At exactly 9:55 Am and 10:00 Am, Sin and I’s baby boy and girl were born. How did l go a full nine months without the doctor noticing I was carrying two babies instead of one.

They were beautiful.

I was wheeled back to the room while the babies were taken to be cleaned. The rest of the family had gone home earlier to get freshened up, they had no clue yet and I told the doctor not to tell them. I had asked my aunt and Sin to go home and freshen up as well, after a lot of persuasion my aunt agreed to go, wish I could say the same about Sin.

This man was filled with all kinds of stubbornness.

I heard a soft knock at the door, it opened slowly and I saw Serena, Samantha, Stephanie and Alexander walk in first followed by Athena, Amelia and Carson.

“Hey. ” Serena said in a hushed tone.

“Where is the baby? ” Stephanie asked.

Before Sin and I could answer, the door pulled open and a nurse walked in with one baby in her arms. She walked towards me, placing the baby in my hands. I looked down at the baby boy in my hold, his eyes still closed. I cooed, rubbing my thumb over his head.

The family gathered around me, staring at the baby in my hands, a series of aww and wow filled the room and I laughed softly, trying not to wake him.

“You still haven’t told us the gender” Samantha whined, her gaze never shifted from the baby in my hold.

I laughed, shaking my head. ” It’s a boy”

“called it” Stephanie whispered a shout. ” pay up.” She said, stretching her hand out to Athena, Samantha and Alexander.

“I can’t believe you guys bet on the gender of the baby. ” Serena said, baffled.

“I thought it was a girl because Nikolai kept saying he was sure.” Samantha pouted, brought a five hundred dollars bill and handed it over to Stephanie, Alexander did the same as well.

“I can’t believe Nikolai was actually wrong about this” Athena exclaimed playfully. ” what happened to father knows best, when it comes to things like this.”

I looked at Sin, my lips shifted up in a smirk. ” I won’t be so sure about that. ” I say to Stephanie.

She looked confused, same as the rest of the family. Sin just laughed, walking to the door and opening it, I watched their expressions as the nurse walked in with another baby in her hands.

They all looked surprised, Stephanie and Samantha had their mouths opened wide watching as another nurse safely put the baby in Sin’s hand.

” Twins.” Amelia asked, surprised, looking at the babies in Sin’s hands and mine.

“You’re kidding right ” Athena gasped out, looking to see if Sin and I were pulling a prank on her. I nodded at her and she squealed, rushing towards Sin.

“You didn’t say anything about having twins.” Carson questioned and I smiled.

“Believe me, we are also surprised as well. ” I say to them. “I guess Nikolai wanted a girl so badly. “I joked and the family laughed.

“Oh my God! She is beautiful.” Serena said, walking closer to Sin to get a better look. Athena, Samantha, Stephanie and Amelia followed along.

“Do you want to hold him?” I asked Alexander who was still looking at the baby in my arms. His eyes were clouded for a moment.

How could I have completely forgotten about the baby he lost.

Alexander looked unsure at first, but he set his hands for me to place the baby securely in his hold. I looked back at Sin to see he had given the baby to Serena who was sitting on the couch with Athena, Stephanie and Amelia beside her.

Samantha had already left them to stand beside Alexander and Carson. They totally ignored Sin and I, their attention solely on the babies. I laughed at this.

“They look so much like Nikolai. ” Carson said beside Alexander.

“I know right, how could they take their father’s features? I feel so betrayed. ” I feigned being hurt and they laughed.

Alexander gave the baby to Samantha who has been pestering him to let her hold him. He walked towards Sin. ” You did good, big brother”

They did their usual handshake.

“It’s my turn to hold her, Serena” Amelia whined, making Serena laugh as she handed the baby to her.

“Good job kid” Carson said, making me smile. ” You are going to be a great mom” He looked like Sin who was by my side. “I know you are going to be a great dad to the babies and a good husband to Mani”

Sin nods his head. ” Thank you Carson. ”

“I know we don’t need to worry about Mani any more because I know she is in good hands and that you are going to love and cherish her for the rest of your life, and I know it’s going to be the same for the babies.” Carson smiled at Sin.

“Thank you, Carson; that means a lot.”This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“Oh, it looks like someone is about to wake up.”

Samantha squealed, walking over to me. I took the baby in her arms with the rest of the family gathering around me. Sin took our baby girl from Amelia’s grasp.

I caress his little head softly, kissing his forehead.

He fussed a little, moving his little head, then his eyes started opening slowly until we were able to see the very familiar blue eyes.

“He’s got Mani’s eyes, thank God.” Samantha jokes? “I was beginning to think Nikolai’s features were dominating.”

“She is waking up as well,” Sin says, his eyes twinkling with pride. He brought her closer to me so that I could get a better look at her. Her eyes opened slowly with the same blue eyes as her older brother’s.

“They are so adorable, I could just take them home with me,” Athena squealed.

“No one is taking my babies anywhere.” Sin growls out a little, getting possessive of them.

I shake my head with a grin on my face. Carson was right; he was going to be a great dad. I smiled at him and got one in return.

The door opened, and a nurse walked in. She smiled, sending greetings to everyone, which they all gladly responded to.

She took the baby in my arms, putting him in the crib beside me, before taking the other from Sin and putting her in the crib beside me as well. She walked over to Sin and whispered something in his ear before leaving the room.

“Okay, why don’t you guys leave so that Mani can rest?” Sin asked, and a lot of groans filled the room, but they didn’t argue with him as they made their way out of the room. The girls waved at me before leaving.

“You should go too; you’re tired. Go home and rest; you also need to shower.” I say to him.

“No, I want to be here with you.”

“Come on, Nikolai, quit being stubborn. Just go home; we will be here waiting for you. We aren’t going anywhere, and beside, you can send Mateo here if you are that worried.” I said, trying to reason with him.

He didn’t say anything for some time, like he was thinking it through, then he sighed and got up from his seat. “I will be back.” He pecked my lips, walked over to where the babies were, placing a kiss on their foreheads.

He made his way to the door and stopped to look back at me. I waved at him to go with a smile on my face, with him smiling back, before walking out of the room.

It wasn’t long after he left that Mateo came in. “I heard you gave birth to twins,” he asked, the excitement dancing in his eyes, but he was trying to play it cool.

“Yes, I did.” I pointed towards the crib, and his eyes widened. He walked over to the crib, looking down at the babies in awe.

“Wow, they are so tiny. ” He said, amused. laughed at this. I have never seen Mateo behave this way.

“You know you can hold them if you want to.”

Mateo gulped, looking at the babies, then shook his head. “What if I hurt them or break their bones?”

“You won’t hurt them; I know that for sure.” I said cheekily to him. “Besides, you are their godfather.”

He looked at me shocked that I actually remembered my promise; his eyes twinkled with happiness as he picked one of the babies up. I watched him handle them with care, and I sighed in contentment. I stifled a yawn, exhausted. I didn’t want to go to sleep without getting cleaned up, so I pressed the button by the side of the bed, alerting the nurse.

When a nurse came in, I told her I wanted to freshen up. She helped me out of the bed and to the bathroom as I bathed and changed into clean new clothes. I was assisted back to the room and bed.

I looked over at Mateo to see he had put the baby back in his crib. He took a seat on the couch, watching over them. My eyes slowly close, welcoming the wonderland of dreams with a smile on my face.

I didn’t know how long I had been asleep, but when I woke up, Mateo wasn’t in the room again but Sin. He was standing close to the window, holding the two babies in his hands.

“Sai quanto è felice papà di conoscerti, hai reso me e tua mamma davvero felici. Papà farà sempre in modo di proteggere te e tua madre sempre, piccola mia Violenta’s,” he cooed. “Marcelo, devi sempre proteggere la tua sorellina.” He kissed their cheeks.

I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. I wiped the tears off my eyes as Sin turned to look at me. He smiled, walking close to me.

This moment will forever remain in my heart.



Sai quanto è felice papà di conoscerti, hai reso me e tua mamma davvero felici. Papà farà sempre in modo di proteggere te e tua madre sempre, piccola mia Violenta’s. – Do you know how happy Daddy is to meet you? You’ve made your Mom and I really happy. Daddy will always make sure to protect you and your mom, my little Violenta.

Marcello, Devi sempre protegge la tua sorellina – Marcello. You always need to protect your little sister.

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