The Lycan King’s Breeder

Hurt him

Chapter 41: Talon’s POV

“War times are very difficult times, don’t you think there is a better way we can handle this problem?” One of the Alphas on the table asked and murmurs rose as some supported him and others didn’t.

Greg looked at me from across the room and I gave him a grin. There was no point rushing to tell them what we knew. It was better we let them get on with their words.

This was an opportunity for me to know exactly who was a coward and who wasn’t.

“What better way, do you think we have to deal with rogues?” Jared asked the man.

He opened his mouth to speak but no words left his lips as he had nothing to say.

“We could hold dialogues?” Someone said at the edge of the room. I turned my eyes to see who could say such silly things and I wasn’t surprised when Monty got up.

“There is nothing a peaceful conversation can not hold or settle…” He started explaining and fools like him nodded their heads in anticipation like he was breathing the right words.

I scoffed, glaring at the center of his head.

Someone needed to shut him up before I did because if I had to reduce myself to do it, then I was going to hurt him -really badly.

“Do you really think a peaceful conversation could be held with rogues?” Aliyah, my cousin’s beta asked.

Her voice was as gentle as a dove but that was camouflage. Aliyah looked gentle and one would think she was unable to hurt a fly but I have had the privilege of fighting alongside her in the past. She was one of the strongest fighters I have ever seen.

But of course, foolish Montgomery didn’t know this, so he underestimated her value.

“Excuse me,” He said turning to glare at her. “I don’t remember you ruling any land or do you?” He asked and Jared threw his head backward in laughter.

Only a few people knew what it meant to make my cousin laugh.

Aliyah kept her face straight and emotionless as she stared at the boy.

“Who brought this fool here?” Jared asked as he stopped laughing.

Trevor, who knew exactly what my cousin was capable of, immediately got up and apologized.

“I am sorry my lady. Please forgive my son. He is young and foolish,” He said and quickly came over to where Montgomery stood and grabbed him by the collar.

“Jared, next time we have a council meeting of this importance, you should have daycare for children outside of the meeting hall,” I growled.

“Yes, my king,” He responded. Then turned to the rest of the men and women in the room. “Does anyone else has a proper suggestion to make?”

“Aside from the foolish ones and the cowards…” I added.

I was growing bored of listening to men who were too scared to leave the bosoms of their mates and fight for a life they should have.

Half of them lowered their heads as I looked into each and every one of their faces.

“But my King,” An old alpha spoke up. “We don’t even know who we are up against..”

“They are rogues, Patrick! Didn’t you get the memo!” Another hissed at him but I found him to be the stupid one.

“Alpha Patrick, what are your concerns?” I asked, ignoring the fool that spoke after him.

“I believe these rogues have a pattern. A purpose… They have a leader…” He said and murmurs filled the room.

Hmm, at least this one was more sensible than the rest of them, I thought as I gave the man my full attention.

“Yes, you are right Alpha Patrick. They don’t move like the regular mindless rogue. These ones act like they are a pack. A new community rising to be heard,” My cousin buttressed.

“They attacked a part of my land. They didn’t hurt the people only my soldiers. It felt like they were testing out limits,” the man said and I looked to Greg to take over from there.

Greg nodded and got up. “They have been attacking specific villages and heading towards a bigger goal. Lycan King Talon and I, have been studying their movements. They are coming to the capital,” he said.

I watched as most of them had to relieve on their faces.

Of course, they would care less that the greater evil was coming for me and not them.

They were forgetting that the capital was the seat of power. If Desmond managed to take control of the capital, they were all going to fall.

“Do we already have a plan on how to counterattack or are we waiting for them to make the first move?” Aliayah asked Greg.

“They are planting all of these little problems on several villages as bait. They want us to make a move.” He brought out the large folded map in his pockets and spread it on the table.

“Most of the attacks, come from this direction,” Greg said pointing at a section of the forest.

Some of the alphas had the decency of paying attention, while others outrightly zoned out.

I wasn’t bothered because I knew that I wasn’t loved by any of them. They wished I could die.

They felt I was too cruel. Maybe my methods were hard but the results were better than any of their ancestors before them.

“Since we already know where the attacks are coming from, why don’t we ambush them, Beta Greg?” Patrick asked.

Greg had a grin on his face, one of those faces he made when he was feeling smarter than anyone else in the room. He opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.

“That’s exactly what Desmond wants. He knows that an all-out war against us is going to mean his death,” I said and smirked. “He wants us to push all our forces to the forest so he can enter and take control of the city, while we are out fighting ghosts and pawns…”

They all kept quiet and I could see the admiration on their faces even when they didn’t want to admit it, they knew deep down that I was the best King they have ever had.

“Point of this meeting was to notify everyone… Prepare your soldiers and protect your cities. Do not leave and attack the forest. No matter the provocation. I will handle the rest,” I said.

Silence fell over the room and I hoped that they have all realized how much time they wasted bickering about what to do and what not to do.

“If no one else has anything to say, the meeting is hereby adjourned!” My cousin announced and they all got to their feet and started moving out of the room.

“Jared, Aliyah…” I called and they turned to me. “Stay behind. There is something I’d like to talk about.”

“I wasn’t planning on leaving you,” Jared joked as he took back his seat and we waited for the room to be vacated completely.

I didn’t have to mention Greg’s name. He already knew what he had to do.

The four of us stayed out until everyone else marched out.

“This is Desmond isn’t it?” Jared asked as the room finally became quiet.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

My eyes darkened and my fists folded on the table. “Yes, it is.”

Desmond had created a very deep scar in my family and it was because of that that I was certain that he would come for my blood and whoever was close to me.

“That’s why I want you to be alert. If he can’t get to me, he will come to you,” I told him.

Jared nodded and adjusted in his seat. “We will be prepared. Desmond is a monster that deserves to be butchered, limb for limb. Do not worry cousin, if he dares come to me, I will do the honors of putting him in his place!”

I held his shoulder and bowed my head.

“That is what I wanted to hear. And as for Aliyah, if it isn’t too much work, I want you to use your knowledge of the forest path with Gregory. It will give us an edge if shove comes to push.”

“That will not be a problem, My king,” she replied with a bow.

“Thank you, that will be all,” I said, dismissing them.

We got up and started heading out of the room.

“How is Emily?” I asked Jared as he walked me to my quarters.

“The rebel keeps growing beautiful. We should start searching for a mate for her, you know?” He said and I chuckled.

“Emily will die first before she lets us pick a mate for her,” I replied and Jared bellowed with laughter.

Greg and Aliyah went together to probably share notes or discuss tactics while Jared and I continued to the quarters.

“Talon, what is this news I hear about you getting a breeder?” Jared asked as we got to my room.

“And where did you get this information?” I asked as I walked to the bed. Jared was family, I couldn’t keep the news away from him but at the same time, I had to know who was running their mouths around my land.

Jared joined me on the bed. “The winds have lips that carry stories of hidden secrets, Talon. Who said it doesn’t matter.”

I let my body fall unto the bed and I let out a sigh.

“I hear she is an absolute beauty. How is Willow taking this?”

Like Emily, Jared also didn’t get along well with Willow. The news of me getting a breeder was for them a matter of joy since it would be bringing pain to my mate.

“Willow suggested the whole thing. I will wipe off that smile if I were you,” I told him.

“Suggesting it is not a big deal. I heard you picked her up yourself. Tell me about her?”

“I am not about to start sharing my private life with you like a woman! Leave me alone now!” I said, squeezing my eyes shut.

“You know I am not going to let you be until you tell me. Come on, what’s her name?”

“Ask the winds to tell you…”

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