The CEO is my bodyguard

Chapter 32

Leon was in his room all day. Grandma barge into his room.

“Son… son…!!!” she cried.

“Granny what’s wrong why are you crying?” he asked

“Look… look what happened to my little Gem”. She handed him her iPad.

‘Breaking News… actress Gem how ended up in a serious accident was rushed to the hospital by Ryan who was the only one brave enough to get her out of the car before it explode. It was said that she was severely injured and hurt…” Leon jumped out of his bed and ran out of the house with shoes on he entered his car and heading for the hospital.

Ryan push Gem’s stretcher she kept on whispering something. He drew his ears close to her and it was…”L… on… on… eon… l.. eon…”

“Leon?, Gem it’s me Ryan… stay put keep talking don’t fall asleep…”…

Jolene met Rose at a bar. They both drink laugh and celebrate.

“This is just the beginning” Rose said

“Poor Gem… I really wish she doesn’t come out alive” Jolene said.

“I sent the money to your account… thank you Jolene” Rose said and Jolene unlocked her phone. A wide smile appeared on her lips.

“Wow… you added extra money?”

“Yes… just take that as a welcome to my world” she said.

“Of course…”.

Jolene was indeed a little witch in a mermaid wear. Unknown to Rose this little witch had a plan, Rose never knew Jolene wanted to be Leon woman too.

Leonel got to the hospital in no time. He was like a madman. He’s eyes were red and heavy. He was like a multimillionaire who was brought to a penny. His men line up as the run after him into the ward.

Leon saw Ryan holding Gem’s hands.

The guard looked at each other, they knew Ryan was going to die tonight.

Leon face sunk in anger as he clutch his fist and darkened his eyes.

Leon walk towards him with speed drag him and punch his face. Ryan was too surprised to react. He looked at Leon in surprise.

“Am only letting you live firstly because am not holding a gun and secondly because you save Gem’s life”

“Who the fuck are you!!!!?” Ryan yelled.

“Get him out of my sight before he regrets ever been born” he said and the guards nodded and drag Ryan out.

The other patients in the ward was surprised. They didn’t dare say a word. Leon’s face alone was enough to shut them up.

“Move her to a VVIP ward” he said.

Leonel hold Gem’s hands. The doctor’s where all afraid when the knew Gem was connected to the mighty Leonel Mavis. The chief of the hospital came by himself to give the health report to him.

“Good evening Mr. mav…”

“Get straight to the point!” Leon said, his voice was calm but was enough to turn the world upside down.

“She’s fine now… She’ll be sleeping like this for… for a few more days… but…” when he said but Leon’s eyes finally left Gem and look at him, making him shiver “But… we… we tried hard to save both her and her baby but… she… she had an abortion… and…”

“What!, an abortion?” Leon face sunk. She was pregnant? When?, how?

“The pregnancy was uhmm… at it’s early stage… About a week and few days old… so…” the doctor stop talking as he saw Leon in daze.

Leon remembered… that night… that night in Paris… he didn’t use protection and… he never knew she was not on control pills like Rose. Tears started falling like rain. Seeing this the guards lead the doctor’s out of the room.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

He lost his child… he wasn’t able to protect her nor his child… it was his fault… how will he face her when she’s awake…?

Leon called granny to come over and watch over Gem and left the hospital after giving his guards orders not to let any stranger into the room.

Leon went to his torture house. He looked at Noah.

“I have a job for you” he said, his voice was like that of a wicked king who was about to devour his enemy at war. “Fine out who dear hurt her… take all the time you need but make sure you find the person who did it… even if it’s my own blood… I’ll rip them apart…”

The guards release Noah.

“I… I promise boss I won’t fail you this time… I promise” he said bowing to Leon.

It’s been two days and Leon kept on smoking and drinking, he had no intention of stopping and no one dare to stop him. He don’t sleep either.

On the three day Gem opened her eyes. She looked around only to find grandma beside her.

“G… ra… nny?” I whispered and the old woman string up.

“Oh my… oh my little Gem… oh you’re awake… thank God…” The doctor’s came and attend to me. My eyes kept on searching for him.

“Oh… that good for nothing boy… he hasn’t come to see you in two days… oh today marked it the third day… he has been smoking and drinking I’ve heard… I think he blames himself for what happened to you” she said.

“It’s not his fault… grandma can you call him and tell him am awake?” I said.

“Not so fast we have to make a plan… we can’t just let him leave you alone in the hospital and go free” she said

“Grandma what’s your plan?” she smiled

A guard ran to Leon. There was smoke everywhere.

“Who said you can come in!!!” he said with his deep voice making him sound like a scary monster.

“Sir… Your wife just woke up” he said and Leon seems to have woke up and stood up from his chair… he tried to balance his step cause he was a bit high.

“Sir I’ve prepare a bath for you and a drug for you to sober up” he said.

After about forever it was already towards evening I’ve slept and woke up countless of times but he’s still not here… I was angry.

“Grandma I want to use the bathroom” I said and Sasha helped me up and took me to the bathroom. After easing myself Sasha hold me as we walk back to the room only to see Leon was here. I gave him a plain gaze.

“Oh grandma you have a guest?” I said

“Guest?, little Gem don’t tell me you don’t know him” she said playing along

“Oh… I don’t seem to remember him… are… are you my brother?” I asked and Leon eyes was wide open

“K… Kitten!” he said “Y… you don’t remember me?,… it’s me… it’s Leon…, your bodyguard”

“My bodyguard… grandma is he having a mental problem?” I pretend to whisper to grandma but sure enough he heard me. “So I don’t know you.”

“Kitten… I…”

“Granny when is my husband coming?” I asked grandma and she was speechless “I miss Ryan already”

“What r… Ryan???, AM YOUR HUSBAND NOT THAT CRAZY PUNK!!!!!” he yelled and I seem to hold my head and groan in pains.

“Do you remember me now?, huh?” he said as he sat close to me and hold my shoulders.

“Am sorry Mr… Sasha I thought I told the guards not to let strangers in… now they did just let a stranger in the let a psychiatric patient in” I said and Leon face was sad. Oh hubby is jealous again .

“Kitten… You really don’t remember me?, well am your brother in-law, am getting married to your sister Jolene and I love her so much”

“What!!!, you pervert you dare say that in front of your wife!!!!!” I quickly covered my mouth. Damn I just fucked things up.

“Really… you two planned this?” Leon said

“Yes why not… for a husband to leave his sick wife that means the husband is useless” I said.

“Kitten… did you hit your head too hard?, I think we need to scan your brain”

“Get lost” I frown and he smiled and hugged me.

“I missed you… don’t ever get hurt again” he said smiling..

“You don’t even care… you left me alone again… just like in Paris… I was so sad” I said and hugged him back. Hearing Paris… Leon remembered that night and the abortion. His face turned down.

“Leon it’s okay… it’s not your fault” I said and he put on a fake smile. I knew it was not really.

“He suddenly hugged me again and started crying like a child.

“Am sorry… am so sorry kitten… I am really a useless husband… I couldn’t protect any of you… am sorry”.

Any of you?, what does he mean?…

Leon watched Gem sleeping face. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her they lost there child. She doesn’t even know she was pregnant. Leon didn’t want to lose her. He hugged her tight and press his lips on her forehead.

“Enough with everything Gem… am your bodyguard it’s high time I act like one” he said and get off the bed.

Sasha was taking a stroll round the hospital when a car stopped behind her.

“Sushi!!” she heard the annoying name her uncle normal calls her. She turned around surprised.

“Big uncle!!!!” she yelled and ran to him. He came out of his car and hugged her.

“Oh… my sushi is big now” he said

“Uncle… it’s Sasha not sushi… You’ve started again!” she pouted.

“Let’s get into the car I don’t want to create attention” he said

“Oh… Uncle but I can’t go too far… am on guard…”

“I know… I know… just get in let’s talk… this old tug needs your big help” he said and she smiled.

“WHAT!!!!, Gem is my Niece?????, how’s that even possible?” she yelled.

“We have to sneak her out of Leonel side” he said

“Uncle you know that’s impossible… they are married”

“They are what!!!!!, no… no this can’t be… they are fated to be… to be enemies” he said

“Uncle what do you mean!”

“Gem’s parents were close friends to… to the Mavis… but… but my brother was blinded… he was greedy… he… he… was the one who shot Leonel’s grandfather dead… he killed the old man and took his seal. That seal contain billions and billions and billions of money…, even at that he played like a snake… he used his wife to set up Mr. Mavis… she was pregnant then… and… and… she was cut red handed… Because of the shock… she fell into labor… after given birth to the baby she always called Gem… she died…, my foolish brother denied ever sending her to set up the man. He put all the blames on his wife head… Few years later… he loved and cared for his daughter… she was so beautiful and he called her Jolene… he signed all his property in that name Jolene. He knew he was going to died soon because the Mavis has suspected him and have find evidence… he decided to run away… far away and start a new… with his little girl… but… that night… they had an accident planned but the Mavis… I managed to fight back with my name and carry Jolene out… the little girl was full of blood… they treat her and when she woke up she forgot who she was… she was not safe with me either so I put her in the orphanage… Until that beast who calls himself a friend adopted her… Calling her Gem and his own daughter Jolene… I think he plan to use his daughter to claim the Fortune…”

Sasha was already crying, the story was so sad…”Please you have to help me”

“It’s impossible… right now Leonel is stock to her like glue there are many guards outside and…”

“Sasha… she’s a nice and lovely girl… will you bare it if…” Sasha phone rang.

“Yes… ok…” she turned to her uncle and wipe her eyes “Leonel called all the guards… I… I have to go…” She said about to leave when the man said.

“Don’t forget what I told you”

All the guards line up. Sasha was surprised to see Kelvin, ‘Why is he here?’

“I called you all to make a statement… I’ll personally guarding the madam from today… the rest of you can tag alone as bystanders but keep watch… and Sasha you’ll stay with me… She’d love that… you may leave” they all dismissed.

“L… Leon… dude…” Kelvin said not daring to take another glance at Leon who was like a hungry wolf.

“I haven’t done this before… Once I hate… I hate… but because of my wife am giving a second chance and don’t mess it up… if you do again I promise I’ll rip your heart out and feed them to my dogs…”

“LEON!!!, I’ll never fall you again… Please… Forgive me… ”

“I’ll never forgive you Kelvin… but I have a job for you… do you choose to work for me or your cousin?” he asked

“You… it’s you Leon… Rosemary is a slut… a snake … she blinded me… ”

“Fine… am leaving my company in your hands… you’ll be running my company…” he said

“A… and what w… will you be doing?” Kelvin asked.

“Hmm… Focusing on my wife… am her bodyguard after all” he said and smirk.

Grandma paid the hospital already to keep Gem’s abortion from her and the world.

“If it disclose I’ll make sure I give you free tickets to hell” she said

I opened my eyes and saw Leon holding my hands and kissing them.

“Hi!” he said to me, I rub my eyes and smiled at him.

“I feel weird… uhmm why are you still here?, I thought you were busy with work” I said and he climb into the big bed and hug me in his hands.

“Leon… you know you’ve been acting strangely lately… is everything alright?” I asked him and he nodded and kissed my forehead again. “Leon is there something you’re not telling me?”

“Yes… Gem… I just quit my job for you” he said

“Seriously Hubby that’s not funny” I said rolling my eyes.

“It’s my fault you got hurt… am your bodyguard… I should act like one…” He said and kissed my cheeks.

“Are you crazy?, you left your work just to…” his lips cut mine. I push him away “Hey… what’s with the kisses?!” I yelled “Pervert!”

“Gem… am sorry I wasn’t there… do you suspect anyone who would want to hurt you?” he asked

“Who else than my foster mother!, I told you she was after my life… aiissh life is so boring” I hissed wiping my face “I was really scared Leon… I thought I’d never see you again” I sob… his hands rub my back gently…

“It won’t happen again… you won’t have to be scared anymore… I’ll follow you everywhere… I’ll guard you…” he said.

“Crazy… what about work?” I asked

“I’ve already handled it” he said and wipe my tears.

“I love it!” I said and smiled.

“Yes… Loving that your husband is your BODYGUARD?” he asked

“No… am happy because… when the news will finally hit it will be… the mighty Leonel Mavis… the great CEO is my BODYGUARD…!!,. HAH… HAHAHAH… oh my stomach hurts… hahaha” I laughed out loud on my own imagination. Leon started at me as if I was crazy he shock his head and said

“God… I asked for a wife… why did you give me a crazy clown???” he said and my laughter stopped, did he just called me a clown?, oh a crazy clown?

“You bastard!!!!, how dare you call me a clown?, a crazy one!” he said

“why? Ain’t you crazy?” he said and I threw a pillow at him and he dodge… let’s act then.

“Ahhh… aaahhh… Leon… my Tommy hurts… aaahhh” he ran down to me…


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