The Dark Secret of the CEO

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Despite not wanting to be separated from Luz, Gerard leaves the hospital in the direction of the house. After showering and putting on his suit, he goes through the office to look for that mask that gives him mixed feelings. -This will be the last time I use you… after taking Rafael out, you will have no more purposes to fulfill. He leaves the house, this time accompanied by an entourage of James’s men, part of the provisions he has made to take care of the whole family. He heads to the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center, where Rickon is kept in custody, separated from Henry for obvious reasons. He tries to mentalize himself so that what is now happening in his personal life does not affect him, Rafael’s freedom depends on the way he faces Rickon. Upon arrival, the prosecutor is waiting for him at the entrance, he extends his hand and they enter together. -Jack… is he still not talking? -Apparently he has a certain resentment with Rafael, I don’t know what his problem is -he stands in front of Gerard and puts his hands in his pockets – How are you supposed to make him talk? -Well, I already told you that we met – he takes the mask out of the bag and smiles -. I’m sure as soon as he sees me like this, he’s going to tremble. What did you do to him when you met? Gerard shrugs. Don’t tell me that with that he has no idea who you are… or that you were Batman, do you also speak like him? -This mask hides more than half of my face – he puts it on and the prosecutor opens his eyes -. He only allows to see the eyes and the mouth, you see? It hides the shape of my face, at least most of it. Now come on, I must go back to my wife. -I knew what happened… I immediately investigated Bowman, I thought he could have acted against you, but he is more insulated than a power line. The two laugh and walk to the visiting room where Rickon will be waiting. Many stare at Gerard, who walks tall. If only his posture was intimidating, he now looks worse, because he looks like a blessed avenger. Jack Goodman opens the door for Gerard and lets him in, Rickon standing there looking at the table with an annoyed expression. “Do you know that I hate being brought here as if I were his toy?” I already told you that I won’t say more…-he looks up defiantly, but it transforms to one of fear in less than a second when he sees Gerard standing in front of him, with her arms crossed on his chest and looking at him with annoyance- -Today I brought a friend, to see if you dare. “Well, no… it doesn’t provoke me at all,” he says hesitantly, but trying to sound defiant.

There’s nothing you can do here… there are witnesses. -Come out, please – he tells the agents who are there guarding Rickon and they leave without further ado- Now there are no witnesses. -You remain, if he touches me in his presence, he will be an accomplice of torture…-but a blow on the table by Gerard makes him shut up and jump at the same time-. “Don’t test this man’s patience,” he tells her with a Goodman smile. Better answer my questions and go back to your cell to read. -I will not do it! They can’t touch me here!! Gerard, without taking his eyes off him, takes off his jacket and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt, then pulls out of his pockets a pair of gloves like the ones he wore last time and true terror is portrayed on Rickon’s face, who looks to the prosecutor. -I’ll stand up…-he tells her, leaving the chair empty-. And I’ll look the other way. -Nooo…! – the scream is silenced when Gerard approaches dangerously with his fist in his fist, but Rickon raises his handcuffed hands – Wait! I’ll tell him what he wants, really. -Well – says Goodman without turning around – Is Rafael Williams part of your father’s organization? -Yes – Gerard just looks at him with the clear intention of killing him, but Rickon retracts -, only he doesn’t know it. -What does that mean? -I joined his company, as a waiter, and I was in charge of distributing… – Tell me something I don’t know, Bowman. Was Rafael Williams aware of your operations? And you better think about that answer. – No, he didn’t know anything. We only use it to facilitate distribution, but he didn’t know anything – he doesn’t stop looking at Gerard – The truth is that Rickon had a very bad time after his first encounter with Gerard, he never felt so much pain in his body and he doesn’t want to repeat it. Just thinking that this man will touch him again makes him sing like a bird. -So, Rafael Williams is part of your father’s organization? “No, that’s the dumbest man in the world, overconfident,” he laughs. He didn’t even realize that he had a mob insider… -Why didn’t you speak before? Do you have a personal problem with him? -Hahaha! Personal problem… – he says sarcastically and Goodman turns to see him with a frown, because that tone seems to him to be something more than personal -. You see… there is a nice story, but I will summarize it for you, that he took the girl I liked from me-Gerard tries to stay calm, but he is afraid where he is going to go- “I noticed a girl, because of her I was willing to leave the others alone, but she didn’t even look at me. Until I realized that she and Rafael had something, that’s why I got upset and drugged her… -Which of all? -Gerard asks him, clenching his fists because he suspects the answer – -Luz Méndez, coincidentally the only one I didn’t get to touch…-

but before he finishes with his lament, Gerard hits him and makes him fall resoundingly off his feet. the chair – -You’re trash… how can you say that you were interested in that girl? You drugged her to rape her, you’re sick. -Tell me what you want – Rickon says with a mourn -. But it became clear to me that it wasn’t for me… but it wasn’t going to be for Rafael either. Goodman calls for the guards to pick Rickon up and take him away, Gerard stares at the prosecutor who smiles surprised. “Damn Finnick, that hook of yours is terrible, no wonder that boy trembled when he saw you,” he laughs as he pulls the phone out of his pocket. But I already have what he needed. -Rafael got tired of telling you that he had nothing to do with it – he tells her with annoyance and taking off his mask-. But now you have confirmation. -I’ll move everything now, so they can release it… “Isn’t Rickon’s lawyer supposed to be here?” -He didn’t want to, he says that his lawyer is a nuisance, he left a written document, the guards served as witnesses – he laughs- -Is that legal? – Gerard asks sarcastically, they look at each other and laugh -. It doesn’t matter, that’s enough to get Rafael out, at least my Little Light will be able to see her free friend when she gets out of the hospital. -I won’t take any more time, go with her. I’ll have news for you soon. They leave the building, they take different steps and Gerard tries to crack a slight smile, because he has something else to tell Little Light about her, to see if that helps her wake up. Meanwhile, a woman dressed as a nurse sneaks through the corridors of the hospital, trying to get to Luz Méndez’s room. Before she enters, she looks around and goes inside, closing the door behind her. She walks over to the girl who is still asleep and an evil smile appears on her face. -Even though I didn’t want to do it again, this time I have to finish what someone else couldn’t do… today you’re dying, because you’re dying, miserable woman.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

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