“Urg,” I mumbled, burying my head in the sheets. “Why is it so bright?” I groaned, using the pillow to cover my head.

I always made sure to close the curtains in my room, so why were they open? And that’s when it hit me. I opened my eyes, still a little tired, and turned to the other side of the bed, but found it empty with no sign of Sin.

A feeling of sadness engulfed me, and I began to wonder if I made the right choice yesterday. Was this what he wanted? Was Lauren right about me getting discarded after being used? Was I overthinking this?

Weeping off the tears that fell down my face, I stepped out of bed, groaning as I felt pain between my thighs, the mattress falling off my bare body. I limped into the bathroom, just to be taken by surprise when I saw Sin in there, getting into the shower.

“Yo…”  I stuttered out, hurriedly wiping the stain of tears from my face.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

He didn’t say anything at first and kept staring at my eyes. “Did you cry?” I nervously bit my lip, not responding. “Why?  Did you perhaps regret what happened between us last night?” He asked, stepping out of the shower, and I shook my head.

“Then why did you cry amore?” His voice was soft and soothing as he cupped my cheek, and I tried not to notice our naked bodies.

“I thought you left.” I sobbed, not sure why I was acting this way. “I woke up, and you weren’t there, so I thought you left.” I explained, fiddling with my nails and finding the floor of the bathroom more pleasing to look at.

His thumbs ran through my cheek, wiping the tears off before placing a finger underneath my chin and raising my face up to meet his gaze.

“I apologize for making you feel this way. You were still asleep, and I thought of having a quick bath before you woke up.” He explained, brushing his lips over mine, causing butterflies to brush against my stomach. “You aren’t a fling; you mean so much to me, Mani.”

I began to scold myself for having thought negatively. Why was I so feeble-minded when it comes to him? I knew for a fact that it had nothing to do with the fact that he had kidnapped me. I wasn’t sure if it mattered even more.

Do I care about my freedom? Yes.  But was I certain I could go back to the life I once knew without Sin? I wasn’t so sure.

My thoughts were put to an end when I felt Sin’s lips press against mine, causing fireworks to explode in my tummy and my core to start throbbing. My arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him back with the same passion as he did.

My hand slowly left his neck, latching onto his shaft and beginning to stroke it gently. Sin groans, picking me up, pressing our naked bodies against each other.

We walked into the shower, turning it on as the warm water fell against my skin as my back hit the tiled wall of the shower.

Sin picked up the bathing cloth, lathering it with my shower gel before rubbing it on my skin. His movements were soft and gentle, like I was some delicate flower.

His hand moves slowly between my thighs, maintaining eye contact with me, and I gasp, letting out a whimper when his finger brushes against my clit.

I leaned in, tiptoeing to peck his lips, taking the bath cloth from his hand as I washed his body in the same manner he did mine. My cheeks are covered with blush while I try to maintain eye contact with him. But my gaze keeps moving from his eyes to his lips.

The water tickled down our faces and onto our naked bodies, washing the soap off, but my focus was merely on how pink and plump his lips were looking. I needed those lips.

“Kiss me,” I whispered, biting my lip slightly. “I want you to–”

Before I could finish the sentence, his lips latched onto mine, shutting me up, and quite frankly, I didn’t mind. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, erupting a wet, warm feeling not only in my mouth but in my core.

My fingers were entwined in his hair, playing with it. His dark curly locks were surprisingly soft, silky, and nicely moisturized. I didn’t think he’d be one to care too much about his appearance.

His lips parted from mine, and he moved down my body, placing soft kisses on my neck, my breasts, and my stomach, and then he reached down there. Placing both my legs on his shoulders, he laid kisses on my thighs.

His tongue came out to gently lick my throbbing clit, which caused a small moan to come out. He smirked against the skin, making me moan more.

“Nikolai,” I moaned out, playing with his hair.

Every lick given to me made my clit throb faster. I needed him to make me cum right now. “Nikolai, go faster.” I instructed, moving his head to go faster.

He licked my clit up and down, and just as I was on the verge of cupping, he moved away. I looked down, and a frown was on my lips. ” Sin-.”

He slipped his tongue in there and used his thumb to rub my clit, really making me go crazy. My walls tightened around his darting tongue, and his thumb rubbed my clit , increasing the ecstasy coursing through me. “Yes…” I moaned.

I finally came on his tongue, and he got that from the way my back arched, so he moved away from my core. He licked his lips, a smile on his face. “You taste so good.” He smiled, standing up to meet me.

Our lips locked once again, only increasing my already fast heartbeat. I was getting a taste of myself from him. We kissed for a few minutes, and Sin was the first to put some distance between us.

“As much as I would love to do this all day, we need to get dressed, and I need you to pack a few clothes and the things needed for a week-long trip.” Sin says, and my brow creased. “I have business to attend to, and you are coming with me.”

“Business,” I frowned, “what kind of business? Where are we going?” I asked, my face now filled with curiosity.

” Paris”

A loud squeal left my lips, and my eyes lit up in excitement. Was I hearing him correctly? I have always wanted to visit Paris but wasn’t able to. Either I didn’t have enough budget for it or I was too busy to take a trip.

“You are being serious right now. I just can’t believe it. Paris! ”  I exclaimed.

Sin’s eyes twinkle with amusement as he watches my reaction. “You do know that this is not a vacation. I need to handle some matters of urgency there, and you will be by my side.”

“Come on, Nikolai,” I whined out, pouting my lips while giving him my best puppy eyes, hoping it would work. “I mean, it’s Paris. You can’t expect me not to be excited. I can’t just follow you around all day. I have always wanted to visit Paris.”

He sighed in defeat before cupping my cheek and running his hand against mine. I smiled inwardly, biting down softly on my lips while staring at his dark orbs.

“Fine, I will allow you freedom as long as you promise not to do anything drastic, and remember to stay in line of sight even if I’m not there. You should not be alone without one of my men with you.”

I jumped in joy and did a happy dance, nodding my head quickly. “yes.”

He smirked, “I will have to assign someone to watch over you and keep you safe.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, looking at him.

He turned his back towards me and said, “Finish up and come meet me downstairs.” walking out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I hurriedly finish up with my bath, washing my hair, and brushing my teeth.

Once I was done, I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my bare body. I made my way to my closet, scanning through the clothes that were neatly arranged. A few of them had been the clothes I had come with, while the majority of them were designers, bought by Sin.

I took out a small duffel bag and did as Sin instructed, packing the clothes, and things I needed before placing it gently at the side of the bed and hurriedly beginning to dress.

I put on a grey jumpsuit with white sneakers, choosing to let my hair down after drying it up. Taking one final look at the mirror, I walked out of my room to the kitchen, where Sin was.

“What time are we leaving for the airport?” I asked, watching Sin apply butter to his toast. He looked up at me, taking in my dress, before nodding in approval.

“We leave right after breakfast,” he answered, before shoving a plate of buttered toast towards me. “Are you done packing?”

“Yes,” I replied, with a little bit of enthusiasm. I took a seat beside him, and we both ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence.


We arrived at a desolate airport after breakfast. There was only one plane, and it was big, with a big black letter written boldly on the side of the plane. Violante. Sin motioned for me to get into the plane, which I did, astonished by the beauty. Money certainly can buy you everything.

The décor was modern and mostly white. The design was tremendous, making me wonder who furnished it. Sin sat next to me while his men took seats on different sides of the plane.

“What do you think?”

“It’s rather fancy, but beautiful,” I replied, and looking out the window, my excitement grew.

“I’m glad you like it.”

We were about to depart when a young male air hostess came and gave us a glass of champagne. I gladly accepted it and gulped it all down in one goal.

“There is a bedroom at the end of the plane in case you want to lie down.” a Sin gesture to the door. I nodded, getting up to my feet, and walking into the bedroom.

I first went to the bathroom to relieve myself. The bathroom was small but elegant. After I was done, I washed my hands and dried them off with a towel before stepping out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

There on the bed was Sin. He lay on the bed. His sleeves were rolled up, and his forearms were showing. He looked up and patted a spot beside him. I slowly approached the bed and laid down. He pulled me close to him as we smuggled together in silence. His hands caress my back, pulling me into the wonderland of sleep.

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