The Ember In The Dark

Ch. 11

Ch. 11

6th and 7th period flew by and I had a hard time focusing as my thoughts kept coming back to Toni. His

handsome face and sweet chocolate eyes. I was envious of that tan skin of his. I've always been white

as snow, and I only ever burn in the sun. No tan for me.

"Ember!" I heard Josh call from down the hall. I waved at him, walking slowly so he could catch up.

"Ready for English?" He asked.

"Yes and no. I don't want to deal with any of Micheal's antics." I admitted. I was still pretty pissed at him

for 1this morning. Leti ended up going home.

"I still can't believe you dove in like that to save Leti. You've known her for a day and you risked your

life for her. You and your brother both." Josh sounded so surprised and awed. "I think that's really

fucking amazing. You're amazing, Ember." He elbowed me.

"Shhh you don't want Dawn to hear you." I joked and he laughed.

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry about her. She's pretty jealous."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's none of my business." I admitted and he smiled more at that.


We entered the room and Toni's eyes went from me to Josh. His jaw tightened as he fought Reep from

growling at Josh. Can't really judge Josh for his jealous girlfriend when I have a jealous boy who I'm not

even dating. We took our seats in front of Tony and Myra. I tapped Toni's shoe with my own and he

smirked at me. His hands were deep in his hoodie. Myra eyed me, a little cruely, but no one seemed to

notice.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"How many boys are you going to flirt with in one day?" She snarked.

"Probably less than you." I smiled at her and she scoffed.

Josh stifled a laugh.

"Twinkie!" Ash yelled as he came in, spotting me. He smiled that big beam of a smile at me. Myra's

demeanor changed completely when she saw him.


"Hey Twinkie." I greeted him.

"We need to hurry after school. Today's archery with Eryn and you know how he gets when we are

late." He warned.

"I know, I know." I waved him away.

"You take archery?" Myra jumped into our conversation. I gave her a look, but Ash just smiled being his

friendly, clueless self.

"Yeah. Ember and I have studied archery since we were 4." He answered her. I poked his side. "Ouch.

Quit, Ember." He rubbed the spot.

"You quit sharing our business." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah." He smiled at me and went to sit down.

I don't think I've ever seen a time when Ash was mad at me for longer than a few seconds. He's just

too sweet and empathetic.

We finished up yesterday's assignment, again having to drag Myra along. She's denser than a bag of

rocks. She's not going far, this one. How did Toni ever date her?

"So Ember, what are you doing this weekend?" Josh asked, trying to make friendly conversation.

"Visiting with my..." What do I call Charles to humans who won't understand? "Uncle Charles?" It

sounded too much like a question. "Well he's more like a second dad than an uncle really." I tried

explaining further.

"Oh that's cool. Does he live outside of town?" He asked.

"Kind of. He lives on the reserve by the creek." I answered. To humans the pack lands were called

reserves, because they weren't allowed to go.

"Oh that's really cool. I've always wanted to go see what it looks like, but no one ever invites me." Josh


"Sorry." I lifted my hands up a bit. "I can't invite you. Honestly, no one will. It's just a rule." I explained to


"Rules are made to be broken." He winked at me. Toni grabbed the side of his desk at the action.

"Not this one." I shook my head.

I leaned my hand forward on my desk and Toni grazed his fingers against it. The action didn't go

unnoticed by Josh or Myra. Josh just stared at my hand for a moment before looking back down at his

paper. He was trying not to be nosey.

"So are you guys dating now?" Myra asked. "I mean I saw you guys this morning."

"I was just comforting her." Toni said quickly.

"That seemed pretty intimate for just comforting." She remarked.

"We're not dating." I told her calmly.

"But I want to date her." Toni made his intentions clear, making me fight hard not to blush. "She's

making me work for it." He winked at me, and the blush won.

I slunked back in my chair wanting to disappear for a moment.

"As she should." Josh added, and Toni just rolled his eyes.

Mrs. Allen read us a short poem and we were to analyze it as a table. The overall theme and the theme

of each stanza.

"Obviously love." Myra said. "I mean he's talking about the beauty of a woman here." She said.

"Not love, longing." Josh corrected her. "He longs for her and her beauty."

"For that stanza, but the overall theme is fear. How fear can hold you back." I added. Josh and Myra

looked at me confused.

"He can't have the love of his life because he's too afraid to speak with her. All he ever does is admire

her from afar." Toni explained for me.

"Yeah, okay. I can see that." Josh nodded his head looking over the poem again. "You guys definitely

delved deeper than I did."

"I still think it's love." Myra muttered under her breath.

Mrs. Allen called on each table to get their opinions and most had said love. Rachel and Ash's table

said longing.

"Toni's table what do you guys have for us?" She asked us.

"Fear." Toni answered and she smiled at us.

"That's wonderful. You guys are the first to pick up that theme today."

The bell rang after that and everyone scurried off.

"Listen, I'm in a band and we're playing a gig in town this weekend. If your uncle lets you, you should

come. Here's my number, text me if you can come." Josh handed me a slip of paper with his number

on it.

"Uh yeah sure." I've never been handed someone's number before. I've never been invited out to a

concert either.

Josh left, and I just stood there with the paper in my hand like a moron. Toni cleared his throat behind

me, and I stuck the paper in my pocket really quick.

"Let me see your phone." He said holding his hand out. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"What for?"

"Just.. please." He gave me these puppy dog eyes and I just melted into his will. I pulled my phone out

and handed it to him. He typed away and handed it back to me. "Now you have my number too. Text

me anytime you want." He winked at me and left.

Again I stood there stunned. The phone still in my hand. He saved himself as 'future boyfriend' and I

shook my head smiling. Toni you idiot.

"You're getting popular." Ash teased. "Didn't I say we need to hurry." He laughed.

"Oh fuck! Let's go."

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