Lucas’ POV

I was at the airport and eagerly waiting for Giselle’s arrival in Claybourne. I missed her so much and I couldn’t wait to spend the day with her again. In fact, I cleared my schedule of all pending appointments, meetings, and business luncheons to focus solely on her.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

As I saw her walking in my direction, my heart raced, and I immediately kissed her. I couldn’t contain my excitement and emotions as if I wanted to memorize every detail of her face. She was my dream girl ever since!

There’s something about her that messes with my system. But I quickly brushed it aside. Then, suddenly, Zara’s image appeared inside my head. I shook my head immediately because I didn’t want to entertain thoughts of Zara; she’s in the past. My heart belongs to Giselle now.

“I miss you, babe,” my voice trembled with emotion as I gaze at her lovingly.

“Are you okay?” She asked with concern, noticing my deep-in-thought expression. I quickly dismissed her worry, attributing it to fatigue from work.

“It’s nothing, love. Maybe I’m just tired. I have tons of work at the office,” I laughed it off and reassure her.

“You should take a rest too! Being sick is hard, love,” she insisted, always caring for me.

We made our way to my car, and I couldn’t help but notice the attention she receives from people at the airport. Being a well-known model, she was used to curious glances.

We head to a hotel owned by me, and we had lunch in one of the private restaurant rooms. Inside my head, I made a mental note to just check on Enrique the next day. For now, I had to focus on Giselle, and nobody else. It has been too long since she was away and I have been going crazy while waiting for her.

“Eat, babe, this is all your favorite,” I served her food, but she pushed the plate away, claiming she was on a diet.

“Eat a little bit, dear; you look thinner,” I expressed my concern, but she rolled her eyes.

She always dreamed to be an international model, the highest paid and even a well-known model. Of course, I understood why she was constantly on a diet but I couldn’t control myself for feeling lonely. I felt that over the years, she prioritized her career over our relationship and the possibility of starting a family.

I wanted to confront her about it but I loved her deeply. Sometimes, I couldn’t help but wish she would like to create a family with me. However, she was determined to focus on her career, which often leads her to be in different countries for an extended time.

I have wanted her to marry me for a long time but she turned down every proposal I threw at her way. She always claimed she wasn’t ready yet and she still has big dreams for herself. Despite my disappointment, I always apologized to make up with her. I just couldn’t bear to have her being upset with me.

After dinner, we immediately headed to our shared unit, and after our passionate encounter, I decided to propose to her again. This time, I hoped she would finally accept my proposal and commit to building a family with me.

After our steamy sex, I lay at my girl’s side, catching my breath. I am exhausted but satisfied again. She’s impeccable at what she does on the bed. She never knows how beautiful she is just being beside me after making love.

I’ve made up my mind. I don’t want to have another thought, especially about Zara. I don’t want to be confused, and I don’t want to let that woman into my system.

Naked like a newborn, I stood up and grabbed a small red box from beside the table. So many times, I tried to propose to Giselle, just for an engagement, but she refuses. She always insists on pursuing her dreams, which is why she often stays in other countries for her career.

She always chooses to go away, chase her dreams, and never chooses to settle with me. I just want her to marry me so that Zara will be out of my life forever! But she keeps running away from the idea of marrying me.

She became a different person when she insisted on being known as the most beautiful model in the world. When we were younger, high-school lovers, we dreamt of getting married and starting a family, a dream that was fulfilling for both of us.

But everything changed before we graduated from college. She started dreaming of becoming an international model, especially when her beauty started getting recognized.

She became the face of different magazines, walked fashion runways, did commercials, and endorsed beauty products. At first, I was just the normal supportive boyfriend. But her lack of time for me became more frequent. That’s why after we graduated, I wanted her to commit to me.

We made love, and I always insisted on not using any protection. Until I found out that she was using contraceptives. We had a very bad quarrel that time, and she left for a few months.

That was also the time when I made the biggest mistake of my life – I had an affair with Zara and got her pregnant.

Now, at this moment, I grabbed the red box. It has a fine engagement ring. I want to ask Giselle to marry me.

I knelt beside her on the bed while we were both naked.

“Babe, you know that I love you for too long and I will love you for eternity. Do you still remember our dream? Our dream of starting a family. And I can’t wait to fulfill it, babe. Marry me?” I said as I opened the small box containing the engagement ring, looking at her with hope.

But I heard a different answer from her. The usual excuse! The answer that I can’t accept, is that she doesn’t want to settle down yet.

“You know my answer to that question, babe! I am not ready yet… I still have dreams for myself, for both of us! Of course, I love you so much too. But please, stop pressuring me. Time will come, babe, and by the way, do you think I didn’t notice? You came inside me again. I am not ready to bear a child, Lucas.” She insisted.

I couldn’t help but get angry and frustrated. I don’t want to say some nasty words to her, so I want to avoid it for now.

“Lucas! Babe, please don’t be mad…” She pleaded.

I faced her while putting on my clothes. “How?! How can I calm down knowing you refuse me again? You refuse my dream again, and instead, you choose your dream! If I understand you, babe, how about me? All I want is to build a family with you, have a child. I’m wealthy enough to provide for you beyond what you can get from modeling!”

She looked at me with the same anger. “Lucas! Can you stop belittling my dreams? Stop thinking that they are shallow! What do you want me to do? Be a housewife! I am not born to be just a housewife, just someone who sits still and looks pretty. You want me pregnant? It will destroy my modeling career!”

“Then you choose your career over me. Crystal clear.” I said sarcastically and walked out. I wanted to scream in anger! I was so furious! She just slapped me with it! Her words were knives piercing me through.

My mind was clouded by anger. She’s always like that. Always thinking that I’m ruining her dreams. I’ve been patiently waiting for her for more than a decade! I’ve been by her side since the beginning. I am willing to give up everything, but she won’t. I felt like I lost another battle.

I called one of my friends, Ahron, and we ended up in a bar, a private one owned by an acquaintance.

In a dimly lit corner of the cozy bar, I sat with my friend Aaron, feeling defeated and lost. Frustration and confusion weighed heavily on my mind and I creased my forehead as I focused on my drink.

Aaron, ever the perceptive one, sensed my distress and asked gently, “Hey, what’s been bothering you, Lucas?”

His eyes showed genuine care, and I appreciated his concern. Taking a sip of my drink, I sighed before replying, “I’ve been feeling defeated lately, Ahron. It’s like I’m stuck in this loop, not knowing which way to go. Work, relationships, everything feels overwhelming.”

Aaron nodded, understanding my struggle. “I’m here for you, man. Whatever you want to share, I’m all ears.”

His invitation encouraged me to open up, and I poured out my frustrations, hopes, and uncertainties. As I spoke, Aaron listened intently, providing reassurance through a nod or a comforting word. The act of confiding in a friend lightened the weight on my shoulders, even if just a little.

“You know, sometimes all we need is a little distraction to break free from those overwhelming thoughts. How about we enjoy the night, and have a little fun?”

His attempt to lighten the mood brought a faint smile to my face. “That sounds like a good idea. Maybe some distraction would do me good right now.”

“As you well know, women like Giselle would obviously turn down any proposal,” Aaron said.

Curious, I asked, “Oh? What does she want to do?”

“She’s right on track, taking all the necessary steps to achieve her dreams. It got me thinking about how times have changed, you know? Modern women like Giselle have these high aspirations, and they don’t want to be confined to traditional roles like being a housewife.”

“What should I do?”

“Focus on something else, buddy,” Aaron suggested.

Knowing that I could count on him whenever I needed someone to lean on brought comfort to my heart. The night had indeed been a perfect distraction, however, my mind was clouded with anger and confusion. I loved Giselle, but thoughts of Zara kept creeping into my mind.

I try to push them away, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult. I wanted to forget Zara and focus on Giselle, but my heart seems to be struggling with conflicting emotions.

As I head home, my vision blurs slightly from the alcohol, but I managed to get back safely. I feel like I’ve done something wrong again, and I can’t shake off the unsettling feeling.

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