The Dark Secret of the CEO

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Chapter 4 6

For Luz it is not the first time that she has traveled by plane, but there was definitely a huge difference between a commercial plane, in tourist class, and the buffet jet, which even had a nice 65″ flat screen… and it was not bigger Just for space reasons.

Charlize fell asleep in her seat while she stared out the window at nothing.

Her mind was flying as high as that plane and she was only going through the nice things, like being Mrs. Finnick, raising her son with Gerard, having more children, and working with him at the buffet. Seeing Charlize grow up, fighting with Gerard because he won’t let her go out with her friends, and so many other things, but they were interrupted by the man in front of her.

-You like to fly? is all she could think to ask to break the ice.

-Not that I did it many times, but yes. It is the closest way I have to be among the clouds. If I close my eyes, I can imagine myself flying between them, with the wind touching my face.

-That sounds wonderful and terrifying, just imagining that I can fall from this height makes my hair stand on end – he shows him his bare arm and Luz runs her fingers through it, causing the man to get worse – Is there something that scares you?

– Sleep – he tells her without thinking and looks out the window again -. Nightmares… you can deal with everything in real life, but when you sleep, your dreams rule you most of the time.

“It’s true that some you can handle at will, but nightmares will always be nightmares, no matter what you do with them. – Why do you have so many nightmares? – Gerard only thinks at this moment that he could make those nightmares go away – -Because there are things in my life that are painful and nothing I do will make them less painful, for example, the rejection of my parents.

– Haven’t they called you to hear from you? Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

-No, I doubt they have my number or want to know about me. I am the shame of the Méndez family.

Gerard looks at Charlize and imagines that his daughter tells him that she is pregnant, that she doesn’t know who the father is. He would probably be upset, but he wouldn’t hit her, he wouldn’t insult her, much less kick her out of the house, especially since he imagines Luz by her side to tell her to calm down or she’ll sleep with the dog. 1

– You wouldn’t do something like that – Luz tells him, who can almost guess his thoughts -. You are an excellent father and surely, after getting the truth out of Charlize at the point of interrogation, you would go after the father of her baby to kill him… and then go to the police to turn yourself in.

– But you’ll be with me when that happens, so I’m not afraid – he says with a smile and then he thinks – Why do you think I would turn myself in if I commit a crime?

– Because you are correct, you like justice… that became clear to me after you took Darcy out of the house. You told him only once and you didn’t give him any more chances. I doubt that with yourself you are more flexible.

-So it seems.

So it is indeed.

They continue to talk about other things, such as music, food, movies and other things, when it is announced that they will land. Gerard wakes up Charlize and as soon as they are told that they can go downstairs, she jumps out of her seat excited because her father is finally bringing her to the amusement park of her dreams.

They go down the stairs, Gerard taking Luz’s hand so that she won’t fall and with the other arm he holds Charlize, who is clinging to his neck.

-Thank you, daddy, this is so nice, but the best thing is that Lucecita is with us.

– For me the best thing is to see the smile of my favorite girls.

Gerard leaves a kiss on Charlize’s forehead, they reach the waiting car and on the way to the Ritz Carlton hotel, Charlize can’t stop thinking about how fabulous those days will be.

-Lucecita, let’s meet the princesses!

-Tomorrow we will go to the Magic Kingdom, for today we will rest, we will enjoy the pool at the hotel – Luz looks happily out the window and smiles, without stopping caressing her belly -. did you ever want to come


-Yes, but not because of the princesses, but because of magic… here is the Harry Potter theme park -Do you like Harry Potter? – asks Gerard surprised -. -Of course! I grew up reading his books and watching his movies

-Then I’ll get tickets to take you to the magic – he takes her hand and kisses it, he’s willing to make all her dreams come true -.

Una vez que llegan al hotel, los tres caminan tomados de la mano, con Charlize en medio. George no puede creer lo jovial que se ve su jefe, después de verlo tan serio por estos años, se encarga de las maletas y de organizar la seguridad para la familia, porque eso es lo que son ahora, ¿no?

Una vez registrados, suben a la suite real, hablando acerca de lo que harán esos días, de lo que podrían comer y de los regalos que podrían llevar.

En cuanto entran a la habitación, Luz se queda boquiabierta y mira el lujo que desprende el lugar, pero lo que más la preocupa ahora es ese par de camas, una matrimonial y la otra unipersonal.

– Esa cama es para mí – le dice él, apresurándose en señalar la unipersonal – Tú dormirás con Charlize, si no te molesta.

-No me molesta, pero esa cama es muy pequeña para ti, yo puedo usarla sin problema.

– Pero, quiero que estés cómoda – le insiste él –

-¡Yo me quedo con esta cama! – dice Charlize que ha terminado de explorar la sala y llega a la habitación -. A mí me gusta dormir sola.

Se lanza a la cama unipersonal, la disfruta un poco y luego cierra la puerta corredera que separa los dos ambientes. Los dos adultos se miran nerviosos y Luz se adelante con un edredón.

-El sofá es mío y no admito discusión.

-¡Estás embarazada! No puedes dormir allí.

-Hubieras reservado una suite para 3 personas – le dice ella encogiéndose de hombros –

-¡Te juro que lo hice, pero para la próxima semana! Para hoy no había nada más disponible – se

acerca a ella y la aprieta contra su cuerpo -. No quiero que duermas allí, pero si no vas a cambiar de opinión, pediré una habitación solo para mí.

-No, luego trataré de convencer a la princesa o ya veremos como nos arreglamos. Por ahora, quiero esa piscina.

Pero ese sentimiento no quedó allí, no se les olvidó y cuando llegó la noche, el momento de dormir, la princesa no quiso soltar su cama sola. Así que cuando al fin se durmió, ambos adultos se miraron, luego vieron la cama matrimonial y suspiraron.

-Creo que pediré otra habitación – dice Gerard tomando el teléfono. -¿Y si pides más almohadas? – le dice ella y Gerard frunce el ceño -. Podemos… podemos ponerlas en medio, la cama es grande y quizás… solo si estás de acuerdo.

-Si no hay más alternativa, porque no te veo con ganas de que me vaya a otro lugar. – Iré a cambiarme – Luz toma su pijama y se mete al baño, dejando a Gerard tragando en seco y respirando profundo –

The last time he slept together was with Charlize before that, with Margaret. He asks for the pillows, praying that Luz’s idea will work, though he is aware that the last thing he will do is sleep.

When Luz leaves the bathroom, Gerard has already arranged the pillows, she gets into one of the spaces in the bed, while he goes into the bathroom. When she comes out, Luz has her eyes closed, not because she fell asleep, but because she doesn’t want to see Gerard in his pajamas and she did right… that man hates sleeping in a shirt and now she is no exception.

If she had seen it, she would surely be drooling like many at this moment.

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