The Hockey Star’s Remorse by Riley Above Story

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

As I stood on the outskirts of the jubilant gathering, my eyes were fixed on the spectacle unfolding before me. Timothy’s family celebrated his engagement with all the pomp and extravagance befitting a grand occasion, while I stood there in silent awe, a bewildered observer of a world I did not belong to.

The grandeur of the Hayes family estate was on full display, the opulent chandeliers casting a warm, golden glow on the festivities. A string quartet played a melodious tune in the background, adding an air of sophistication to the affair. But it was the laughter and clinking of glasses that resonated the most–a celebration of love and union that I couldn’t help but feel like an intruder in.

My decision to attend this event with Scarlett had been a calculated move, one meant to confront Stella about the impending legal battle. I had never anticipated that it would culminate in me being an unwilling witness to Timothy’s engagement celebration. Regret gnawed at me, settling like a bitter taste in

my mouth. From NôvelDrama.Org.


Scarlett, however, seemed entirely unfazed by our unexpected presence. In fact, she appeared to relish the opportunity to flaunt her arrival. Her intentions were clear: she wanted to rub it in Stella’s face that we had shown up, a brazen display of one–upmanship.

I turned to Scarlett, my voice low and urgent. “We need to leave, Scarlett. This was a mistake.”

Scarlett shot me a sly grin, her eyes glittering with mischief. “Oh, Evie, where’s your sense of adventure? We’re here now, so we might as well enjoy the show.”

But I couldn’t enjoy the show. As I watched the celebration unfold, a sinking feeling settled in my chest. This was not my world, and I had no place in it. I had been foolish to think that I could confront Stella in this setting, where she held all the cards.

As Scarlett guided me forward, determined to make a grand entrance, I couldn’t help but feel like a pawn in her game. I had allowed myself to be drawn into her web of rivalry with Stella, and now I was trapped in a situation that I had never wanted to be a part of.

As we approached the heart of the celebration, Stella’s eyes locked onto us, a flicker of surprise crossing her features before being replaced by her signature smile–a smile that held a hint of smugness.


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Chapter 140

“Well, well, well,” she purred, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “What do we have here? The dynamic duo of losers gracing us with their presence.”

Scarlett bristled at Stella’s taunt, her composure slipping for a moment. “We’re not here to play your games, Stella.”

Stella’s smile widened, and she turned her attention back to Timothy’s family, her voice carrying in the room. “Isn’t it just adorable, everyone? Scarlett and Evie decided to crash the party.”

The room erupted into hushed whispers and curious glances, and I couldn’t help but feel like a spectacle on display. Timothy’s family members exchanged bemused looks, and I could see the

amusement in their eyes.

Stella continued to speak, her tone dripping with condescension. “You see, Timothy’s family wouldn’t be anywhere without me. I’m the one who brought them into the spotlight, and I’m the one who will ensure their continued success.”

Scarlett’s anger flared, and she took a step forward, her voice sharp. “You won’t intimidate us, Stella. We’re here to stand up for what’s right.”

But Stella’s laughter rang out, a cruel sound that cut through the air. “Oh, Scarlett, you always were a dreamer. But dreams don’t win battles. Actions do.”

The tension in the room escalated, and I felt like a pawn in a game I had no control over. The engagement celebration had taken an unexpected turn, and I couldn’t help but wonder how it had all spiraled into this chaotic confrontation.

As the argument between Stella and Scarlett escalated, their voices filling the room with anger and frustration, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been pulled into a battle that was not mine to fight. And as I watched Timothy’s family navigate the storm of emotions that swirled around them, I couldn’t help but feel like an outsider in their world–unwanted and unwelcome.

The argument between Stella and Scarlett raged on, their voices a cacophony of anger and resentment that filled the room. As they exchanged barbed words and accusations, I seized the opportunity to slip away.

I navigated through the opulent hallways of the Hayes family estate, my footsteps. echoing in the silence. My heart still pounded from the tense confrontation I had witnessed, and I couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water in this world of privilege and pretense.


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Chapter 140

My destination was the restroom, a small sanctuary where I could collect my thoughts and try to make sense of the chaotic evening. But as I rounded a corner, my path was unexpectedly blocked by a tall, imposing figure.

It was Andy, Timothy’s brother, who seemed fairly full of himself just from the conversations that I’d heard. His eyes locked onto mine, and a sly smile curved his lips as he regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Andy drawled, his voice oozing condescension. “Little Evie, all dressed up for a party she wasn’t invited to.”

I felt a surge of irritation at his mocking tone, but I had no intention of engaging in another confrontation. “Excuse me,” I replied curtly, attempting to sidestep him. and continue on my way.

But Andy stepped into my path, effectively blocking my escape. “Not so fast, sweetheart. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened with you and Timothy.”

“We were just colleagues,” I replied tersely, refusing to give him any more. information than necessary.

Andy’s expression shifted, his eyes narrowing as he regarded me with newfound interest. “Ah, so there is history, isn’t there?”

I bristled at his insinuation, but I refused to let him get under my skin. “That’s none of your concern.”

Andy’s smile widened, and he leaned in closer, his voice a low, sultry whisper. “Your know, Evie, I’ve always found you easy on the eyes. And if there’s one thing I can give Timothy credit for, it’s that he has excellent taste.”

My patience was wearing thin, and I took a step back, putting distance between us. “Keep dreaming”

Before I could make my escape, Andy’s expression grew more serious, and he leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s a shame Stella’s getting in between you two, but don’t concern yourselves for too long.”

The words caught me off guard, and I couldn’t help but be intrigued despite my reservations.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

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Chapter 140

Andy’s eyes gleamed with mischief, and he seemed all too eager to share his knowledge. “I know that the Fitzgerald’s estate is quite the prize, and I’ve always had my eye on it. But you see, darling, she’s always been one step ahead of me.”

Before Andy could divulge more details, a voice interrupted our conversation. It was Timothy, who had appeared out of nowhere, his brow furrowed in concern. He seemed prepared to lash out, but then his attention jumped to me.

“Evie, what happened to your arm?” Timothy asked, his voice filled with genuine


I glanced down at my arm, which was still healing in its bright blue cast.

“It’s nothing,” I replied quickly, avoiding Timothy’s gaze. “I just had a little accident.”

But Timothy didn’t seem convinced. He stepped closer, his eyes searching mine as if he wanted to say more. Before he could, I pulled away, my emotions too raw to engage in a conversation with him.

“I have to go,” I muttered, my voice trembling, and I turned on my heel, rushing away from the scene.

“Evie, wait!” he called after me.

As I made my way to the yard, I couldn’t shake the whirlwind of emotions that swirled within me. The unexpected encounter with Andy had left me with more questions than answers, and my unresolved feelings for Timothy only added to my confusion.

He had asked about my well–being, even with the scandal with Erickson likely. staining my name. I pressed a hand to my chest, feeling the rapid thumps of my speeding heart. After everything he’d done, how was he still making me flustered?

Scarlett was waiting for me in the yard, her expression tense and impatient. As It approached her, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread at the prospect of sharing what I had learned.

“Evie, what happened?” Scarlett demanded, her voice sharp.

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for her reaction, and then I relayed the conversation with Andy, highlighting his interest in their estate.

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Chapter 140

Scarlett’s eyes flashed with anger, her fists clenched at her sides. “That conniving snake! I guess we have more enemies than I thought.”

I nodded in agreement, though I still wasn’t quite sure what to think. Timothy’s reaction was still repeating itself in my mind. He had gone out of his way to ask if I was all right.

“We need to expose Stella soon before gets her slimy hands on that estate,” Scarlett stated. “Come on, Evie.”

As we turned to leave, I found myself looking back at the large mansion. At the entrance, I spotted Timothy leaning against one of the pillars, his eyes trained on

1. me.

Fighting any urge to stop in my tracks, I marched after Scarlett.





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