The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Chapter 205 $2076% 076% 11:13

The morning of the judgment hearing had arrived, and my heart felt like a trapped bird, beating furiously against its cage. | had spent countless nights preparing, researching, and worrying about this day. It was the culmination of everything | had worked for, the moment that would determine not just my fate, but the fate of so many others.

| stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my black blazer and smoothing down my carefully chosen navy blue dress. The courtroom was a battlefield, and | needed to be armored and ready for the fight. Taking a deep breath, | whispered words of encouragement to myself before turning away and heading out the door.

As | approached the courthouse, | couldn’t help but be struck by the scene that awaited me. A crowd had gathered, and the sight was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. The judgment hearing had garnered an astonishing amount of public attention, and the courthouse square was bustling with people from all walks of life.

The crowd was divided, with one group vehemently berating me, calling me a traitor and a threat to the status quo. Their angry words were like arrows, aimed at my heart, and their resentment hung heavy in the air. But on the other side, there were those who believed in me, who saw me as a symbol of bravery and change.

Their voices, although smaller in number, were a lifeline amidst the turbulent sea of opinions.

| breathed deeply, attempting to calm my rapidly beating heart. The weight of the world rested on my shoulders, and | felt the scrutiny of every eye in that square. It was a level of attention | had never experienced before, and it left me feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Just when | thought | might succumb to the overwhelming atmosphere, a familiar face emerged from the crowd. It was Jane, and her determined expression a welcome sight amidst the chaos.

“Evie!” she called, making her way toward me. “Don’t worry, we've got this. Let’s get inside the courthouse.”

| nodded, unable to voice my gratitude as | was still catching my breath. | fell into step beside her as we pushed. our way through the crowd. Jane’s presence was a pleasant reminder that | wasn’t alone, and that any jab my way would have to get through her as well.

The courthouse doors loomed ahead, and the crowd’s chants and shouts began to fade as we crossed the threshold. The stark, imposing interior was a stark contrast to the chaos outside. We moved through the echoing hallways, the silence stretching out like a promise of the storm to come.





Emergency calls only Chapter 205

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The gallery was filled to capacity, and | was stunned by the sheer number of people who had come to witness this hearing. Supporters and detractors were mingling in the same space, their emotions palpable.

As we entered the courtroom, | was greeted by a sight that sent a shockwave of surprise through me. Mr. Erickson was already present, sitting at the defense table. His cold, calculating eyes met mine, and | couldn't help but feel a surge of anger at the man who had caused so much harm.

But what truly left me flabbergasted was the figure standing beside him, my opponent in this legal battle. Jasper.

| couldn't believe it. | had thought that my encounter with him at the coffee shop had been a one-time thing, a petty show of arrogance. But now, here he was, once again challenging me in the courtroom.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

Jasper’s demeanor oozed arrogance, and he couldn’t resist a smug smile as he looked me up and down. “Evie, we meet again. | must say, after that last stunt you pulled at the coffee shop, | thought you’d given up on the whole legal thing. You didn’t even have your precious cappuccino to throw at me this time.”

My fists clenched at my sides, and | forced a controlled tone as | responded. “I’m here to reclaim what was stolen from me, Jasper, not to indulge in childish antics.”

The judge’s arrival cut short our exchange, and the courtroom fell into a heavy silence as the proceedings commenced. Jasper wasted no time in attempting to smear my name further.

He stood before the judge, his voice dripping with arrogance. “Your Honor, we find ourselves in this courtroom today because of a personal vendetta and an attempt at self-aggrandizement. Miss Evie is merely seeking attention and attempting to further her own career by falsely accusing Mr. Erickson.”

His words were like a dagger, a direct assault on my character and my intentions. He was trying to paint me as a manipulative opportunist rather than a principled advocate for justice. It was infuriating, and | could feel anger bubbling beneath the surface.

Jasper continued, his tone smug. “This case is nothing but a ploy to draw attention to herself, a stunt to gain notoriety. Mr. Erickson has built a successful firm, and Miss Evie’s accusations are baseless, a mere attempt to tarnish his reputation.”

The courtroom was filled with a heavy silence as the judge considered his argument. | listened with gritted teeth, my determination fueling a simmering anger. Jasper’s words were nothing but smoke and mirrors, an attempt to

divert attention from the real issues at hand.

Jasper’s accusations were infuriating, but | couldn’t allow them to distract me. He had underestimated my 2/4





Emergency calls only

Chapter 205

resolve once, and he wouldn’t make that mistake again.

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When it was my turn to present my case, | stepped forward, my voice steady and unwavering.

“Your Honor,” | began, “these allegations are not about seeking attention, but about seeking justice. Mr. Erickson’s empire has been built on a foundation of corruption and unethical practices, and | am here to expose the truth.”

| read off the rest of my statement, detailing the wrongdoings and injustices | had witnessed, and | emphasized. that | wasn’t alone. | read off the statements of my colleagues, witnesses, and former employees that had come forward to provide their accounts of the unethical practices within Erickson’s office.

The judge listened intently as | made my case, and the room was filled with the weight of my words. As | finished I

reading, there was a palpable tension in the courtroom. The evidence and the accounts from my colleagues were heartfelt, and | hoped it touched them enough to push for a trial.

If they had a shred of empathy, they would know that the case had to proceed. The judge’s voice cut through the silence, her words striking like a gavel of justice.

“We will proceed to a federal trial,” she announced, and the room seemed to collectively inhale in astonishment. The decision was unexpected, and it sent shockwaves through the courtroom.

Jasper’s face contorted with anger, his eyes locked onto mine. “This is absurd! Your Honor, this is a clear abuse of the legal system. You're letting personal vendettas cloud your judgment.”

The judge remained unyielding, her voice firm. “The evidence presented and the seriousness of the accusations warrant a federal trial. Justice must be served.”

The room buzzed with tension as the implications of the decision sank in. It was a turning point in the battle, and the stakes had never been higher.

Jasper’s anger was ferocious, and his voice dripped with disdain as he spat out his words. “You won't get away with this, Evie. You might have convinced the judge, but you haven't convinced the people!”

His threats were met with a steely resolve, and | locked eyes with him, unflinching. “I won’t back down, Jasper. I'll see this through to the end, no matter what it takes.”

| turned away from him, straightening out my blazer. The sweat had soaked right through it, but the tension I’d been wearing had drifted away.


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