The Luna’s Second Chance Mate

Wet dreams

Chapter 27

Kaden’s POV

“Mhm, just like that…fuck, yes.” My whispers were raspy and sexy in their own right as I continued to nibble at her ears, pulling her hips even closer and slowly rocking back and forth.

She moaned at that, and I could guess her eyes were closed. They sounded like the most beautiful crescendos in my ears; sweet and appealing. Her hands that had been trailing my body found their way to my hair, tugging harshly as her moans intensified.

“You like it like that?” I groaned, propping her just enough to see her face. Hooded eyes, her expression crumbing under pleasure and the absolute lust of it all was enough to drive me to insanity.

As if on instinct, she pulled in for a kiss, catching my bottom lip between her teeth and tugging at it a little harshly. I groaned at that, trying to pry her own lips open properly but she wouldn’t budge.

Instead, I ran across the width of her full lips with my tongue, smiling to myself. They were swollen as hell. I did that.

She smiled into the kiss, pulling away so slowly that I could see the small string of saliva still connecting us both.

She continued to rock her hips slowly, worsening the growing tightness simply pleading to spring free. Then I saw it. The beauty marks just beneath her eyes that resembled scars from fangs puncture wound. They were never there before, I was sure of it.

“Hey…hey, are you fine?” I said with hesitation as she whipped her head towards the ceilings. Impatient, I brought my hands to her face and brought it back to look at me and to say that my eyes were saucers were an understatement.

Her hair had been a stunning black under the red light that dimly illuminated the room, now they were a fiery platinum that sprawled all over her naked shoulders. Her blue, siren shaped eyes that stared at me with lust were now brown, pleading doe ones looking at me with a hint of fear beneath them, even the red tainted lips appeared to be a soft pink.

I leaned back at the new features appearing in front of me, wide eyed. She was morphing…This wasn’t a random woman. The woman in my bed was Amaya. She had come back to me as though she never left. But the woman in front of me, I was too familiar with. I couldn’t mistake those blonde locks or those doe eyes that always lured me into the good parts of hell.

“What… how?” My voice came out as strangled whispers as I leaned even away, the shock coursing through my veins like hot lava.

She was leaning in, closing the distance between us with the same pleading eyes. But no matter how much I wanted to push her away, I couldn’t. Suddenly there were flashes of these faces changing into the other as she leaned, and without thinking I clenched my eyes shut. Only to nearly be deafened but the loud buzzing in my ears.

I forced my eyes open immediately, shutting them again immediately at the sudden light intensity. The room had grown quiet, even the once red lights had been replaced by natural lighting of a graceful morning sun. But curse the sun and its rays.

I opened them finally, feeling around the bed for the vibration that had forced me up. Was I dreaming? That was one vivid dream, if I was.

But there was no time to dwell on it. I finally picked up the phone, glancing briefly at the caller ID to see that it was Hunter. Way to ruin my morning.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hello? You had better have a good reason for calling so early in the morning.” I groaned loudly, bringing the phone to my ears. There was hesitation on the receiver, irritating me even further. It was bad enough to have woken up with a nasty boner, now this? “Fucking speak up.”

“I apologize for waking you so early, my Lord. But it is important.”

I rubbed at my eyes with the back of my hand, propping myself to a sitting position. “What happened.”

“Your suspicion was right. The one who murdered Nik was the Luna of the South Sea pack.”

“What?” My voice had dropped down an entire octave. “How did you find out?”

“The Gemini are on their way back from their mission. They will arrive at the mansion in thirty minutes to give you the full details.” And with that, he ended the call, leaving me to my thoughts.

The burning sensation on my skin did not stop. I’d been too lenient with them for too long. This situation was awfully mirroring the stunt that the once existing Moonstar pack had pulled.

The Luna was mocking me, that bloody woman must have not known that Nik was on exile from my pack. Yet she still thought he was my beta and let him fall into her trap. The web was a bigger scale than I had anticipated. Someone was actively trying to sabotage the packs affiliated with me. They weren’t the targets, they were just pawns in this stupid game. My pack was the target, and I was sure they didn’t have the balls to come at me directly. The fucking lot of them.

My jaws clenched at the thought. I pulled the sheets away, tossing them to the side before rising to my feet.

I made my way out of the room after taking a quick shower and dressing in comfortable clothes. There was no urge to go to work today, the matter at hand was more than enough to deal with in one morning.

I found myself however subconsciously glancing at Larissa’s room, the woman that had invaded my dreams that morning. Perhaps it was indeed the mating season, but the thought of her brought my train of thoughts back to Amaya. I shook my head at the realization. I must not be weak a second time.

I could already hear the chatter down the stairs as I turned on my heels. I pranced my way downstairs to see all of my most trusted men gathered in one space. There was no agitation in their faces, just an indifference that I couldn’t comprehend.

“Good morning.” They chorused as soon as I had reached the foot of the stairs and made my way to the empty arm chair. I scoffed at their greeting however as I took my seat.

“Really? There’s something good about this fucking morning? Enlighten me.” I continued with a frown, watching them exchange unsure glances. Joshua was the first person to speak up, clearing his throat after patting at his pants.

“To be fair, we saw it coming. We just wanted to be extra sure.”

“So, she’s behind his death?” I questioned whilst folding my arms. I could see Jacob and Jackson scrunch their faces in what I assumed was disgust, but Hunter still had his expression etched in indifference.

“Yes. The bitch isn’t the goody two shoes damsel in distress we thought she was. The Luna of the Shadow pack paid a visit and somehow, we found out that killing Nik was just one of the processes under the order to get under the skin of the alpha of the Griffin-howl pack. It was beautifully strategized if you ask me.”

“She had orders?”

“Yes. She’s not the best at keeping secrets when she wants to brag to another delusional Luna.” Joshua finally spoke up, nostrils flaring in the slightest.

I pinched my nostrils at that, then ran my hands across my face. “They’re close. Those fuckers are close to attacking us. When I find out who they are, I would feed them to the vultures.”

I clenched my fist, allowing the anger consume me. My eyes had turned orange already, I could see it from the reflection on the glass table in the middle of the room.

I rose to my feet at that, shoving both hands in my pockets before dismissing them. I wanted to draft out a plan. Being all physical wasn’t feasible now that they were playing mind games with me.

I turned on my heels and continued to my study. The study room itself felt suffocating even in its bright light just dim enough for my tolerance.

The sun had gone down considerably, plunging the entire morning into a gloominess that fit the mood. I plopped onto the seat, twirling first before halting and turning on the monitor. I glanced at the monitor screen, seeing as my eyes were still their angry orange. If anything, I felt like I was going to implode soon. Dragging a harsh breath, I slammed a fist into the table. First, that stupid dream. Now, this?

My attention suddenly shifted to the soft nock on the door. Tilting my head to the side, I watched the door be pushed open to reveal the same woman that had invaded my dreams with a tray in her hands. She was staring at the ground, before taking hesitant steps to the table. I felt my nostrils flare slightly. What the fuck did she think she was doing here?

“What are you doing? I don’t remember asking for a cup of tea.” I snapped harshly, watching her flinch while struggling to set the tray on the table. “Stop and take it away.”

She glanced up at me, her irises darting around rapidly as if in question. My eyes narrowed at that, she had some guts. She dared question me?!

“I said take the fucking tray out of here!” I yelled angrily and before I could think, I slid the tray off the table. I watched the entire contents fall to the ground with a shattering sound, and her jumping back in surprise to catch the falling tray.

My eyes widened at that. Wait, what fool would try to catch a falling tray of hot liquid! They widened even further at the realization that I may have scalded her. All the vile had drained from my being, and I rushed off my seat to her side when she let out a piercing scream.

She was bent over with one hand covered, now biting back another scream as soon as I’d reached her side.

Without thinking, I held unto her shoulders and forced her to look at me. She had a layer of liquid around her eyes, and for some reason I felt the one feeling I had made up my mind never to feel. Guilt. I felt sober staring down at her wrapping one hand over the other.

I reached out to pry her hands separate, taking the one she had been protecting in my hands. Her body had tensed significantly. I looked back at her sullen face, she indeed looked like she was going to cry.

Now completely immersed, I glanced at the hand. The entire skin of her fingers was irritated with red blemishes littering around the area. I was certain that it was going to blister if she didn’t heal quickly.

I brought the fingers to my lips as if that would take the pain away, maintaining eye contact with her and mentally smiling to myself seeing her crying eyes soften and even go blank.

She looked shocked, trying to gently pull her hands away. But my grip was strong enough to hold her in place. Fiddling with her slender fingers, I kissed every one of them.

She winced from the pain, letting out a soft grunt when I kissed her index finger. I was still looking at her stare back at me. But there was no confusion in her eyes. Just some kind of anticipation that I didn’t understand.

I felt my wolf prance around in excitement at the proximity. Her lips were parted slightly, her expression shifting to uncertainty. I found that incredibly attractive, I was sure Peter was enjoying this a little too much.

I shifted my attention back to her hands, slowly kissing along the length of her arm. She wasn’t moving, but her breathing had become slow and heavy.

I closed my eyes, peppering soft kisses until I reached her clothed shoulders. She let out a soft groan, the sounds were fueling whatever it was that I felt even worse.

“I’m sorry that you were scalded.” I whispered in her ears softly, feeling her tense as I pulled away to look at her face. And without giving it more thought, I pressed my lips to hers slowly. The mating season could go fuck itself.

It was the second time, yet it felt like the first all over again. She didn’t respond to the kiss at first until I tugged softly at her bottom lip. She pried her lips open fully, melting into the kiss. A lot of thoughts were running a marathon in my head. It was sweet, yet it was driven by lust, I told myself. She tasted like freshly picked red roses peppered with butterscotch, an addictive mix that pulled me in like an enchanting spell.

While I led, she followed like a cub. I tilted her head slightly, gently pushing in with my tongue and I heard a soft gasp. Or moan? I didn’t know, I didn’t care either. I just wanted to remain here and kiss her till she dropped.

No words passed between us, just soft sounds and strings of saliva. I shifted my attention to the nape of her neck that was so incredibly tempting…fuck it. Kissing the skin just above her pheromone gland, it was the most intoxicating of all.

I smiled at her new-found expression of whipping her head back in pleasure before pulling away to reclaim her lips in mine.

I wanted to tear off the dress off her body and ravage whatever was beneath it. She shouldn’t be clothed. No. not now. I reached out for her zipper, tugging at it when the flashes of last night returned.

It felt like Amaya was sitting behind my desk, glaring at me and mocking my poor decisions. I felt anger take over again and I pulled away completely. The blonde woman was looking at me again in question, visibly shaking from the loss. She rushed to bring both hands to her cheeks and looked away from me.

The guilty feeling was back, but I could care less. I continued to study her expression before awkwardly clearing my throat.

“Sorry about the burns. Take them for Annalise to see.” I coughed out with all of the indifference I could muster, returning to my seat. She stood there for the longest time and cleared her throat as well.

“It’s funny that you would care so much about my burns.” She muttered loud enough for me to hear, still breathing heavily. She leaned down to pick up the silverware on the ground and rose to her feet.

Her eyes were incredibly soft as she stared right back at me. I looked away from her and at my monitor, although stealing glances from her as she walked out of the room.

I finally let out a breath, slamming another fist into the tale. There was a scoff from my wolf at that. He was right. I’d gone too far this time. And while I hated myself for it, I liked it nonetheless.

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