth.”

“Fine!” He laughed. “I really do enjoy getting on your nerves though. I’m sorry.” He laughed harder.

“Dick head.” I chuckled. “I am going late for my meeting already. I would update you on how successful or unsuccessful the meeting turns out.”

“Jeez, Manuel. You really believe he can change his mind now, after giving his consent already?” He chuckled.

“Francisco Ferrari is capable of anything.” I scoffed.

“True. You should hang up and get going already. You wouldn’t want to be late on your first meeting. You need to make and impression just like Bianca. All the best!” The annoying cousin of mine. He was truly trying to annoy me with all these Bianca talks. He didn’t even wait for me to hang up like he had suggested, before doing so himself. Dramatically rolling my eyes, I picked up my phones and walked out of the office.

Just as I got to the entrance of my office building, I came across that particular cousin of mine that never parted ways with me, without successfully pissing me off.

“Anthonio.” I gave him a curt nod.

“Manuel.” He replied with a nod of his own. I had expected him to walk and pass, but no. He definitely wanted an opportunity to piss me off. What was he even doing in my company in the first place?

“On your way out?”

“What does it even matter to you?” I asked, trying to appear unprovoked.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Easy.” He muttered. “I was asking because I needed to see you.” Only God knew what he needed my assistance with this time. Since he had completed his tutelage under me a couple of months back, he had somewhat deluded himself into thinking we were cool now.

“What do you want?”

“I need your help with securing a major contract.” He went straight to the point, pissing me off the more. The confidence he had to think I would so easily agree to be of help to him.

“I can’t help you.” I simply replied.

“You can’t, or you won’t?” He asked.

“Both.” I replied almost immediately. With Anthonio, I was everything the word ‘petty’ described. And I really didn’t care. He looked at me for a moment, before releasing a sigh.

“Manuel, we aren’t kids any longer. I thought I had atoned for my sins enough?”

“Well, it’s clear you haven’t.”

“But I’m your family, and I need your help.” He said, looking at me in disbelief.

“Uhhmm… Anthonio, I have an important meeting with my Fiancee’s father. I don’t really have much time on my hands. Tell me what exactly you want and let me think about it.”

“There’s one more slot remaining for the upcoming national car race championship events. I need A. RUSSO to be able to participate in that event. You happen to be well acquainted with the….” I already knew where he was headed, so I cut him off.

“I would think about it.” With that, I turned and walked out of my building. I knew I was definitely going to put a call across to the minister in charge of the event. Moreover, his company was a part of the Russo empire, and his loss affects everyone as well. I just wanted to give him a bit of a hard time.

The ride to the Ferraris mansion was smooth and less disturbing. I had expected to feel tensed all the way there but suprisingly, I wasn’t. It felt like every other business meeting I attended. Just as I got to the mansion, Francesca’s call came in and I managed a smile. She was probably calling to scold me.

“I’m just right in front of your door.” I muttered into the phone the moment I picked up.

“You are?” She sounded very excited, and I nodded, completely forgetting she couldn’t see me.

“Yes, I am.”

“Alright. I would be down with you shortly.” She said before hanging up the call. Just then, a call came in from Massimo. He knew I was to see Francesca’s father today. What was so important that had him calling?


“Hello Don. So sorry to disturb your meeting.”

“Hmmm. What’s happening?”

“Jacobo has fled the country.”

“That’s impossible.” I laughed. “All he has is here in Italy. His family are here too.”

“Same thing that baffles me.” Massimo sighed. “He left his family behind.”

“He really left the country? But I thought he was under the surveillance of our men?!” I could already feel myself losing it. A lot of things seemed to be pissing me off today. I remember returning from Moscow to be told that Jacobo claimed he had never had any physical meeting with X. If that was the case, why was he suddenly fleeing from the country? The coward didn’t even leave any sort of protection for his family.

“I’m sorry Don. We failed in our duties.” Came Massimo’s reply. I was about talking when Francesca appeared at the doorstep, looking every shade of excitement.

“We would continue this discussion later Massimo.” I muttered, before hanging up the call and turning my attention to Francesca.

“Hey babyyy.” She grinned, pulling my head down for a quick kiss. “Missed me?” She asked, and I shrugged. I honestly couldn’t tell if I did. She rolled her eyes and muttered. “Forgot how unromantic you could be. My father awaits you inside.” She said, and I nodded. We both made our way together into her home. It was very weird to say, but I hadn’t been to Francesca’s family home before. I definitely knew her home, but have never been there. This was my first visit.



Just like every other Saturday, I had cleaned up my room and done my laundry. I was stepping out of the bathroom after my bath, and was shocked to meet Madam Beatriz on my bed.

“Hey.” She muttered.

“Good morning.” I shivered as an effect of the cold air condition on my wet body.

“It’s seems to be afternoon already.” She smiled. “You haven’t had anything to eat today.”

“Have been busy with laundry.”

“Lauraaa…” She sighed. “I miss you so much. You seem so close but distant these days. Or does that come with the change of fashion style?” She asked, making me break into a smile. I was trying so hard to hold back a chuckle. Madame Beatriz could be really funny atimes. Remembering the conversation I had with Bianca during the week, I sighed and made my way to where she sat on my bed.

“I’m sorry.” I choked out, tears clouding my eyes. “I didn’t mean to be distant. I’ve just had a lot going through my mind. I find it difficult to arrange my thoughts.”

“I know. I know you feel angry as well. And I am ready to remain silent at my son for as long as it pleases you.” I looked into her eyes and I couldn’t detect any uncertainty or lie in there.

“That’s a rash decision to make.” I chuckled. “He is your son.”

“And he hurt you. You’re my daughter too.” She held my hands in hers and my skin welcomed the warmth of her palms.

“Thank you.” I whispered. “For everything.” I found myself falling into her open arms and she held me so tightly. After a while of staying in each other’s embrace, I asked my next question. “It’s been a month already. What if I never forgive him? You can’t remain mad at him forever. Please don’t.”

“This is why I had so much confidence when I said I was willing to stay mad at him as long you wanted.” She pulled away from me and held my cheeks in her palms. “Because you wouldn’t make me stay long. You are one of the few people I know, that has such a kind heart, my dear.”

“You think?”

“I know.” She nodded with a warm smile that made my heart melt. Just then, a call came in through her phone and she released a sigh the moment she looked at the caller’s ID. “It’s Davide. I have to answer it.” She said and I nodded. “Buongiorno.” She said the moment she answered the call.

“….” I couldn’t hear what he had said.

“He is?” Her smile faltered and she looked up at me. She quickly looked away and swallowed some saliva. “That is because I haven’t been taking his calls.” She looked like she was about to tear up and it made me worried. What was the matter with Davide? “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t go.” She muttered once more.

After a while, she gave me the phone and I took it. My hands shook as I put them to my ear. These people were my family and whatever hurt them, hurt me as well.

“Hello?” I muttered.

“Laura. How are you?”

“I’m fine.” I replied, fear lacing my voice. “What’s going on?” I dared to ask.

“Ricardo is extremely ill. He had tried to call Dad, but can’t reach him. He also called mom but apparently, she doesn’t take his calls anymore. And even now, she isn’t willing to go see him.” Oh. Now I understood it all.

“She is.” I choked out

“What was that?” He asked.

“I said she is willing to go. She’s just bothered she’d hurt my feelings and that’s…..” I paused, looking at her as tears welled up in my eyes. “That’s crazy.” A tear slipped down my eyes as I held her own eyes. She was already crying as well.

“Are you crying? Wait, is my mom crying as well?”

“A little.” I choked out, trying hold back more tears. It was crazy that she was really going to abandon her sick son because of me.

“Laura, my sweetheart.” Davide suddenly said, making me smile. I knew I looked weird crying and smiling at the same time. Maybe it was because I knew he referred to me that way, because he needed a favour.

“What do you want me to do for you?” I asked.

“Such a smart girl.” He chuckled. “It is quite a hard task, but not something impossible to do.”

“What’s that?”

“God! I told that spoilt brat that I wasn’t gonna be helping him this time. What am I doing now?” He muttered to himself. What was he talking about? “Please, could you go check on Ricardo yourself? That way, mom doesn’t feel guilty. I also have a lot to discuss with her while you’re away.” I went silent for while. The aim of my silence was to think about his request, but I seemed to be nodding my head even before I could think.

“Fine. I would go. I guess I would have to face him finally, not so?”

“Ohhh, I’m sending a thousand kisses to you right this moment. I would send you his house address in a matter of seconds. Thank you so much love.”

“You’re welcome.” I managed to say, wondering what I had been thinking when I made such a promise.

“Please could you give the phone to my mom now?”

“Sure.” I held the phone out to Madame Beatriz. “I would go wear some clothes.” I mumbled, before making my way to my wardrobe. I wanted something simple to wear, so I settled for a short lilac sundress. I applied my body lotion and face lotion, and applied a leave in conditioner to my hair. I loved how it smelled.

Federico was such a thoughtful guy. Yes, you guessed right. He had gotten it and a few skin products for me as well. All the while, I tried to distract myself with thoughts of other things, but it just wasn’t working. I knew I had made a huge decision by agreeing to go see Ricardo, when I wasn’t even ready to face him yet.

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