The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 15

Iris woke up with a heavy heart. She couldn’t forget the image of the previous night at the gala from her mind. Bella, Ryan’s ex-fiancee, so she was told, had been there, her behavior more than inappropriate.

She had clung to Ryan, touching him with a familiarity that stung Iris deeply. Iris didn’t understand why it bothered her so much after all, her marriage to Ryan was one on condition, not love.

Still, the sight of Bella’s hand lingering on Ryan’s arm, the way she whispered in his ear, and the smirk she had sent Iris’s way made her feel something she hadn’t expected: jealousy.

Sitting alone at the long dining table, Iris pushed her food around her plate. The mansion felt so empty, the silence was heavy and choking. Sarah, the head housekeeper, and her maid noticed her distress and approached.

“Ma’am, is everything all right?” Sarah asked concern etched on her face. Iris managed a weak smile. “I’m just feeling a bit… restless, Sarah. I think I need to get out for a bit.”Sarah nodded understandingly.

“Of course, ma’am. Would you like me to arrange the car for you?”Iris shook her head. “No, I’ll take a cab.

I’ll be back before Ryan gets home.”Sarah looked slightly worried but didn’t press the matter. “Just let me know if you need anything, ma’am.” After breakfast, Iris dressed casually in jeans and a simple top.

She didn’t want to raise any suspicions, especially not with her mother. As she stepped out of the mansion, the cool morning air felt refreshing. She stopped a cab and gave the driver her mother’s address.

The familiar sights of her old neighborhood brought a sense of comfort. The modest houses, and the friendly faces, it was a stark contrast to the grandeur and isolation of her current life.

When the cab pulled up in front of her mother’s house, Iris felt a pang of remorse. She knocked on the door, and it was opened by her best friend, Skylar, who still lived nearby and often helped out with her mother.

“Iris! It’s so good to see you!” Skylar exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug.”It’s good to see you too, Skylar,” Iris replied, smiling genuinely for the first time that day.

They went inside, where Iris found her mother, Mrs. Jessica, sitting in her favorite armchair.

Upon seeing her daughter, Mrs. Jessica’s face lit up with joy.”Iris, my darling! What a wonderful surprise!” she exclaimed as Iris rushed to hug her.”Hi, Mom. I’ve missed you,” Iris said, hugging her mother tightly.

Mrs. Jessica pulled back slightly to look at her daughter. “How’s your new job, dear? It’s been a while since you came to see me. I was starting to worry.”Iris bit her lip, feeling a pang of guilt.

“I’m sorry, Mom. Work has been really demanding. I’ve barely had any time to myself.”Mrs. Jessica shook her head gently. “I understand, but Iris, instead of all the money you’ve been sending, I’d still prefer to see my daughter. You’re more important to me than money.

“Iris frowned, confused. “Money? Mom, I have…..”. Mrs. Rose looked at her with a mix of frustration and concern. “Why are you acting like you didn’t send anyone? Or are you trying to pretend? I know it came from you, you promised to take care of me, and since your new Job you have darling “Iris shook her head, genuinely bewildered.

“Mom, I…. “Mrs. Jessica sighed, cutting her short. “All I’m trying to say is that you can’t bribe me with money. I want to see you more often, my child.”Iris was surprised by her mother’s words.

Who could have sent money in her name? And why? She decided to push the thought aside for now. “I’m sorry, Mom. I’ll make sure to visit more often.”

They spent the afternoon cooking and chatting. The simple domesticity of it all was soothing to Iris’s almost weak nerves. They talked about everything just enjoying each other’s company.

After a while, Mrs. Rose dozed off in her chair. Iris watched her mother’s peaceful face, noticing the signs of aging she hadn’t seen before. She leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, then covered her with a blanket. Quietly, she closed the door and joined Skylar in the kitchen.

“Thanks for helping out with my mom, Skylar. It means a lot to me.”Skylar smiled. “You know I’m always here for you both. How are things with Ryan?”Iris sighed.

“Complicated, as always. But let’s not talk about that. I’ve had such a good time today.”

Skylar grinned and nudged Iris playfully. “Speaking of good times, you won’t believe what’s happened since you left the club.”Iris raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

“Oh, do tell. I’ve missed all the gossip.”

“Well,” Skylar began, her eyes twinkling with excitement, “you know how lonely I was after you left, right?

Mama Pee Pee has been as tough as ever, running the club with an iron fist. But she’s also been taking care of us, making sure we’re safe and everything.”

Iris nodded, remembering their formidable yet caring manager. “Mama Peepee is such a kind and tough woman.”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Skylar continued, “Anyway, a few weeks ago, this incredibly hot guy came into the club. Tall, dark, and handsome, just my type.

After my shift, he asked if he could take me home. I was hesitant at first, but there was something about him that seemed genuine.”

Iris leaned forward, eager to hear more.”And?”

“And,” Skylar said with a dramatic pause, “he didn’t just take me home. He took me out on a date the next night. A real date, Iris. Dinner, a movie, the whole nine yards.

And guess what? We’re officially in a relationship now!”Iris’s eyes widened with excitement.

“Jenny, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!” She hugged her friend tightly, feeling a genuine happiness she hadn’t felt in a long time. Skylar beamed.

“I know, right? He’s been so sweet and caring. It’s been a whirlwind romance, but I’m loving every minute of it. And you know what? I’ve been happier than I’ve been in a long time.”Iris smiled, her heart swelling with joy for her friend.

“You deserve it, Jenny. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve all the happiness in the world.” Iris felt a warmth she had missed, the companionship of a true friend.

They continued chatting, losing track of time until Iris glanced at the clock and realized how late it had gotten.

Panic set in. “Ryan is going to kill me if I’m not back before him,” she said, grabbing her things.

She hugged her mother and Skylar goodbye, promising to visit again soon. As she hurried to the street, she called down another cab, hoping to make it back before Ryan noticed her absence.

The cab crawled through the evening traffic, moving frustratingly slowly. Iris glanced nervously at her watch, willing the driver to go faster.

Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore.”I’ll get out here,” she said, paying the driver and stepping out. As she was about to alight, the driver suddenly sped off, causing her to stumble back into the seat.

Iris’s heart raced as she tried to understand what was happening. “What are you doing? Let me out!” she screamed, pounding on the windows, but the driver ignored her.

The windows were tinted, and no one outside could see her distress. Fear clawed at her as she realized the danger she was in. “Oh God, I’m dead,” she whispered to herself, tears streaming down her face.

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