The Hockey Star’s Remorse by Riley Above Story

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211 *047% 10:52 It was a brand-new day, and the crisp morning air felt just as fresh as it brushed against my face on the balcony. I sipped on my coffee, basking in the calm atmosphere. As I took another sip, my phone buzzed beside me on the chair. It’s ring felt almost insistent as it broke through my sense of calm. With a sigh, I picked up the phone, my fingers dancing over the screen to answer the call. I glanced at the screen and saw an unfamiliar number, my curiosity piqued. I answered cautiously, not expecting the crisp and formal voice on the other end. “Evie, this is Henry Burns from the executive committee,” a deep voice resonated through the phone. “Firstly, let me congratulate you on the outstanding job you did with the your case against Erickson. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed.” My heart raced, unsure of how to respond. I had put my all into that case, but I never anticipated the executive: committee would be watching the whole thing. “Thank you, Mr. Burns,” I stammered, trying to maintain my composure. “There’s more, Evie,” he continued. “In light of your exceptional performance, the executive committee has unanimously decided to promote you to the position of senior attorney. You’ll be taking on a leadership role, overseeing a significant part of the firm’s operations.” The words hung in the air, a weight settling on my shoulders. Senior attorney? I never dreamed of climbing the corporate ladder so swiftly, and the sudden surge of responsibility left me breathless. “Are you there, Evie?” the voice asked, bringing me back to the present. “Yes, I’m here,” she replied, her voice steadier now. “I… I appreciate the opportunity, but it’s a lot to take in.” Henry’s voice softened, “You earned this, Evie. Your dedication was truly a sight to see, and since Mr. Erickson had to step down, we decided that you were more than capable of stepping In.” “Oh…Absolutely!” My hand fluttered to my mouth as I grinned. “Yes, I believe I can.”

“Good!” There was the sound of papers rustling, and then a pen clicking. “I’ll inform the board of your decision and we can proceed from there.” 1/4 Jantastic Nerla Emergency calls only Chapter 211 “All right.” L “And we will contact you later on with more details. Have a nice day,” he finished *三日47% (10:52 +5 The call ended, leaving me staring at my phone in disbelief. Senior attorney. The title echoed in my mind, carrying a weight that I wasn’t sure I was ready to bear, I took a deep breath, trying to grasp the information. Aria entered the balcony and took a seat beside me with her own cup of coffee. “Who was that? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I hesitated before breaking into a wide grin. “That was Henry Burns from the executive committee of law. They’ve promoted me to senior attorney!” Aria’s eyes widened in surprise before transforming into pure excitement. “Oh my Go d, Evie! That’s incredible! Senior attorney? You’re practically running the place now!” I chuckled nervously, the reality of the situation sinking in. “Yeah, it’s just…sudden, you know? I never expected this. The responsibilities, the decisions-I have to wrap my head around it.” Aria hugged me, her enthusiasm contagious. “You’ll be amazing, Evie. This is what you’ve been working toward. Embrace it!” I nodded, letting her words sink in. “I know. It’s just…it changes everything. The dynamics, the expectations. I’ll be making decisions that affect the entire firm.” Aria raised her mug, a mischievous twi nkle in her eye. “But you’ve got me by your side, partner in

crime. I know all about being the boss.” After sharing a laugh, she took on a more serious tone. She looked me in the eyes and twisted her lips. “Are you going to tell Timothy?” I tucked in my chin and nodded. “I should, shouldn’t I?” “Yes.” She poked me in the thigh and smirked. “I’m sure you’ve told him plenty of other things.” “Right,” I said, rolling my eyes, though I did feel eager to tell him. He’d had to run out before we got to celebrate with him. This news was just as exciting if not more so. 2/4 Your dream tee of Joyread 4.7 FREE Google Play OPEN Emergency calls only O Chapter 211 *047% 10:52 Arriving at his doorstep, I took a deep breath and knocked, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. +6 Timothy opened the door with a warm smile, his eyes curious. “Evie, hey!” he said brightly. He stepped aside to let me in. “What brings you here?” he asked as I plopped down on his couch. Duke came rushing to my side, barking until I scratched him behind the ear. “Been a while boy,” I told him, then looked at Timothy, “I have something exciting to share with you,” I began, unable to contain the grin spreading across my face.

His eyebrows raised in anticipation as he sat down beside me, our knees touching. “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. What’s the big news?” I took a moment, savoring the excitement before delivering the news. “The executive committee promoted me to senior attorney. I’ll be overseeing a significant part of the firm now.” A spark of genuine happiness lit up Timothy’s eyes. “Evie, that’s incredible! Congratulations!” He pulled me into a tight hug, genuine joy radiating from him. “Thanks, Timothy,” I said, returning the hug. “I wanted to share the news with you as soon as possible.” “I’m glad you did.” He ran his hand up and down my back, and I melted into his touch. “This is amazing!” “I want to use this opportunity to make positive changes within the firm, create a better work environment for everyone,” I added. “It’s the least I could do while I’m running things.” Timothy pulled away, his eyes reflecting admiration. “Figured you would.” He reached out and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear as he leaned back in. His lips brushed against mine and I smiled against them, my eyes fluttering shut. I wrap my hand around the back of his neck as he gently pressed me down onto the couch. My lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip in. My body trembled and I carded my hands through his head, desperate to cling on to him. All too soon, he broke away and pressed his forehead to mine, our breaths mingling. 3/4 Pour dream sea of fantastic flerion Joyread 4.7* FREE Google Play OPEN Emergency calls only C Chapter 211 047% 10:52

I had almost forgotten what it felt like to kiss him. All those years ago, he had been just as gentle with me. One hand cradled the back of my head as his thumb slid along my bottom lip. I lifted my hands to frame his jaw and stared into his eyes, almost losing myself in them. “You know what?” He said between kisses. “I think this calls for a celebration. I want to treat you to something. nice.” I groaned as he found his way into the crook of my neck and nipped at my pulse. “I’d love that,” I said softly. He nuzzled into the palm of my hand, kissed it, and wrapped it in his own. The moment was brief as Duke returned from gnawing at his toy to come and check on us. He started licking the side of Timothy’s face and barked, making us laugh. “You’re not my type, bud,” he said, gently nudging Duke’s head away. 4/4 色 SEND GIFT COMMENTAll content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

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