The Ember In The Dark

Ch. 24

Ch. 24

Science went by too quickly. I kind of wish Toni and I had more classes together. Toni was walking me

to my art class even though his class was on the opposite side of the building.

"Are you sure it's okay? You're going to be late." I asked him again, feeling guilty.

"Yes I'm certain. I love walking with you. I'm taking every extra minute I can with you." He pulled at my

hand turning me into him and giving me a quick hug, before turning me back around. It was so fast I

almost didn't realize what happened.

We got to the art room faster than either of us intended. He let go of my hand and I felt so empty all of

a sudden. The more time I spend with him the lonelier I get when he's gone.

"I'll meet you outside for lunch. I'll come sit with you." He smiled at me as he left down the hall. He

looked back at me a couple times, catching me watching him.

"Are you going to come in?" Josh's head peaked out from the room, bringing me out of my daze. I

cleared my throat real quick.

"Yeah. Yup." I was caught off guard.

"What's got your head in the clouds?" He asked me as I took my seat beside him.

"It's nothing." I was too embarrassed to tell him that Toni was taking up every part of my mind.

Josh and I were talking about his songs and the club, when Dex walked in. He had a mustard yellow

turtleneck sweater, black jeans and vans on with a black beanie. He eyed Josh from across the room

and then met my eyes. I quickly looked away remembering what happened last time.

"I didn't know he had this class." I muttered to Josh.

"Yeah, who'd you think used the other station beside me." He smiled at me not realizing how

inconvenient this is for me.

'Remember keep your mind guarded' Talia's voice echoed in my head.

I placed that bubble around it. I really don't know if that works against sirens, but better safe than sorry.

I don't think he'll do anything at school either.

Dex took a seat, grabbing his things. Today we were supposed to paint still life. There was a vase of

sunflowers with a big burlap bow on it for us to paint. We all got to work focused and silent for a while.

"I saw a picture of you and Ember circulating around. Wanna tell me what happened between you two

at 220?" I heard Josh ask Dex.

He was whispering very lowly, without my sensitive hearing I would have had a hard time hearing him. I

could feel Dex's eyes on me, but I knew better than to stare back. I just continued painting like I wasn't

paying attention to them.

"Honestly, nothing happened. I thought I could get a kiss goodnight, but her guy wasn't having it." I

could hear the smile in his voice.

I remembered Toni punching him for touching me. I still remember the feeling clearly, of wanting him to

touch me. It still feels weird to think about. I still feel the remnants of that want in me. It feels like a

gross reminder that I was controlled by him.

"I thought I told you not to mess with this one. You always pull that shit Dex. I always bring a girl and

you manage to snake her from me." Josh sounded upset. Although I'm not sure why he feels like I was

snaked away from him. I was never his.

"Don't worry Josh. I won't do anything unless she asks me to." I turned to face them.

'She'll ask soon enough.' I heard Dex's voice enter my mind. His eyes met mine for a moment and he

furrowed his eyebrows, confused. 'How are you in my head?'

I jumped, surprised he could tell I heard him. No one had been able to tell until now. He smiled at my

reaction. Any interest he had in me only seemed to peak now.

"You alright?" Josh asked, noticing me jump.

"Yeah, I just thought I saw a spider." I lied. I knew I shouldn't look into Dex's eyes, but something in me

told me it would be okay.

Boy am I stupid. I felt myself get sucked into his mind. I was no longer in the art room, but on a beach

with white soft sand. The ocean waves crashed against the sand hard creating that white foam you see

in paintings. The water was crystal blue and the clearest I had ever seen an ocean be.

"So, you can invade my mind." Dex's voice surprised me, causing me to jump forward and quickly turn

to face him.

"Where are we?" I asked, confused. Did he bring me here? He looked at me in slight disbelief.

"You've invited yourself deep into my mind. This is where I keep my siren side until I need it." He

explained it to me. "What are you? I thought you were a wolf, but wolves can't just invade the minds of

others like this."

I backed away as he approached with his hands outstretched. He wanted to touch me, but I knew that

would be bad.

"What I am doesn't concern you. I'm sorry I invaded your mind. It wasn't my intention." He may not feel

bad about invading people's minds but I do. No matter who they are.

I tried to focus and get back to my body, but I couldn't seem to leave. I honestly have no idea what I'm

doing. Mom had always talked about how to travel to people's minds, but she never spoke much about

how to get out.

"You're kind of stuck here until I show you the way out. So answer my question Ember." He says my

name as if saying it gave him power over me.

"I'm not just going to do whatever you say. I'll get out on my own."

I mean there's gotta be a way. I tried to call on Talia for advice but she wasn't here with me. It's just

me…and Dex.

Dex watched me struggle for a while. He sat on the beach relaxed, as I got more and more frustrated.

I'm really stuck here.

"Give up yet?" He smirked at me and I sighed heavily.

"How do I get out?" I rolled my eyes.

"First tell me what you are."

"I'm a tribrid. Now how do I get out." I answered him without detail.

"Interesting. A tribrid of what?" I felt his eyes roaming my body as he checked me out more.

"I've answered your question. How do I get out?" I was growing irritated. I'm not even sure he's telling

the truth.

"I'm the only one who can let you out." He answered.

"Okay then let me out." I crossed my arms.

"Not until you answer my question fully." I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Dragon, werewolf and elf."

"The elf part explains how you're here." He said pensively.

He got up from the sand, dusting his bottom off with his hands. He stepped closer to me and I took a

step back again. Landing my right foot in the water.

"Stop backing away. I can't send you out if you keep away." He told me seriously.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him. I don't trust him at all, but I currently have no choice. His hand

grabbed my bicep tightly, pulling me to him hard. I crashed against his chest. My hands landed on his

pecs as I braced myself from the force. I looked up at him to say something, but his lips crashed Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

against mine before I could do anything.

My eyes stayed wide open with shock. His lips aggressively pushed against my own and I froze. I

couldn't seem to move away, my feet were being held captive by the water. Wrapped around my ankles

like shackles.

He had lied. Of course he had lied.

His hand grazed my jaw lightly. I can't remember why I don't want him to touch me now. In fact, I don't

think that's true. I'm pretty sure I want him to touch me.

'No Ember, break away from him.' I could hear my mother's frantic voice in my head.

Why do I need to pull away when I want this. His hands feel good against my back. His lips fit into mine

perfectly. I clutched his shirt, pulling him closer to me. My lips parted, granting his tongue access to

every crevice in my mouth.

"Tell me you want me." He whispered against my lips.

'Ember no! Snap out of it. This isn't you.' I heard my mother yell again. Where is she? 'Remember Toni

and focus on him. Feel his presence in the distance.'

Toni. Oh God Toni.

All I needed was to hear his name to remember who I was. I just needed to think of him to realize what

Dex was doing. I pushed back slowly, not trying to give away that I broke free of his spell. I then

punched him hard in the stomach. I heard the air leave him.

I focused on Toni and his presence. I could feel him. He was close by.

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