The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 27 Hello, My Queen Anna May

Hello, mate.

“I… hi, ” Anna swallowed hard. This was more than she expected.

The lycan beast sitting on his hunches in the middle of their room was man’s worst nightmare. His eyes were blood red. Gleaming. Long white canines rested on his maw. She was pretty sure if the opened his jaws, every tooth will be sharp like knives. His paws were shaped like hands and feet except they have long curved ivory nails, thick fur covered every part of his muscled body that was built to kill.

I will never hurt you mate.

Her eyes softened in an instant, replacing the glimmer of fear. His voice held vulnerability despite its gruffness.

I know. I trust you.

Slowly, afraid she might spook him, she took a step towards his gigantic form. Then another. And another. Until she stood a foot away from him.

Now, she knew why the ceiling was too cathedral-like high in their very spacious master suite.

His menacing eyes were alert, observing her. Ears pulled to the back of his head. Not daring to move a muscle. She surmised he was also afraid she might run from him.

Never. He was her lycan. She loved him.

Although he looks ferocious in this form, she knew she was safe with him.

“This is different from your other wolf,” she whispered. Her palms reach up to touch his chest, fingers threading on his soft fur. She grinned at the unexpected deep rumble in his chest. He purred like a cat.

He crouched lower, submitting totally. He was unbelievably tall. She observed. She looked so small compared to him.

I can shift to my animal if you want, mate.

“No. This is fine too. It’s just that my neck hurts from looking up at you.” She grimaced, rubbing her nape.

To her surprise, the lycan laid at her feet. He grunted and looked at her warily.

Is this better, mate?

She giggled. This giant, a lycan monster that ruled the lycan kingdom with an iron fist was eager for her approval.

Uncaring of her nudity, she lay on the carpet with him. Her body on his massive neck using him as a cushion. He stiffened. Unsure. Soon his body settled and she squirmed, aiming for a comfortable spot to sleep.

You can sleep on the bed, mate.

“Nah… I’m ok with this. You are warm. Are you giving me back Alexander?”  Yawning, she snuggled deeper on his fur. He snorted.

Human is always with you. You will have him back later.

She chuckled at his aggrieved tone.

He will be pissed with you. Too sleepy she decided to revert to using the mindlink and smiled feeling his love and protectiveness.

Hmmph. I have to protect mate and pups. I can smell pups.

And you will. You both will, soulmate.

Sleep now, Lycan’s queen. I will protect you.

I love you my lycan beast. Too tired, she was about to surrender to sleep however, she remembered his words. What do you mean pups?

You, mate. I can scent pups. Sleep now. Rest. His paw rested on her back, urging her to do as he bade.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Oh, dear.


Alexander will have an earful tomorrow.


Going back to work kinda felt surreal. Men in all black surrounded the building before Alexander consented to escort her out of the car.

She needed to brief her team before they travel to Romania. Guilt plagued her. She basically left the workload to them from her prolonged absence.

Alexander was adamant that she no longer have to work that much. That all she had to do was review and sign proposals, approve budgets and projects, help him deal with their executives and that was it. And he casually suggested they can do it all from home.

Not happening.

This was what she wanted. Her forte. She liked her team and loved training people.

If he wanted her to work with him, he will have to accept it. Which he did. On one condition, she only report to work when he was there. A small concession.

To his relief, she agreed. At least, she knew he can compromise. This boss of hers was too much sometimes.

Anna May…

Her steps faltered. Xander stopped beside her, he glanced down, puzzled.

“Are you ok, mia anima?” he pulled her to him protectively.

Anna looked around, disoriented. The voice she heard was not his. They were still in the lobby and the only person close to her was her overprotective mate.

Michael and Alexandria, a few feet ahead of them, standing by the private elevator doors, turned with questions in their eyes.

Must be her imagination.

Loathe to cause a scene, she nodded. Assuring everyone she was ok. Her lips curve in a smile to soothe them.

“Are you sure, baby girl? We can go home if you feel dizzy.” Her mate has been experiencing acute hyperosmia since this morning, her body’s scent has increased due to lycan pregnancy. This made him crazy over-possessive protective. Crazy overall.

It gets on her nerves. Thankfully, she has a huge reservoir of patience.

She knew if I told him she heard an eerie voice in her head, he will pack her up in a heartbeat and they will be back home in a jiffy.

“I’m ok, darling.” He searched her eyes once more before nodding.


“Abigail, thank you for managing all this during my absence. To the whole team, thank you, guys.” Goddess, girl power. The smile on her face couldn’t be wiped off all morning.

The reports she read on her desk were promising. All the departments had undergone training and seminars, only a minute fraction remains. And her handsome CEO, Alexie, and Michael.

She will handle that today since none of the girls were willing to speak in front of those three.

So an hour before luncheon, she was at the podium once more delivering her lecture.

Her gaze fell on Alexander, she bit the inside of her cheek, a poor attempt to hide her amusement. He does look intimidating to his employees with his elegant muscled frame and brooding features. No one wanted to sit beside him on the front row, well except for the royal betas.

She had to give it to him though, he listened attentively and asked the right questions. Grateful that in this scenario he treated her seriously.

Or else he will be sleeping on the couch indefinitely. She still carried a grudge since he hasn’t told her he knew the moment she conceived.

She mentally shook her head and continue with the discussion.

“We all know that the demand for telecommunications is growing every minute as we speak. More advanced features, latest gadgets, promotions, and sales and fastest home broadband network that we have to deliver. The need for expansion is there. The 5G network only covers half the country, we can…”

Anna May… Anna May… Mine.

Goosebumps prickled her skin at the eerie voice. She frowned. Her eyes found her mate’s worried ones. There was roaring in her ears and her heartbeat exhilarated.

I want you… Mine.

Looking around her, pack members were whispering. Curious. It was not the mindlink. It was the same voice she heard in her head this morning at the lobby.

People started to mutter, wondering why she stopped. Alexander was on his feet in an instant. She shuddered. Her hands reached out to him. He was far!

You will come to me. Come to me. Come. To. Me.

“No!” Her loud panic voice rang in the room.

Warmth surrounded her from her mate’s embrace. It burned her. Sobs rack her body. She can’t. Her voice left her.

“What is it? Why can’t I mindlink you, baby girl?” Alexander whispered harshly. His hands patted every inch of her body, checking for injuries, he held her safely yet she started to shiver.

She whimpered in pain. That voice. It was locked in her head. Make him stop.

You will be mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

“Xander… help… me,” she whispered brokenly. Almost inaudible.

Her body slumped in his embrace. He cursed profusely and he hauled her bridal style out of the conference room.

“Get the fucking cars ready!” She heard his angry growls from afar, barking orders to his men. The severe pain in her head won’t let her speak any more. She whined.

“Call Xavier! Tell him to prepare for a medical emergency. Fuck! Anna,” He buried his face on her neck.

In her mind, her whimpering got louder. It burned. His touch burned her skin. Her voice. How to tell him?

The demonic prayer in her head repeated the same words over and over like a mantra. Heat and fire coursed through her veins, scorching her from inside out.

Convulsing in Alexander’s arms, she felt her eyes roll to the back of her head. That voice. He called for her. The evil blocked everyone.

Alexie frantically talked to someone. Giving her symptoms. Must be the doctor.

She couldn’t surrender.

He laughed at her attempt to block him.

Alexander. Help me.

You are mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. He can’t help youuu… lycan queen.


He snickered evilly. Right in her head. Get out!

The torture doubled. He kept on chanting.

The pain was too much. She couldn’t take it anymore.

Her body began to shut down. Her heart skipped a bit. Then slowed down. Slower. Slower. And slower.

She knew no more.

Her last coherent thought was she might not survive this.

An evil triumphant laugh echoed in her mind.

He won. That voice in her head.

He was taking her from Alexander.



Fuck! What the hell just happened?

One minute their Queen Luna was happy, the next she was convulsing in his king’s arms.

Her wails were full of pain. She kept on saying no until she passed out.

Shit! Alexander had lost his mind after that. Thank Goddess that the need for medical attention for his mate prevented him from shifting.

What happened next was a blur.

Xavier met them at the pack’s hospital. The Queen’s heartbeat has slowed down to an alarming rate. She was hooked up in medical equipment he didn’t even know the name of.

Alexie snuggles in his arms, they were still waiting for the Vampire King’s assessment. He glanced to his left, the sisters and his mother-in-law were huddled together, seeking comfort from each other.

Alexander paced outside the ICU with his father. He stopped, noticing Xavier stepped out of the sterile room. The vampire’s eyes were grave, glowing blue.

“How is she?” The pain in the Lycan king’s voice was a punch in his gut. Unconsciously, he smothered his mate in his embrace.

“We need to talk. Come with me.” The severity of that request was not lost to them.

“My Anna…”

“She is resting for the moment. There is no time to spare, Alexander.”

“We will look after her, brother. Michael stay with him, please.” He nodded. Alexie kissed him on his cheek before she joined the other ladies.

He glanced at Oliver. He nodded. They led their kings to the doctor’s lounge.

Alexander sat heavily on a chair, both his hands supported his head and he bowed from the weight of the boiling rage and emotions inside of him. The entire pack felt his pain.

“I will give it to you straight. Your Queen is in danger. The next 48 hours are critical or she…” Goddess, he doesn’t have to say the words for them to get the picture.

“What can I do, Xavier.” He had never heard his king so dejected. His voice was rough from trying to control his emotions.

“While I was treating her, she kept on saying evil voices and enchantments. Call Lucifer and the white witch immediately. This is beyond medical help. Someone is destroying your mate from the inside.” Fuck dark witches and warlocks!

Michael and Oliver immediately set up the conference call. Hooking up necessary gadgets for the meeting.

“We will save her, my friend. Your Queen, in human pregnancy, she’s about four weeks. I can hear the heartbeats. You will too.” Xavier tried to assure.

Goddess. Help them. The kingdom’s future was at stake.

The Lycan king has no reaction. He stared blankly. Tears of anguish flowed from his eyes.

The Kingdom will fall if he loses his Queen and his heirs.



Author’s Notes:

Poor Anna May. I want her to survive this ordeal.

What evil has taken over Anna’s mind and body? Will she be able to fight it? Will she survive?

Until the next chapter, babies. Enjoy!

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