The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 19 Old Friend Or Not Anna May

Hundreds of shopping bags were being transported down the Mall’s extravagant lobby, she couldn’t help but grimace. In her book, she thought Alexie was the most out of control spender, followed by Sofia.

Oh, how wrong she was. Her handsome and domineering mate put them all to shame. He was on a whole different level. Encouraged by Michael and Oliver, he was unstoppable.

Every expensive store they went in, he wanted it shut down –they exclusively shop with no other patrons allowed inside. His security team made sure of that.

As for his reason, which he explained to her every single time she protested, he doesn’t want another incident where she was bombarded at VS the last time she and Alexie went shopping.

“How could your brother do this, Lex? All the managers almost peed in their pants at the sight of him.” She whispered while Xander was in deep conversation with one of the managers. The ladies grinned at her while Rie looked in awe at the high-end stores inside the mall.

“Your mate Alexander, Xavier, and two others own this building.” Oh, shit! Of course. No wonder people were frantic when they saw him.

This was the newest and most expensive shopping mall anyone could ever find in NYC. The Westfield World Trade Center. It was located inside the Oculus at the newly opened World Trade Center.

She pinned her gaze on Xander. He was up to something. Something she wouldn’t like, merriment danced in his eyes as he approached her. Without a care in the world, he pulled her in his arms, his hands on her waist. She eyed him warily. He chuckled, a whole new different person when he was with her.

“You are so cute when you defy me, mio amore.” Wrinkling her nose. Annoyed.

“I am hungry, Xander.” Gods! She would do anything to stop his shopping madness.

“There is one more store, baby girl. Then we’ll go eat.” His eyes widened at her growl. She actually growled. He beamed.

“One more, Alexander. If you will drag me to another store, you will sleep on the couch!” He immediately sobered. She didn’t mean it. Vindictive enough, she savored his reaction.

“This is the last one. I promise, mia anima.” He guided her to an expensive jewelry shop. Once more, the store was closed exclusively for them. She can hear her sister murmuring in delight. Alexie and Sofia went to the lighted glass counters, choosing expensive pieces.

“Get whatever you want, Rie. I’ll take care of it.” Xander called out to her sister. He said it so casually –as if he was buying someone a pack of candies.

“Alexander…” This was getting old.

“Shhh. Let me spoil you, baby girl. Please?” He pecked the tip of her nose then her lips. “I want to buy you something new for our mating ceremony.”

“This is very expensive,” she whispered on his lips, trying to distract him.

“I’ll buy you the whole shop then.” She felt like pulling her hair. He gave the Stubborn a whole new meaning.

“Ok. I will buy a piece.” Consenting, he guided her to a corner where two velvet chairs and a small table were situated.

“Votre collection la plus chère.” He murmured to the waiting attendant.

“Qui, Votre Majesté.” The man bowed.

“What did you tell him?” She arched her brow.

“To show us their collection, mia anima. I hope you understand that I only want the best for you. In everything.” He rubbed his thumb on her flushed skin.

“I know, my soulmate. Be patient with me? I am really new to this. For such a long time it was only me and my sisters. Then all of a sudden, I have you in my life.” Lovingly tracing her fingers on his taut cheek down to his jaw.

The man returned carrying velvet boxes and their moment was cut short. He opened one huge box before them.

Her eyes couldn’t be more rounder. This couldn’t be right. She blinked. Then again. She had seen this necklace once in a fashion magazine years ago.

Celebrities and royalties have been raving to own this piece of jewelry. Now, it was right in front of her.

If she was not mistaken this was the L’Incomparable Diamond necklace. A one of a kind piece of jewelry valued over $55 million. Jesus! So flawless. She was about to touch it –she withdrew her hand, hesitated. Was she allowed to?

Peering at the stoic man holding the velvet box for her then at Alexander, she chewed her bottom lip.

He was looking at her expectantly. Anna didn’t move an inch, he sighed and unceremoniously removed the necklace from the box and reverently clasped it on her neck. She gulped.

It was unusually cold. And heavy.

“The necklace looks good on you, mio amore. Have I told you that you look so exceptionally beautiful this evening?” He traced her collarbone, making her shudder. “Do you like it?”

She must look like a deer caught in the headlights. She couldn’t say no and she couldn’t say yes either.

“We will take this. Leave it on, mia anima. We will take those as well. I want my wife to have options.” He pointed to the other velvet boxes opened before them. “Whatever those ladies choose, it’s on me.” The store manager nodded.

“Xander, can I choose something for Mish?” She blushed at his indulgent smile. It was encouraging. Happy to buy her anything her heart fancied.

“Go ahead, mio amore,” He nudged her towards Rie and the other two ladies. She kissed his lips before going to them.

He was left speaking to the man. She shrugged. They must be finalizing their purchases.

Alexie and Sofia gaped at her upon noticing the sparkling jewelry on her neck.

“Goddess! That’s the L’Incomparable Diamond necklace by Robert Mouawad. He is a Lebanese jeweler known for his diamond collection. His father was my mother’s jeweler. We have several magnificent pieces at the vault. This one is so flawless.” They kept on admiring and exclaiming over a necklace. On her peripheral vision, she noticed Rie fidgeting nervously.

“What is it, Rie?” Alarmed at her pale face.

“Anna, that man in the newspaper, ” She pointed at someone outside.

“What man, Rie?” In the pit of her stomach, she probably knew who her sister was referring to. She was right. It was HIM. She could recognize him anywhere.

“The man who attacked you at the NY Fashion week. He was looking at you, sis. I… I think he was observing you for quite some time.” Her fears came rushing back. The trauma of almost being raped, the pain of losing her best friend. The scandal, the mockery, being shunned from society. All because of that one vile creature.

The roaring in her ears intensified. She heard Alexander growled menacingly. Giving orders to their security. He possessively wrapped her tightly in his arms. She collapsed on him. Knowing he will keep her safe.

Her peace has been shattered in a blink of an eye.



How can a perfect day end into a nightmare? They were enjoying themselves, spoiling their ladies. It had been a while and they wanted to make the most of it.

Dumb Fuck! That psycho had to ruin it.

Matching his king’s purposeful strides, he concentrated handling out orders to their warriors.

Their Lycan leader was on murdering rampage and had to put a leash on himself to keep from shifting, he carried his mate towards their waiting car.

With his own mate’s hand in his, he reached out to open the door for Alexander. He nodded his gratitude, his eyes grim. Michael watched as he gently deposited his precious cargo, he immediately followed inside.

He gave a sigh of relief. Goddess. That was close. The king almost shifted inside the mall. That would have been an epic disaster. The only thing that prevented him from doing so was his mate in his arms. He had refused to let her go to give in to his wolf.

“Baby, how are we going to catch that man? What’s his name again?” His eyes softened at his mate’s upturned face. By now, he was pretty sure she was carrying their first pup. Her scent had completely changed, it was only a matter of time before they hear the pup’s heartbeat.

He scowled. She shouldn’t be worrying. It was not good for her health. Gathering her in his arms, he guided her to their waiting car and nodded at the warrior who held the car door open.

He shut the panel, separating them from the driver for privacy. The vampires and Anna Marie had left ahead of them.

Her mate snuggled at his side, jolting him from his thoughts. He looked down and leaned to kiss the pout on her lips.

“My love, please don’t worry about it. I have requested the CCTV tapes at the building. Our tech is reviewing them as of the moment. Alexander and I really thought Antonio Corpuz was in Puerto Rico. We placed him under surveillance, it bothered me how he got away.” Brows furrowed, he thought of it again. He must be a shifter. Or something. No ordinary human could escape their spies.

The other important question was—How did they miss his scent? Between him, his king, and Oliver, they wouldn’t have misplaced it. The people they encountered earlier all had pack scent. The vampires all had been accounted for. Most of them even approached Oliver to extend their congratulations to the Vampire King.

“Baby, I know what you are thinking. I myself am wondering. He must be a shifter but we couldn’t scent what. Rie told me that she saw him several times standing outside restaurants and once outside a perfume shop.”

“Fuck! The man is clever. He knows how to cover his scent in public places.”

He encouraged his mate to lay her head on his lap to get some nap. They were more than an hour away from royal pack lands.

Satisfied she was resting, he opened his mind to review all the scents he has encountered earlier, particularly from restaurants they passed by. He paused, remembering the smell of burnt flesh. Like meat on the smokeless grill. He had thought it was just that but he was wrong now. There was a distinct rotting smell on it that only such as they could have caught on. That was why his nose wrinkled. The king and Oliver even commented on it –at that time they were more occupied glaring at the males eying their wives and Marie.

Rotting flesh.

Irritating scent.

Hidden in shadows.

A warlock! He was a fucking necromancer. The caller of the dead.

They were enemies of the alliance. This was not a coincidence. That fucker was on a mission. And their Queen Luna was an added bonus he wanted to take advantage of.

They were really going to war for this.


Anna May

She kept gnawing her lips and anxiously waited for the men to come out of the study. She was not stupid. She knew it was not a business meeting.

His mate must be using all of his resources to find their nemesis. Antonio Corpuz. Eyes closed, she took a deep breath.

She was surprised she fell asleep during their ride home and she found herself comfortably ensconced in the white and gold divan at the library when she woke up. Alexie and Rie were with her the entire time.

Her eyes went to Sofia who was sleeping soundly in one of the comfortable couches, tuckered out from all the excitement.

“Anna sit down, dear. Here, eat something. And relax, my brother will take care of everything.” Alexie handed her a plate full of canapes and hors d’oeuvres Baxter had set up buffet-style in the library.

She popped a morsel, chewing thoughtfully. Her stomach churned.

“Why do you think he is there watching me?” It had been years. Surely, he couldn’t still be interested in her.

“Well, to be honest, I think the bastard

may still have the hots for you and I also think he has a different motive aside from you.” Alexie glanced at Rie, who was listening intently.

“You can trust my sister, Alexie. I promise you she will never betray us.” She knew her sister, she was loyal to a fault. Plus, she was bound to find out sooner or later.

“Tell me what?” And just like her, Rie was rather excited than scared of the unknown. Alexie shook her head in resignation.

“What we are going to tell you must never be uttered to an outsider or anyone not in our family or trusted allies. Promise me, Anna Marie.” Alexie was adamant. She knew why. Humans don’t know werewolves and other supernatural creatures co-existed in reality.

“I promise, Lex. But before you go on, I already have an idea, you guys are so weird you must be supernatural or whatever. And I knew for a fact Xavier is a vampire,” And that’s my sister for you. They were shocked. She and Alexie shook their heads. ” I believed Mish.”

“Just saying.” Rie beamed.


“No way! You guys are amazing. Sofia and Oliver is a vampire couple, Lex and Michael are werewolves and mates. And you, my sister, is a Queen Luna.” Rie’s eyes were round as saucers. Filled with enthusiasm. She narrowed her eyes, realizing something.

“Wait… I am a Queen Luna?” How? She pinned her gaze at Alexie who was smiling at her sheepishly.

“Yeah… Alexander didn’t tell you?” Oh, God! She was really considering letting him sleep on the couch tonight.

“He didn’t tell me anything. And what does it mean?” So blind and clueless.

“My brother is the King Alpha in the Lycanthrope realm. Since you are his mate, that makes you Queen Luna. You will ascent to the throne during your mating ceremony. After that, you will help my brother lead our kind. And your sister, Mish will also become a Queen for the vampire realm since she is King Xavier’s beloved. The kings cannot lose you, kingdoms will fall if that happens.” Alexie’s voice was grave. Emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

“It is a lot to take in, ” she looked at her sister, asking for reassurance. She smiled. Assuring me. “How many people are we leading?”

“Our last census brought us closer to five million. We have packs all over the world. Each pack is governed by alphas and lunas. That’s what we call leaders of each pack. Our royal pack alone is close to a million members. That is reasonable since we help maintain peace and order with our allies.” She had a lot to learn before the ceremony.

“Michael is not just a PA, right?” She was certainly sure he was something more. Alexander trusted that man with his life.

“Goddess, no. My mate is a royal beta. The second-highest official in our realm. He is acting as a PA since Xander’s wolf won’t accept another female’s scent in close proximity. His lycan will most probably bite the head of the female.” That information made her simmer down a bit. She really liked that idea.

“You will help me, Alexie? How to be a Queen?” The beta female squeezed her hand, reassuring her.

“You didn’t have to ask, Anna. I am your royal female beta. I also consider you, Rie, Mish, and Sofia like my sisters.” This woman was simply wonderful. She never failed to put her at ease, even right from the start.

“I have two questions?” Their attention turned to Rie. “Does Oliver have a brother and do I have a say in the mating ceremony’s menu?”

She rolled her eyes –Alexie giggled beside her. And again, that’s my sister for you!


**************From NôvelDrama.Org.

Author’s Notes

The villain is out. And Antonio Corpuz is a necromancer. A wizard or a warlock that practices dark magic. He smells like a rotting flesh since he usually deals with the dead or zombies.

How will Alexander fight this type of threat? Is this still part of the various attacks happening all over the supernatural world?

Anna May is really overwhelmed. But hey! She is stronger than she looks.

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