The Genius Delta

Chapter 23 - Silvercloud

Chapter 23 - Silvercloud

A tiny, like a planck worth, part of me feels sorry for Hana. She’s turned sixteen and had hopes that

someone in the pack would be her mate. In the end, none were, and some even found their mates

within the pack. So it’s an emotional time for her, but that’s not an excuse to be a rude little shit.

Persephone is the Delta female of Bloodmoon. Okay, she isn’t yet, but she will be after I mark her and

she takes her oath. Technicalities aside, as the Princess of this pack, Hana should be treating

Persephone with more respect than she has. She was probably nicer to her before finding out we were

mates, which is a problem.

Hana cannot simply treat someone rudely just because of who their mate is, especially when that

person is going to be a ranked member of the pack on top of being the sibling of an allied pack’s Luna.

She knows better but is choosing to be a child. I’m glad she’s leaving today.

She’ll be gone all summer, and while the gatherings will most likely be a bust, she can use that time to

come to terms with reality. I have a mate, and nothing will ever change that. John having a human as a

mate gave her hope. It was false hope because humans being fated to a werewolf is a one-in-a-million

chance. When she returns, most likely empty-handed, I hope she doesn’t take it out on others who

have found their mates.

I wish Persephone had agreed to work remotely. Not simply because it would mean we could get away

with more physical contact. But if we aren’t at the office, we don’t have to deal with that Demonclaw

girl. I sighed as I entered my room and spotted my phone on the charging dock. I need to text Shikoba

and get things in place at the office to nip this Demonclaw shit in the bud. I also want to find out more

about Rohan.

I sent Shikoba a quick text instructing her to limit all intern access to shared spaces and the floors

relevant to their division. I also asked her to bring up the company file for Rohan Rock. I need to find

out why Dove put him on Persephone’s list of potential guards. I was clear when I stated mated

warriors. I tossed my phone on the bed, took a quick shower, and went about getting ready to go into

the office. By the time I was prepared to grab breakfast and leave, I had missed texts from Shikoba.

Shikoba: You realize that if I limit the intern access, including your f-buddy.

Shikoba: Rohan Rock is a transfer in our security department. He worked for Kinsley until a month ago.

John approved his transfer, citing that additional security would be necessary with our incoming interns.

Shikoba: Are you ever going to explain what’s going on with your intern adequately? I need something

concrete to provide to HR.

Shikoba: yes, HR. I’m sure you didn’t even consider the ramifications of you having an interoffice


Shikoba: You’re lucky I know the company policies, that relationships are okay if HR is notified, and

that there isn’t any misuse of authority. Thankfully HR only knows you as Jonny Weaver and, therefore,

someone who’d have no real say or power over an intern or anyone.

I frowned as I exited my room. John transferred Rohan to my company. I’ll have to ask him his reasons.

Maybe he felt we needed someone from the pack in my office security in preparation for Persephone

being an intern. Other than him being unmated, which unsettles Jaci and me, it’s sound logic.

“Everything okay, Jonathan?” Persephone’s voice made me look up from my phone.

I could have tried to dress professionally, but that’s just not me. I dress professionally when I have to

attend pack meetings as the Delta. But at my office, I’m just Jonny Weaver. Once again, she makes me

look like a slob, and I even put on clean jeans that aren’t stained or ripped with a geeky black shirt Kurt

got me for Christmas that in white says “Stand Back I’m Going To Try Science” with a stick figure

holding a beaker in one hand and a calculator in the other.

Persephone, however, was looking to drive me crazy today. Today she’s wearing black kitten heels, a

black a-line knee-length skirt, and a teal sleeveless blouse that cinched at her waist and had an angled

ruffle on the left. I don’t pretend to understand fashion, let alone women’s. Everything she’s wearing

makes me want to drag her into my bedroom and rip the outfit off her.

“Jonathan?” Persephone snapped her fingers in my face. “Wake up and stop picturing me naked.” She

rolled her eyes.

“Can’t help it. Do you seriously want to go into the office? Yesterday not touching was hard, and yes,

that’s an intended pun. But now all I’m going to be thinking about is yanking that skirt up and fucking

you.” I sighed as I rubbed a hand over my face.

“Control your baser urges. If I can control myself, so can you.” She shook her head. “And oh my

goddess, that shirt is adorable. Do you ever dress for being in the office?” She pointed at my shirt.

“I’ll try. And thanks, it was a Christmas gift from Kurt. Why would I? You do realize that before you

showed up, I rarely went into the office. People would think I’m a pod person if I started dressing

business casual.” I chuckled.

It’s funny because it’s true. Shikoba would probably demand I see a doctor because something must

be wrong with me if I was to wear business attire. I didn't dress up when I interviewed her for my

assistant job. I looked totally out of place during the interview next to John and even Logan. John was

in his polished business suit. Logan at least wore dress pants and a button-down. Meanwhile, I walked

in wearing jeans that had a stain and a shirt with the periodic table.

“Do you even own business clothes?” Persephone cocked her head. “I mean, I like casual wear for my

everyday wardrobe, but I knew I would be working in an office setting and bought, with Crista and, of

course, André’s input, a professional wardrobe for my internship.”Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, of course, I do. I was a groomsman at Logan’s wedding and the best man at Kurt’s wedding.” I

pointed out.

“That’s formal wear. I’m asking if you have business wear.” Persephone shook her head.

“Yes, I have that too. I think I have a couple of button-downs and slacks in my closet. I only wear them

for pack events where I’m required to dress nicely.” I shrugged.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” Persephone laughed. “Come on, let’s grab something to eat, and you can

tell me why you were frowning.” She suggested as she took my hand, tugging me to the stairs.

“I sent instructions to Shikoba before I took my shower. I told her to lock down the interns’ access and

to get my info on Rohan.” I explained as we headed to the dining room.

“Okay. And? Did she give you pushback? Or was there something she found about Rohan to cause

concern?” Persephone questioned, only grabbing a muffin and coffee.

“Well, a little. Shikoba asked about you, referring to you as my fuck buddy. She also asked for specifics

regarding us to ensure everything is handled properly through the company HR.” I shrugged, loading

my plate with eggs, bacon, sausage, and waffles.

“Excuse me?” Persephone growled as she sat down across from her sister.

“Who’s calling my sister your fuck buddy?” Delilah frowned, pouring more coffee into her cup.

I could see Scott hovering off the side. I’m not sure what went down with Logan. I’m sure he was put in

his place and had the shit scared out of him. I felt terrible because it was a mistake, but it also pissed

me off that he’d slip like that after all these years.

“Scott, stop hovering. It’s weird. Sit down.” I sighed and pointed to an empty chair.

Scott didn’t speak. He just nodded and quietly sat down as I instructed. Yeah, Logan scared the shit out

of him. I’ll have to ask Logan what exactly went down. The last thing we need is Delilah feeling

uncomfortable with Scott around. I also don’t want Scott to feel like he has to walk on eggshells from

now on around Persephone or me.

“And my assistant at Silvercloud called her that. Shikoba knows I’m Silvercloud, but not that I’m a

werewolf. She’s human. And, well, I have not been permitted to loop her into our supernatural secret.

So to her, this is all weird.” I explained.

“Oh. That must be difficult for you and Shikoba.” Delilah frowned.

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