The Hidden Luna Queen

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 

Maeve POV 

I was not sure what or who–to expect when my mysterious knight in shining armor burst through the bathroom door. 

My first instinct was that it might have been Xaden, having somehow found out about my sudden dilemma through our deep, mystical bond, and that he would swoop in to save the day like all those heroes I’d read about in fairytales… but even I had to admit how outlandish the idea was, however romantic it might have been in my mind. 

Or perhaps his Prime Beta had arrived on Xaden’s behalf and would rush me to his side, ever the reliable right–hand man. 

Instead, however, a young woman entered the bathroom. Judging by the immaculate white brilliance of the tea–length dress with delicate patterns and short, lace bell sleeves, and an elegantly styled updo that enhanced her youthful beauty, she was no omega servant. She came from wealth. 

“Is your name Maeve…?” she repeated, still struggling to catch her breath. “Please tell me it is…” 

I regarded her warily, unsure if she was an acquaintance of Isabelle’s. “How do you know that name? Did someone tell you–3” This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

All of a sudden, she grabbed me by the hand and led me out of the bathroom, taking me by surprise, completely disregarding the guard that had been waiting outside for me. “I’m sorry for the rush!” she apologized loudly as she hurried me down the palace hallways, “We really don’t have the time to stand around–and you can’t face the Alpha King looking like that!” 

My mind whirled. What on earth was going on?! 

Was she some sort of magical fairy godmother who did not like taking shortcuts? Or perhaps a witch who lacked the skills to conjure up a new dress? 

Regardless, she definitely knew more than she was letting on! 

Who are you?” I questioned again as best I could, trying to ignore the sudden whiplash I felt. “And how do you know my 


“Xaden’s Prime Beta passed on a message to me,” she answered without a hitch, peering at me over her puffed shoulder while expertly navigating the hallways all at once. “He asked me to help you however I could” 

I blinked. “Xaden? How do you know him?” 

She skidded to a stop in front of a door in the middle of a private corridor. “He’s my older brother,” she said with a breathless 


Brother? I thought, baffled. But that would make her… 

“Y–You’re Princess Charlotte…” I stammered, growing hot as I quickly dipped into a low curtsy, “I–I’m so sorry for speaking so harshly to you…” 

She, however, was quick to stop me and pulled me back up. “Please, you don’t need to do that,” she urged with wide eyes. “I didn’t agree to help you and Xaden for any special treatment in return.” 

I was confused. “Then why…?” 

Charlotte gave me a friendly smile, leading me into her gigantic, clean room decorated in white, gold, and pink furniture more lavish and elegant than anything in Sarah’s room. “He might come across as intimidating to some, but he’s fiercely loyal and protective of the ones he loves,” she said. “He’s a kind–hearted brother and an even better man.” 

She gazed at me knowingly. “That’s why, as soon as he asked me to help you, I knew you were somebody special.” 

I blushed. It was one thing to hear it from a psychic and another thing to hear it from Xaden, but it was something else entirely hear it come from someone as close to him as his sister. That somehow made it seem more genuine. 

“He’s the best man I know,” I admitted. “He helped me and believed in me when no one else would. I don’t know where I’d be without him.” 

Chapter 29 

As we spoke, it was like any worries I had melted away. She was surprisingly kind and considerate, more than I expected a princess to be, and it made our conversation flow as easily as a breeze. This was one of very few times when I felt close to another girl. 

It felt really nice. 

Charlotte was even sweet enough to offer to help me get out of the dirtied dress, which I accepted. It wasn’t until after the dress had already been removed that I remembered my small baby bump. I registered the moment she caught sight of it, and the subsequent widening of her hazel eyes. 

Startled, I hid my belly behind my hands as best I could. “I–It’s still carly..” 

She sparkled with excitement. “Does Xaden know?” she asked. 

I nodded shyly. “Not many people do, though,” I whispered. “I’m not… I’m not ready to share it with everybody yet.” 

“Don’t you worry,” she said with a bright smile, throwing open the doors to her massive walk–in closet. “Nobody will even notice once I’m done with you.” 

Xaden POV 

“Twelve minutes and eight seconds late..” Father remarked impatiently as he glared at his diamond–encrusted watch for the umpteenth time, thrumming his fingers against the desk. “I told her to arrive before the hour was up.” 

Lucas glanced awkwardly between everybody at the table. “Maybe she got lost..?” he suggested “The palace can be daunting for newcomers.” 

I’m fairly certain she does not intend to come,” Henry muttered, leaning back into his chair without a care in the world. “Surely she must have heard the rumors circulating and thought it best to scram.” 

I suddenly got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. From what I knew of her, Maeve did not seem like the type to show up late to events like this, deliberately or by accident, despite whatever aversions she might have to harsh authority figures. Something must have happened to her on her way to the palace. 

“Well,” I burst out, abruptly standing up at the table, pushing my chair back with a loud screech, “if you all would please excuse me, I am going to look for her.” 

“You are not going anywhere, Father uttered. 

“I can’t just sit here–” 

You are staying here,” he enunciated with authority, making me freeze out of instinct, as he glared at me. Meanwhile, Henry’s wife entered the room and took a seat next to her husband. “She either comes or she does not. That is up to her.” 

Stomach twisting, I glanced worriedly at the door, silently willing her to burst through those doors and prove everyone wrong. “I would be careful with that girl, Xaden dear,” Isabelle suddenly spoke up, unprompted. “She’s only going to embarrass you in 

the end.” 

I clenched my jaw. “And what would you know about Maeve, Isabelle?” 

Unwavering, she met my stare. You seem to forget that before I became a Luna Princess, I was the daughter of an Alpha,” she said. “Our fathers happen to be long–time acquaintances, so I would occasionally join him in his visits to her pack before I married Henry.” 

“And that makes you so knowledgeable about her capabilities as a Luna?” 

“Of course,” she said as a matter of factly with a knowing look that irritated me. “I knew her long before you ever did. I have. witnessed firsthand how she handles public events and how she carries herself.” 

I scoffed. After seeing the way Maeve’s family treated her, I can only imagine how those events must have been for her. Isabelle’s assessment of her was not going to be fair. 

Father, however, seemed keen for her opinion as an outside party. “Tell us about this girl, Isabelle,” he beseeched. “You won’t 


Chapter 29 

hide behind bias.” 

“Of course not, Your Majesty,” she said with a smile, thriving under the Alpha King’s praise. “Maeve has always been a skinny, sickly thing. She hardly ever shows up to public events because of how often she is unwell.” 

“Is that so?” Father asked with a glare pointed at me. 

“Indeed! Someone with such a prolonged absence from the public eye has no clue how to behave in proper social settings. And whenever she did show up, she would keep to herself like a recluse, hardly interacting with any of her guests and refusing even the kindest offers to chat or dance.” 

“A recluse?!” Father repeated, outraged. “No Luna worth respecting would ever dare to behave as such!” 

Isabelle stared directly at me. “Xaden, is that really someone you would be proud to have at your side? Someone so weak and delicate she thinks herself better than others?” 

I opened my mouth to retort- 

But all of a sudden, the door opened, effectively hushing everyone in the room. In walked Charlotte, who smiled politely and curtseyed to greet Father, before beckoning someone behind her to follow. 

And… there she was. 

Maeve had arrived, looking terribly frightened but wearing one of the most beautiful dresses I had ever seen on her. The pale peach color of the knee–length dress warmed up her soft, light skin and brightened her blue eyes. And with its lace long sleeves and heart–shaped neckline, it was perfectly modest and a lovely display of skin, all at once. 

I could feel all my worries wash away as I gazed upon her. 

She was breathtaking- and she was here! 


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