The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 14 Possessiveness Alexander

He gazed lovingly at his sweet angel, waiting for her to wake up. He had not realized he fell asleep on top of his poor baby until he felt her whimper. He felt so worried, he got up to check if she was hurt. She just swatted his hands away, mumbling his name, and fell back to sleep. He guessed he exhausted her.

Goddess. He can still taste her sweetness. So pure. She tasted like ambrosia. She got him drunk from her nectar.

His essence was imprinted on her. Even though he had tended her, wiping his seed on her belly, the scent would stay for days on her skin. Every creature will know she belonged to him.

In his jeans and beige turtleneck long sleeves shirt, he was dressed for the day. He didn’t bother washing her scent on him. They can shower together later in the evening. His cock twitched in response. And maybe play some more. Until he confessed the truth, he will limit their sexual exploration. And he will consummate their bond after the mating ceremony. He was an old school after all with regards to some aspects.

It was half-past ten –his mate was snoring softly. He grinned, something to tease her about later. Glad it was the weekend and they can relax together. He had plans.

His fingers ran through her shiny russet locks, separating the strands –she burrowed her face on his lap. He gritted his teeth, his dick had a mind of his own and responded.

“Baby girl, wake up. I brought you breakfast.” She stretched like a feline on their bed. Fuck! He completely forgot she was naked under the covers. He saw love bites on her neck down to her chest. Her skin was so smooth all over. Blemish free. She had a pinkish glow that was so delectable. He sucked in a deep breath at her gloriously radiant smile directed at him. By goddess! She was the single most beautiful woman he had ever beheld. She covered her awesome breasts from his hungry gaze. It was a bit disappointing but… he sighed.

“Good morning, Xander.” She peered at him. Her cheeks tainted red. He smirked and gathered her in his arms, kissing her softly. She squirmed to get away from him. He raised his brows in silent inquiry. “Morning breath.” Ignoring her protests, he kissed her deeply. Nipping her lips. Exploring the hot cavern of her mouth with his tongue. He gloated at her response. Her body softening against him.

“That’s what I call a proper good morning, mia anima.” Her cheeks were so rosy down to her chest, he chuckled and got up to serve her breakfast in bed.

“Where is your breakfast?” She looked at the tray. Puzzled.

“I had coffee and I am satisfied with what I ate earlier. It was delicious.” He waited for her reaction to his unsubtle innuendo. None came.

His lovely mate was so innocently clueless despite what happened in the early hours of the morning. That pleased him a lot. He watched, satisfied with her appetite. She finished everything on her plate. He nodded in approval. “I was hoping we could go out today?”

“I would love that, Xander.” If he won’t leave their bedroom, he will lose control and eat her delectable pussy again. He took a deep breath and brush his lips on her forehead instead.

“I will wait for you in the library, mia anima? Wear something nice.” She nodded. Happiness radiated from her. He was so damn proud of himself for giving that to her. Reluctantly, he left their room. Saw some servants hovering at the corner, he signaled them to tend to their Queen Luna.


“Wow, the king looks happy today. Don’t you think, my love?” He tried to scowl to fight off his smile.

“From what I can scent, my brother made progress,” Alexie jibed in. He growled. Never worked on his sister.

“I daresay, huge progress,” He quipped. He mentally shuddered, remembering her screaming his name when she orgasmed. Twice. He felt like celebrating.

“You should tell her soon, brother.”

“I will. Soon. I will ease her into it. Our bond grows rapidly.” He glowered at his oak desk.

“Yes. She couldn’t sleep when you were away. She couldn’t eat. The separation made her sick. You have to complete the bond soon.” He shook his head in agreement. His mate will be stronger when their bond was completed. She would never get sick and would be immune to diseases. She will also stop aging. And the most important thing –she will have his strength and healing abilities.

“By the way, what happened yesterday? Marcus reported an incident about my mate almost fainting at the store.” He fastened his stormy gaze to his sister, who looked contrite.

“Yes. About that. You should ask her yourself. Before you do, I want to show you this.” Nothing about his mate’s past will change the way he felt about her. She could be the daughter of a siren or an orc and he will still worship at her feet. What he wished to know was if her past will pose a threat to her.

Grabbing the iPad his sister handed him and relaxing on his leather chair, he started browsing through the website Alexandria had bookmarked. It lasted for a second.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. There were several pictures of his Anna. One she was wearing a Miss Universe crown a few years back. She was 18 years old at that time. There were more photos of her in fashion runways in Milan and other countries.

His bushy brows furrowed and he scowled, seeing her sexy photos from a VS Fashion Show. All of these events were dated before they knew each other. Nevertheless, he will make sure to buy out those photos.

He clicked a linked and it routed him to a different article. This time his blood ran cold reading the explicitly detailed news. He wanted to kill someone, preferably the man in the article.

“Alexander, I’m ready. Let’s…” She paused when she saw the murder in his eyes.

“Michael, Alexie, please leave us for a moment. Close the door.” He commanded his betas without taking his gaze away from his Queen. And waited until they had the room to themselves. He tried to compose his features so he wouldn’t scare her. “Come here, baby girl.” She approached him slowly. Like a wide-eyed deer about to be hunted. He sighed.

“I am not mad at you, mia anima. Far from it. I want to hold you close.” He implored. With Anna, less than a foot from him and he gently hauled her and carefully arranged her on his lap, both her legs neatly tucked on his right thigh. “I want you to tell me about this man.” He showed her what he was reading. She blanched, her eyes widened in fear.

“I swear, Xander. It’s not true. I am not that man’s mistress.” She tried to get up but he held her down firmly.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I believe you, mi amore. I know that I am the only man you’ve been intimate with.” He kissed her neck, breathing in her scent. Mostly to calm his raging temper. For the asshole in the news. “Tell me what happened.”

“I… where should I start?” Her amber gaze implored him. For his patience. For his understanding. He was only too willing to give them and more.

“The beginning is a good place to start, mia anima.” She nodded, wetting her dry lips.

“My mother died when I was 13. We don’t know where our father was. He left us when my youngest sister was a baby. My mom told me that she met him at a club. An Australian soldier. My mother was a whore, Xander. I don’t even know if my sisters and I have the same father.” She whispered in a small voice and hiccuped.

He wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks. “Go on, baby girl.”

“When my mother died, we went to live with my aunt. The problem was she and her husband were drug addicts. I feared for me and my sisters. My sister Mish. She was sickly. She was always in bed, in need of care. One day when I got home, my uncle attacked me and tried to rape my sister Rie right in front of me. I… I bashed his head with a metal pipe. After that incident, with our meager funds, we ran away. We went to stay with my mom’s friend. She took us in.”

He let her bury her face on his neck. He knew his scent calmed her because of their bond. He kneaded her shoulders to help her relax.

“The problem was, Delia had nothing when we stayed with her. She was jobless –that was fine with me as long as my sisters were safe. And she gave us that. So in between school and taking care of my siblings. I took any jobs I could put my hands on, well except prostitution. I promised Rie and Mish that I will never resort to that. I clean houses, babysit, work at several fast-food chains. Anything.”

Fuck! He gritted his teeth. How he wished he had met his mate sooner. His lycan howled in pain. He groaned.

“It’s ok, darling. I have a better life now.” His eyes glazed at her endearment. He kissed her lips softly.

“Are you sure you want to hear more?”

“Yes. Everything.” His voice was gravelly with emotion.

“Anyway, when I was 15, I met George. She was a talent scout. She approached me at work. I was a waitress then.” She was clearly fond of her friend. Thank Goddess, George was a female, immediately halting his jealousy from her uttering a guy’s name.

“She asked me to audition for a tv commercial. She would pay me… well in dollars it would be around 20 bucks. I was really thrilled, for me that was a huge amount. I could buy groceries for my sisters. So I agreed.” At fucking 15 years old and she had the weight of the world on her slender shoulders.

His Queen Luna was so fucking selfless. She was right. She had him now and she would never want for anything.

“Obviously, I got the job. Life went a little easier for me. I quit being a waitress and concentrated more on my modeling career. It paid well. I had George as my manager. She protected me from lecherous advances. My big break came when I joined a national beauty pageant. Then from there, I won the Ms. Universe crown. I turned 18 at that time.”

There was a faraway look in her eyes as she remembered her past.

“I became a celebrity in one night. Life was good for almost two years. I supported my sisters well. When Delia got married. We moved out of her house. I bought my siblings a condominium unit near our school. Everything went down the drain when I was invited to a New York Fashion Week. His name was Antonio Corpuz. I think he was Puerto Rican. He had been pursuing me for months.”

“Apparently, he has a thing for models. Since he was rich and all that, he thought he can have what he wanted. That man was sick. He was married and has three kids. I didn’t want him. He saw me as a challenge.”

She closed her eyes as she revisited that day. He felt her pain but he needed to know. The culprit’s name was familiar. He will have his people look into it.

“One day, he got lucky. He found me alone in the dressing room. George had to go out to buy us food. God! I tried to fight him off but he was strong. I did everything I could to stop him. I kicked. I screamed. No one heard me. I… I think he paid the coordinator to turn a blind eye.”

She laughed bitterly. He tightened his hold on her, trembling from rage.

“I told myself, I would die first before he could rape me. Then… then George came in, creating a scene. Shouting for security. Antonio panicked. He… he drew a gun and shot George.”

Letting his mate sob in his arms, he whispered his love for her to soothe her. His hands were tender, caressing her. Inside, he boiled with rage. He will find all the men involved and kill them slowly.

“Because I didn’t have anyone with me. The case was closed in a matter of days. They said it was self-defense. That George was my lover, that she got jealous when she found me in a compromising position. The management sent me home. My career was ruined because of the scandal and I lost my best friend. I was back to square one. With no job. All my savings were gone. Penniless because of the lawsuit. However, a few months later I found myself working in your company. As an agent at first then promoted to a manager after a year. And now your product trainer.” She smiled wistfully at him.

“Thank you for telling me, mia anima. It means so much to me.” He breathed against her moist lips. Kissing her. Tenderly. Just like the first time his heart clenched.

“Umm… nothing has changed? Do you still want this? Me?” He looked into her eyes. She was his future. The future of the Lycan kingdom. She was selfless. She was strong and a survivor. She was the perfect Queen Luna.

“I know this may sound crazy but I have fallen in love with you, Anna May. I want you forever. ” Her eyes filled with tears. Shit! He fucked up. Again. “I’m sorry, baby girl. I promise…” She pressed her hand to his mouth. Stopping his words.

“I have fallen in love with you too, Alexander.” She confessed. Pressing her lips to his. Thank Goddess. That was one hurdle down. “What are we going to do, Xander.?

“I think it’s time for us to get your sisters.” He declared with no hesitation.

“You would do that for me?” She whispered in awe.

“I will do anything for you, baby girl.” She squealed, pressing kisses all over his face and hair. He chuckled. The goddess has indeed blessed him with the perfect mate.

“Let’s call my sisters!”

“You can use my laptop or this iPad.”

“Wait, I want them to meet Alexie and Michael.”

“They are coming, mia anima.”

“How did you know, soulmate?” She asked. Puzzled.

“Fuck! I love it when you call me that. I love everything about you.” He hugged her. Her cute ass on his front and he skimmed his nose on her nape, making her shiver. So responsive to his touch. Soon it will be his turn to tell her everything. He will make sure she accepted him. He can’t lose her. Not now. Not ever.


“Hi, Rie! I missed you. Where is Mish?” There was deep sadness born of distress in his mate’s eyes. He hated it. He preferred her happy and carefree. Free of worry.

“She is sick again, sis.” Her face fell.

“Oh. Since when?”

This couldn’t go on. He won’t let his mate suffer anymore. They will travel tomorrow.

“She never got better.”

“Let me talk to her?”

“Do you want me to wake her up, sis?”

“Maybe later. I will send money today. Please take her to the doctor? You also need to fill up the pantry. You need to eat, Rie. How can you be a chef, if you don’t cook?”

“I don’t want to get fat.”

“You are not fat at 100 pounds, Rie.”

It was an excuse. He didn’t think they have that much. What with all his mate’s youngest sister’s medical bills.

Beta, please deposit money on her sister’s bank account now. We will get the sisters tomorrow. Have their passports ready. I will call the embassy.

“Who’s the hot guy at your back, sis?”

Alexander smirked when his mate blushed deeply.

“He is my boyfriend, Rie,” Anna said shyly.

“Finally! I thought you were a lesbian. Hi, boyfriend.” He chuckled at Rie’s too enthusiastic waive.

“Hi, Rie. I’m Xander.”

“Do you have a brother?” Alexie snickered behind him.

“Nope. I have a sister.”

“Oh. The gorgeous lady behind you?” He nodded.

“Hi, gorgeous lady!”

“Hi, pretty girl.” Alexie giggled.

“Rie, listen. Your sister and I will arrive there tomorrow evening. Have your things ready, ok? You and Mish are going to live with us. Don’t worry I will bring a doctor with me.”

“Oh my God! Anna, did you hear your boyfriend? Oh God. Shit, I woke up Mish. Mish, come here. Anna wants to talk to you.”

He frowned, his eyes scrutinized his Anna’s frail sister. The pup looked delicate. Although thin, the sisters were beautiful. He sighed. He had to protect them from boys it seemed. He thought he was done with all that with Alexandria.

He let his mate talk some more with her sisters. He will contact Xavier. He specializes in all types of diseases and also invented a vaccine that could cure lung abnormalities. He knew he could count on him to join them tomorrow.



Author’s Notes

Another long chapter guys. I couldn’t omit anything since it will affect the plot of my story. Don’t worry there are still more smut chapters to come.

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