The Dark Secret of the CEO

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

I can barely believe my eyes, yet the truth is there, in front of me, slapping me right in the face. It’s definitely Rick. I had doubts about seeing him at the police station, but this time, it’s not just a short vision in a blink, he’s really right there, in front of my eyes, and he’s not going anywhere. That tight knot appears in my throat again. …Why the fuck is he in London?

He’s standing right in front of the doors, arms crossed, jaw clenched, staring as if he can’t be bothered to blink. It’s been a few years since I saw him last, but he’s barely changed. If anything, he seems a bit bulkier, and his black hair is cut neatly, short, unlike that beach surfer mid-length style he had when we were young… He’s not wearing his uniform either, just some simple white shirt and denim pants, and a thick coat over it, perhaps a biker’s jacket. I can only see him from the back, just a bit of his profile towards us, but that’s more than enough for me to recognize him. I can guess his five-o-clock shadow too… My heart tightens a bit. Shit.

“What is it?” Asks Bart, trying to find what or who I’m staring at.Daily Latest update

“…My ex, Rick,” I mutter. “He’s here too.”

It takes him a couple of minutes to spot him amongst the crowd, but when he does, he clicks his tongue.

“So you didn’t dream it after all. What is he doing here?”

“He’s waiting for Charles…?”

That’s the only plausible theory. He’s waiting right outside the doors, and as I glance at the list of incoming flights, the one from New York City is just the most likely one. Or is there somebody else on the flight? From the way he’s glaring at those doors, I wouldn’t think so… But why? Why the hell did he come all the way to London? Did he find out Charles was coming here and followed him? Or did he hear about the fake apartment under my name? If Rick’s really part of the NYPD now, he could easily

get access to that kind of information. …Is he really investigating my death? Shit, I wish he’d stay out of this.

“Hey, where are you going?” Bart asks, suddenly grabbing my arm.Daily Latest update

Before realizing, I had already taken the direction of the stairs.

“I just… I just want to check if that’s really him,” I mutter, unable to calm down. “I’ll be quick.”

“Swithin wants us to stay away, your ex will be coming out any minute!”

“If he is and Rick makes a scene, it will make things difficult too,” I retort. “Just let me check, Bart.”Daily Latest update

I free myself from his grip and walk away before he can say anything more. I just need to confirm… I just need to see him from up close. Maybe Bart’s right, maybe I’ve gone mad. I know I should listen to Swithin and stay away, but I can’t. A part of me is just begging to get closer, just a bit closer, to see him. Staring from afar isn’t enough… I just want to see his face.

I quickly step down the stairs, people stepping aside as my high heels announce my approach. I get a few stares, gazes attracted to my red hair and white coat contrast, or people curious about my unusual appearance, like wearing sunglasses inside an airport. I ignore them all, and just walk around the arrival hall, circling around Rick from far enough, just trying to find a safe angle to see and not be seen. Of course, Swithin notices me, and I see him frown behind his red shades. Sorry, Swithin, I just need a minute… or a few. My heart tightens every time I get a glimpse of Rick. There are hundreds of people in the airport, so even staring in his direction, my view is often blocked by the random flow of travelers. It’s chaotic, but everybody but him is a blur. I see this scene as if everything in the background was out of focus, like those slow scenes in a movie. Except that nobody can hear the loud ruckus going on in my head, in my chest.

It’s really him. He’s older, of course, than what I remember of him. I’m choked up by regrets, and, much worse, by hope. Will he spot me amongst the crowd? Would he recognize me? …Would he be willing to forgive me?

I stand there, still, for a few seconds, staring in his direction. He hasn’t changed that much in the few years I haven’t seen him. He has the same strong features, his large chin, his strong eyebrows, his deep, dark eyes. The sexy tan of his skin, and even that uneven nose I always loved to make fun of. I remember a much younger Rick, skinnier, too tall for his age and insecure in his skin. There’s nothing looking insecure about the man I’m staring at. His shoes firmly planted on the floor, his strong chin, his determined eyes. My stomach decides to make a knot too. I step back, feeling a bit anxious all of a sudden. …Is he still mad at me? Would he be mad if he saw me now? I don’t know if I could handle it.Daily Latest update

I’ve been staring for too long. He suddenly feels it. His cop senses, perhaps, make him lose his focus on the arrival doors, and start glancing around. I quickly turn around, pretending to step in the long line for an overpriced airport coffee. Nervous, I try not to glance back, but this time, I’m the one feeling the stare. A shiver runs down my spine. Has he seen me, or am I just imagining this?

My phone rings, and I pretend to take the call while stepping out of the line. Some people stare at me, wondering why I bothered to stand in line for such a short time, or if there’s an actual reason for those sunglasses. I sigh, and answer.

“What are you doing?” Hisses Swithin.Daily Latest update

“My ex is here,” I mutter.

“…Oh. I see him,” he says after a few seconds. “Is he going to be a problem?”

“Depends what would be a problem. He looks like he’s getting ready to pounce on Charles.”

“We can’t have that. I don’t like a Cop on our trail, and I need to get Williams’ trust, this is a bother. Grab his attention.” This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I almost drop the phone. Shit! I turn around, finding Swithin with my eyes. Luckily for me, Rick’s back to staring at the arrival doors, in the exact same position as before. How the hell am I supposed to get him to look away and forget Charles, he looks like a sniper waiting for his perfect window of opportunity… I glance around. I can’t cause a commotion in a bloody airport, there’s got to be security everywhere.

“Hera, hurry,” he says. “The first travellers of the New York flight are coming out.”

I hang up and glance around. I can’t approach Rick, I need to find somebody and something that will distract him enough… A man walks past me with a heart-shaped balloon, and it gives me an idea. I look around, looking for a single woman. I find a young woman, sitting in the waiting area, a bit younger than me, with a cringe orange tan and platinum blonde hair, apparently alone and busy on her phone, she’s not looking up. I quickly go and sit right next to her. When she glances at me, curious to see who sat next to her, I give her a smile. She smiles back, a bit awkward.

“Hi,” I say with an attractive smile.

“Hi,” she answers, visibly a bit curious about me. “Do we know each other?”

“No, I’m just waiting for a friend. You too?”

“My Nan. I’m supposed to get her but her flight’s bloody late…”

I subtly slide my glasses down my nose, and focus on the bit of Charming I’ve done before.

“Do you see the young man standing in front of the doors, with the biker jacket?”

“Yes…?” She mutters, under my power.

“You find him very attractive. You should try and get his number. You really, really want his phone number.”

“That’s true…”

She slowly gets up, and sure enough, she quickly walks up to Rick, arranging her hair, clothes and attitude on the way. A bit amused, I see her approach him, flaunting a smile, putting a hand on his arm. Hey, hands off… Shit, I’m an idiot. He glances at her, visibly confused and losing his focus. I know I purposely picked a girl he’d never be attracted to, but it still annoys me quite a bit to see his attention suddenly absorbed by this English girl. I cross my arms, staring at the scene, a bit annoyed. At least, it worked. More people come off the NYC flight and he just can’t get rid of her. Damn, Rick, you idiot, are you seriously blushing? I roll my eyes, and go back to staring at the entrance. More people come out of the doors… I spot Charles. He’s not alone. That brunette from my funeral is here too, plus a man I’ve never seen before, and another woman, an older one, perhaps in her forties. Never seen her either. Quickly, Swithin walks up to him, introduces himself. They shake hands, and Swithin escorts them outside. I glance back at Rick. He’s spotted Williams, and he’s desperate to get rid of the blonde to walk up to them, but they are on the other side of the arrival hall. It’s too late. I smile, and get up.

Bart quickly arrives by my side as we head towards a different exit.

“Your jealous face was epic,” he mocks me.

“Shut up. I did what Swithin asked…”

I glance towards the blonde. If only there was a way to stop the charming from afar… Bart chuckles.

“Poor Baby Vamp. Seeing your two exes the same day, a bit rough isn’t it?”

“If you don’t shut up, I swear I’m breaking all your game consoles as soon as we get back.”


We quickly try to walk out, but as the travelers from the states get out, there’s a bit of a crowd already, and we have to slow down to try and walk around groups and families reuniting. I can’t help but smile at a pair of children running into their grandparents arms. My last experiences of airport arrivals were always drowned in the blinding flashes of dozens of paparazzis…

Shit, I lost Bart. I glance over, and he’s giving me a grimace from across what seems to be a small group of teenagers, perhaps a school trip of some sort. Shit, shit. I got some eyes on me, I’m standing out with my flashy appearance and my height. I try to walk around them, adjusting my sunglasses on my face. They can’t recognize you, they can’t recognize you, calm down… I lost Bart, but I’ve managed to clear my way to the exit.


I stop, one second too late to realize I shouldn’t have. Don’t glance that way. It’s definitely Rick’s voice, but I can only guess how far back he is on my left-back corner. Just a few steps, maybe. If it wasn’t for my vampire hearing, I wouldn’t even have heard him across the crowd. I stand still, frozen. I want to look so bad. I want to see the look in his eyes, see how he’s looking at me right now, what his feelings are. Anger? Sadness? Regrets, perhaps?

…Shit, stay strong. I see him in the corner of my vision. Less than a second has passed, but I have to make a decision. I resume my walk, as if I hadn’t heard him, just a bit faster and in the opposite direction. I hope it doesn’t show in my walk how insane I’ve become right now. Every cell of my body is screaming to turn back, face him and tell him the truth, or tell him to stay away, but I can’t. I force myself to put one foot before the other, towards wherever the fuck Bart’s gone to. It’s the worst sensation ever. Knowing he’s right there, he’s just steps away from me, and I can’t go to him and tell him everything. I feel my heart breaking again. How many more times will I have to be so cruel to him?

Rick doesn’t deserve all the shit I’ve put him through, why is he even still crossing paths with me? I force myself to keep walking, a bit faster, ignoring my head, my heart, my stomach and everything around me.

…I must have dreamt that. He couldn’t have recognized me. Perhaps he saw a blonde in the crowd and got confused. Perhaps it was even just some stupid magazine with my face on it. I have scarlet red hair, huge shades and a cap on. How the hell would he have possibly recognized me? …There’s no way.

Thank God I step out of that damn airport, and I spot Bart, waiting for me in the Taxi area with a strange expression. I walk up to him, angry, and just hop into the first available black taxi without saying a word. Bart follows right behind me, and it’s only after he’s closed the door and begins chatting with the driver that I dare look out the window, towards the airport’s exit. No sign of Rick. I let out a faint sigh of relief, but if I’m honest, I know I’m as relieved as I am disappointed… It’s a strange feeling. The car starts and drives away into the long line of cars trying to leave the busy airport. I close my eyes and rest my head back, my whole body still shaking from the experience.

“What the hell happened?”

“…I think Rick may have recognized me,” I mutter with a hoarse voice. “Maybe I imagined it…”

“No, I meant between you and that guy, Hera,” He groans. “You’re definitely not over him, and it seems to me he’s not over you either, so what the fuck happened that you left him for that shithead?”

He glances at the driver, probably careful not to slip anything too dangerous about our kind, my identity or my death. I glare at him, but he shakes his head.

“Don’t give me that look,” he grunts. “Cecily might be too self-absorbed to care, but I recognize a broken heart when I see one, I’ve had my fair share over the cen- over the years. Plus, this guy looks like he’s not going to let go of that bone, so we need to know what to expect if he’s after Charles too.”

“He… Rick hates Charles,” I mutter. “And he has a strong sense of justice. Too much, even. He’s not going to let go… He doesn’t know the real reason I left him, Bart, and before you ask, I don’t want to talk about it, alright? I’ll tell you when I’m ready, but not now. Just know that… Rick and I were friends for years, then we got together for four of those years until I broke up with him. The break up was hard on both of us. He tried to reach out a few times, but… every time, I was too afraid to tell him the truth, and I couldn’t leave Charles. Rick and I… We came from different worlds.”

“You’re really in different worlds now,” Bart retorts. “…And why do I have a feeling your ex-fiancé has something to do with the breakup?”

I don’t answer, and look away, at the cars passing by the window. …Charles had everything to do with me leaving Rick, but it was my fault. I was an idiot, a complete, absolute idiot. My mistake caused this, and a lot worse. Shit, I don’t want to think about this, not now. I need to focus.

“…You said your ex didn’t take the break up well?” Scoffs Bart.

When I glance back, I realize he was just looking at his phone. He puts it back with a grin.

“He’s definitely not going to let go. Swithin said his car is being followed. By some dude on a bike…”

Oh no, Rick, for fuck sake…

*Author Note: Thanks for reading! As always, please leave a comment or two, like the chapter, and see you in the next one! ^^

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