The Billionaire’s Son Chose Me!

Chapter 108_ Lies 2

Kyle’s gaze settled on Arya, he noticed the way she quickly pulled her gaze off him blushing, he arched a brow and walked a little bit further into the room..

“Daddy… haven’t I told you to knock before coming into my room?”

Kyle chuckled suddenly noticing the other little soul present in the room, he ruffled Ray’s still damp hair playfully with a smile..Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh I’ll remember that next time..”

Ray stared back at his dad then back at Arya, they were behaving really strange and suspicious..

“I’ll let the maids dress me up this time….” Ray murmured picking up his clothes before dashing off not giving them a chance to voice out their objections..


The sound of the door closing made her sigh deeply, such a kid!

“There’s really no need for you to hide behind that fake face of yours..”

Arya turned to him with a small smile, she had almost forgotten that Kyle knew who she really was, she pulled off her glasses..

“Alright.. I’m going to ask the obvious question here.. do you need me for anything?”

Kyle’s gaze narrowed down at her “You wish” he murmured to see her roll her eyes, she bent a bit to pick up Ray’s water gun which he dropped a while ago..

She winced in pain..

“Still sore?”

She snapped her head to Kyle who just spoke, her cheeks burned crimson red in embarrassment, she quickly pulled her gaze away from his..

“What do you mean by that?”

Kyle reached out to her chin and pulled it up gently..

“We spent the night together didn’t we?” he arched a brow reading her expression..

Arya stepped away from his hold feigning ignorance, she shrugged her shoulders..

“what? that’s outrageous” She lied..

Kyle snorted, he reached out to her once more but this time, he pulled her by her arm, she crashed on his firm build with a widened gaze..

“I have my ways to find out Arya”

Her heart skipped a beat when he called out to her name, she loved the way it rolled on his tongue..

He slowly leaned down to her neck running his nose along the nape of her neck, taking in her scent that he recalled from last night..

His hands gripped her shoulders before he pulled away slowly..

“It was you..”


Sam chuckled at Chloe’s sour expression, her brothers were definitely taking this the wrong way, he smiled sweetly at her which she returned with a fierce glare..

She was obviously in a bad mood..

“She has been sulking all day, why don’t you keep her company?”

Chloe shot Arnold a look, Sam was okay to keep her company in her room while Bryan wasn’t even allowed to stand on their porch?

She slapped her forehead, what brought about this comparison?

“Oh.. I’ll try my best” he sent a teasing wink at Chloe which didn’t miss Arnold’s eyes..

He opened his mouth to speak when his gaze fell on the invitation card that was now sitting next to Chloe, he recalled the card was on the table when he came in here some minutes ago..

His eyes settled on Chloe in suspicion, he just hoped and wished that his sister didn’t have anything to do with Bryan Alexander…

“I have an idea.. why don’t you both go shopping? I mean.. Chloe was invited to an engagement party this evening”

Chloe sat up when she heard her brother’s words, she met his meaningful gaze and sucked in a deep breath..

“Cool” Sam concluded..

“No way! I’m not going to that engagement party!”

Arnold’s arms crossed on his chest “You don’t have anything to do with him right? why don’t you prove it to me and yourself? go to the party with Sam as your date”

Chloe slumped back on the bed staring at her ceiling..

She’d rather be anywhere than Bryan’s engagement party with Lora..

The latter would literally rub it on her face to God knows when!

“Big bro-

“Sam she’s all yours!” Arnold said firmly and left the room closing the door behind him..

Sam took a seat next to her on the bed, he poked her chin gently until he got a reaction from her, she grabbed a pillow beside her and smacked it against his face..

“Fuck off!”

“Come on! I mean your brother wasn’t wrong.. if you want to know what you’re really feeling, then I guess you should attend.. it won’t hurt”

Chloe stared at him suspiciously “What do you mean by that?”

Sam stared around the room before he leaned down to her face..

“You like Mr Alexander”

Chloe’s eyes rounded like saucers, she smacked the pillow against his face once more..

“How could you think like that?!”


Bryan pulled his gaze elsewhere, his mum was at it again, from the beginning she really didn’t support this engagement between him and Lora, but he’s left with no other choice too..

He had to get married to Lora since he was partly at fault for whatever happened to her..

“Mum.. please not now”

Cynthia stood in front of him with teary eyes, she didn’t want her son to ruin his life by getting entangled with that Lora!

“Bryan! there’s still time to call this off! you can still back out of this mess.. please don’t ruin your life this way, you’ll never be happy if you get married to her”

Bryan met her gaze with a soft glare, doesn’t she see how upset he was about this too? if he was given a choice, he’d never in his wildest dream choose Lora as a wife..

But this was his fault anyway and he had to fix it, and that was if he got married to her..

“I’m sorry mum.. I have to disappoint you yet again”

“What are you both talking about?”

The mother and son turned back to see the man seething behind them, he walked towards the two with an interrogative look..

One thing he was sure of was that his wife was trying to blackmail Bryan emotionally..

“Lora is waiting downstairs for you.. she’s ready to go for her dress fitting, and also you haven’t made an attempt to get your engagement rings yet!”

“You’re the one planning this whole fucked up shit! why don’t you take her for her dress fitting? you can also get rings too!” Bryan retorted in a firm tone before he strode out of their sight..

He got that Lora was really hurt after her recent ordeal, but this was the height of it all, she won’t force him to do things against his wishes!


“It’s all your fault! don’t look at me.. he’s right! take her for out for her dress fitting!” Cynthia scorned at her husband before leaving also..


Arya took a step back from Kyle, she pulled her gaze elsewhere avoiding his intense stare..

“It’s not in my position to do so.. after all Charlotte is your wife” She sarcastically remarked rolling her eyes at him..

“Will you just admit it? I thought you said you were my wife, it’s crazy how I have two mysterious wives and most especially, one I haven’t touched until last night.. which makes me wonder what our relationship was like before I met with an accident”

Arya’s heart skipped a weird beat, she felt loss for words, luckily for her, the door opened and a fully dressed Ray ran in..

“Daddy.. can you go now please?”

Kyle arched a brow, he stared down at his son and then back to Arya..

“We’ll talk about this later..” he said meaningfully and went out of the room, Arya had no idea that she had been holding her breath until he stepped out.. She sighed in relief..

”Come on baby let’s go fill your little tummy with breakfast”


Chloe’s lips parted in shock staring at the large and tall building in front of her, was Sam insane?

“What the heck dude?! you know we can’t afford a single socks in this mall! this is obviously where the wealthy people shop..”

Sam snorted, he held her shoulder guiding her into the mall ignoring her little protests..

“Come on trust me!”

Chloe stopped her movement and turned swiftly to him with a glare..

“Now that’s something I won’t do.. I can’t trust you even for a second, we are not wealthy people and I’m not about to get humiliated by going in there”

Sam groaned out in frustration, he took her by hand leading her in..

“Keep it down Chloe.. just trust me alright?”


Bryan snorted staring at Lora who came twirling in front of him with a gold colored gown, he pulled his gaze off her, he didn’t like that the pretty dress was being insulted like this…

He honestly didn’t want to be here but Alice had pleaded with him to go along with her daughter or else she might try to harm herself again..

Yeah! she was such a psycho!

“How do I look Bryan?”

He stood up from his sitting position and walked away from her with a frown on his face..

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