When I came through, my head was covered by a black bag, and my hands were bound tightly in front of me. I seemed to be sitting in the back of a car, and I felt two presences on either side of me.

I let out a scream, asking them to let me go. Panic rose through me. I spat at them every Spanish insult I could muster, demanding to be released, until one of them hit my head hard on the iron behind the seat, and I could feel the blood dripping down my head.

I tried to listen to see if I could hear anything distinctive that would help me out when I planned my escape. I listened as the car soared over bumpy paths, making its way down an unsteady route. It kept on moving for what seemed to be an hour and a half before halting.

My heart raced, and I felt my nerves surfacing even more when I was dragged out of the car. Two strong arms hoisted me up and carried me, bridal style, to what I assumed was their hiding place. I heard the sound of a metal door being opened, and whoever was carrying me walked inside, taking larger steps. He climbed a staircase before taking a turn to the left. Another door opened, and I was set down on a chair.

I moved my head frantically, trying to see if I could get a glimpse of how the room looked, but I ended up with nothing. I let out a deep sigh, thinking of what to do, when I felt a sting on my neck. My eyes started dropping slowly, and no matter how much I tried to keep them open, I couldn’t fight the urge to close them and ended up welcoming the darkness for the second time that night.

I didn’t know how long I had been out, but I was awoken by the darkness of the room. My eyes were heavy as I struggled to keep them open, adjusting to the darkness. My hands were tied so tightly behind a seat that I was sure it would leave a mark.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I was cold.

There was no way I could scream for help since my mouth was gagged. My ear peaked, listening for any sound that indicated someone was here with me as well, but nothing. Total silence. I didn’t know if I should be relieved that I was alone or worried.

But one thing was for sure-the fear was eating me up. My heart kept beating fast at the thought of what might come. I gulped; my throat hurt, and my head was pounding like a sledgehammer was being hit repeatedly on it.

The fear was different from how I felt when Sin first kidnapped me; this was different. I wasn’t taken for pleasure or an obsession; I was taken for revenge, and that was what scared me the most.

My body trembles. The image of Sin’s beautiful face was locked into my mind, and the thought of him sent a pool of tears strolling down my cheeks. My heart raced when I heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming in this direction. I heard a man’s voice muttering something in Italian as they got closer. I was able to understand a little bit of what they were saying since my Italian isn’t yet perfect. I felt so useless.

The footsteps stopped at the entrance of the door, then I heard the knob turn, and the door opened. I saw two blurry figures walking in, and I tried to use all my senses. A bright light burned through my eyes when the room switch was turned on.

I took in the appearance of the room. It had four concrete walls with a tiny window by the side. It was filthy, and the walls were disgusting to look at as they were stained with what looked like dried blood.

Looking at the room made me want to throw up, but I had to force myself not to because I might end up throwing up on myself. I removed my gaze from the walls of the room, settling it in front of the bulky-looking Italian men. They both had tattoos running from their necks to their hands.

Their expressions were blank and ruthless, staring at me like I was an insect they could easily squash. My lips quivered and my heart beat faster when one of them began to approach me. I felt my body shake uncontrollably and my eyes water as he approached me.

“Look at her, Stefano, how she keeps trembling,” the scary guy who stood in front of me said to the one behind me.

“Seeing you tremble, Piccola Ragazza, is quite the turn-on.”

perverted old fart!.

I should have really learned self-defense; maybe then I wouldn’t be in this situation I’m in now; maybe then I wouldn’t have been easily kidnapped. Sin was right; I can’t really take care of myself when it comes to situations like this.

“Be careful, Marcos; you know the rule. You are not allowed to touch her or do anything that might harm the baby.” The guy behind me, who was called Stefano, warned the Marcos guy in front of me.

“That’s too bad; I could imagine the fun the both of us could have had.” Marcos hummed, his eyes focused on my cleavage, his hands folded against his chest.

I sent him a glare, hating his eyes on my skin. His gaze met mine, and he grinned menacingly, wetting his lips as his eyes swept over my body again.

“On second thought, there won’t be any harm if we just have a little bit of fun. Don’t you think?” He closed the gap between us.

He had his eyes on my face, drinking in my nervous expression, and a smirk formed on the side of his lips. He put his hand on my neck, giving it a little bit of a painful squeeze before trailing it down my neck to my shoulder, moving down, and stopping at the top of my cleavage. I moved my head, trying to get rid of his hand on my body, but it didn’t do anything since I was tied to the chair by my hands and legs.

I let out a whimper when I saw that he was about to grab a hold of my left breast, but that didn’t happen because Stefano stopped him.

“I think that’s enough, Marcos,” Stefano said, his voice deep and authoritative, leaving Marcos no choice but to step away.

I let out a breath of relief. My eyes met those of Stefano, and I nodded lightly in a way of telling him how grateful I was, but his face was emotionless. Marcos reluctantly stood up, keeping a distance between us, and I let out a shaky breath.

“Dai Stefano, devi essere un festaiolo, possiamo entrambi fare a turno. Non è che la pazza lo saprebbe.” Marcos spoke sternly to Stefano.

“No Marcos, lascia riposare la povera ragazza. E già abbastanza grave che sia stata rapita, sembra debole e potrebbe svenire da un momento all’altro e non dimentichiamoci del fatto che è incinta”. Stefano answered in an equal tone to Marcos, sending a hard glare his way.

“Accidenti a quel fottuto bambino, da quando sei cosi figa, non dirmi che ti piace nel poco tempo in cui è stata qui.” Marcos spat angrily, walking towards Stefano in a large stance. They towered above each other as they continued their heated arguments.

“Ci sono state date semplici istruzioni per non toccarla e fare bene a seguirla. Bloody bastard,” Marcos said angrily, walking out of the room.

Stefano cast me one last glance before walking out of the room. I waited to hear the sound of the lock, but I didn’t hear anything except for their retreating footsteps. After I felt they were a distance away, I heaved out a shaky breath; my entire body shook uncontrollably, and my eyes watered. My glance fell to the door; my vision was blurry.

Would Sin care about the fact that I was missing? Was he glad that I was out of his life? Would he even bother looking for me?

All hope in me deteriorated, not after the way we left things. I wasn’t able to prove to him that I didn’t cheat on him and that everything that happened was a set-up done by Jason and some mysterious woman. A sob escaped the cloth that bound my mouth as tears continued to fall down my face. I feared for my life and that of my unborn child.

“Don’t worry, baby, mommy will make sure nothing happens to you,” I whispered into the dark. I sat there awake, bound to the chair, for hours before welcoming the darkness for the third time this night.



Dai Stefano, devi essere un festaiolo; possiamo entrambi fare un turno. Non è che la pazza lo saprebbe. – Come on, Stefano, do you have to be a party popper? We can both take turns. It’s not like the crazy lady would know.

No Marcos, lascia riposare la povera ragazza. E già abbastanza grave che sia stata rapita, sembra debole e potrebbe svenire da un momento all’altro e non dimentichiamoci del fatto che è incinta. No, Marcos, let the poor girl rest. It’s bad enough that she was kidnapped; she looks weak and could faint any minute from now; and let’s not forget about the fact that she is pregnant.

Accidenti a quel fottuto bambino, da quando sei cos figa, non dirmi che ti piace nel poco tempo in cui è stata qui. Damn that fucking baby, since when have you been such a pussy. Don’t tell me you fancy her in the little time she has been here.

Ci sono state date semplici istruzioni per non toccarla e fare bene a seguirla. – We were given simple instructions not to touch her, and you would do well to follow them.

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