The Billionaire’s Creed

Chapter 29


Grandpa made me promise not to disclose his condition, even to Mykel, and I had to respect his wish.

“Are you staying for the night?” He was already in his bed after his dialysis. I was grateful he didn’t develop hypotension or low blood pressure during the treatment, which was a common side effect, according to his doctor.

I smiled in assurance. “I’m not going anywhere, Grandpa. You should get some rest.”

“Have you talked to Mykel?”

“Yeah, when I was in my room.” My smile faded.

“He knows you’re with me, doesn’t he? He thinks I’m taking you away from him.”

I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. “He knows, but I didn’t tell the reason. Maybe Blaze told him how I got here. That’s why he’s kind of, you know… being Mykel.”

He sighed deeply. “He seems to care a lot about you. I always knew that one day he’s changed. I didn’t know it was because of you.”

“That’s absurd, Grandpa. He’s still him. How come I never met him? Or he never knew me at all?”

Grandpa smiled. “I make sure not to put your latest picture in my office. Mykel wasn’t like other employees when he was at the Kross Corp, who mind their employer’s personal business. He just worked hard, and he’s very opinionated. That’s why he learned fast.”

“You also disapproved of our arrangement.”

“Of course, I won’t deny that. I didn’t know what came into your mind. On the other hand, Mykel is right. I still treat you like that girl who just lost her parents. I forgot that you’re a grown woman.”

“You’re just protecting me, Grandpa.”

“That’s true and always will, Adley. Mykel’s never after your social status. That’s for sure. I’ve received some words he’s not like before, and you met his mother. How’s Madelyn?”

“You can say a manwhore, Grandpa. Madelyn is great. She even looks younger to be Mykel’s mother.” I smiled as I remembered her words.

“Poor woman. I didn’t want you to get hurt, Adley. Even unintentionally. Is this relationship for real?”

I looked at his hand and held it. “I don’t know, but I like him. He annoyed me when we first met, even until now. He likes to control things. I guess we are both alpha bosses. When I got to know him a little, he was more human than other men I’ve met.”

He slightly nodded before he shocked me with his words. “I approve of your relationship with Mykel. I want you to convince him to meet me. Just the three of us.”

I paused for a while, thinking through his real motives. “You’re making me nervous, Grandpa. You can’t force him into doing something he doesn’t like. You’re not going to ask him to give you a great-grandchild, are you?”

Grandpa laughed. “Nothing like that, but an old man can dream. At least I wanna hold my only great-grandchild before I die.”

Tears quickly filled my eyes as I watched him smile with that dreamy eye. “Then just hold on to your hat.”

“I can’t wait, honey.”

“Now, get some rest.” I rose from my seat and kissed him on his forehead. “I love you, Grandpa.”

I walked out of his room to meet Butler Morrow in the hallway.

“How’s your grandpa, Miss Adley?”

“He’s hanging in there, Morrow. Thanks for asking.”

“Can I get you something to eat?”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “I’m just going to the kitchen.” He was one of the oldest employees in the mansion. He watched me grow up and treated me like not just the granddaughter’s employer but a little girl growing up without parents.

“Let me know if you need anything.”

“Of course.”

“Miss Adley, would you like to have your dinner now?” It was Grandpa’s personal Chef. He also hired a nutritionist to watch his strict diet.

“If there’s a salt, yes.” I grinned.

“Of course, Miss Adley.”

I felt like a rich kid again. Though I used to, I didn’t depend on people under my grandfather’s payroll when I went to college.

A few minutes later, he served me my dinner. I ate alone at the long table. I suddenly missed Mykel and our easy conversation during our meal.

He could be infuriating, but he was also thoughtful and attentive and surprised me every day. He was not even close to perfect. That was why I started to care about him. A perfect man didn’t exist, right? And if it did, it was a red flag-too good to be true.

After I finished my dinner, I told Morrow to bring a glass of red wine to my room.

The room was the same room I grew up in. The color has changed from a girly to something more of me.

I still had to check my email from Kaelie. I opened my laptop, replied to some emails, and marked my schedule for Monday. We were getting more major clients for the whole month. Thanks to my husband, who had promoted our company on his social media, we also had almost four million followers. But his social status has helped us a lot.

I closed my laptop when I heard a knock on the door. My first thought was Morrow. To my shock, it was not even close.

“What are you doing here?” My tone was firm.

Gary smiled, and it got creepier the longer he stared at me with bloodshot eyes. “Hey, babe.”Babe?

My brow arched. “Are you drunk?”

“Not even close.” He even did a sign in his drunken state.

“Why are you here?”

“I know you’re staying here for the night. That’s why I came so fast.”

“You drove all the way here even though you’re drunk? How did you pass the guard?”

“It’s not a big deal. You are.” He stepped closer to me. Right now, I could smell his vile, stenchy breath.

“Get lost. I’m not talking to you when you’re drunk, Gary. Sleep it over, and we’ll talk tomorrow.” I stepped away from him, about to close the door in his face.

He didn’t move, but he kept staring at me. “I like you, Adley.”

“I’m already married, Gary. Now please, leave?” I showed him the way. My mind went to the guards, and what took Morrow so long?

“I’m not leaving until I get what I came here for.”

“And what’s that?” I asked in a deadpan voice, irritated.

“You.” He pushed me on my chest.

I was too shocked to react to his answer-I was caught off guard and found myself on the floor.

My butt ached. My heart pounded. At the same time, I was shivering to move as if the temperature in the room had just dropped several degrees. It happened so fast that I felt like I would pass out. My whole body trembled and felt so cold. It felt like I was rooted to the ground, but grateful I didn’t hit my head.

Gary randomly started taking off his jacket, and I’d never been so scared in my life other than flying-I started shaking. This time I knew what was going to happen. I should do something.

The first thing that came into my head was yelling for help. And that was what I did.

“Help!” I screamed loud enough that it scoured my throat as I raised my arms to protect myself. Right now, I wished Mykel was here to beat the crap out of Gary, or I should have just gone home and slept peacefully in our bed.

Before Gary could crawl over me, someone must have grabbed him because nothing happened, not that I wanted to. The next thing I heard was a thud, a lot of it, and screams and shrieks, if I may guess, coming from Gary.

“Mrs. Creed, are you hurt?”

With my heart still racing, I tentatively put my arms down. It was the tall guy with his hand held out.

At the door was Morrow with a bottle of wine and a glass. “I ran over here as fast as I could.”

“T-thank you.” I grabbed and gripped his hand, and he lifted me as if I weighed nothing.

“You don’t have to thank me, Mrs. Creed.” He helped me to the bed. “Please take a seat.”

“What happened here?” It was Grandpa.

“Mr. Merick managed to pass our security, sir. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Grandpa, please, get back in bed.”

“You’re pretty shaken up, Adley.” He came closer to me and glared at the tall guy. “Adrian, I don’t want this ever to happen again, not only here. I don’t want to see the face of that bastard at Kross Corp and in any Kross properties, do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” The tall man or Adrian left.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“He’s drunk, Grandpa.”

“It’s not my problem. He hurt you, and he was about to do something unspeakable.” He let out a shaky breath. “This is my fault.”

“Enough with the guilt trip, Grandpa.”

“I thought he was a good man.”

“You promise him the star.” I snorted, even if it wasn’t right.

“I gave him hope, but it seemed that his father didn’t know him better. He didn’t take it lightly when he found out you’re married to Mykel. He thought you would offer the seat on a silver platter.”

“It feels so that way.” My hands were still shaking. “I need that wine now.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Grandpa gave me that questioned look while I was a kid.

“Grandpa, I’m twenty-four and still pretty shaken because of that jerk.”

“He’s been handled. I will inform his father tomorrow regarding the behavior of his son.”

“I don’t want him to be near me again. That’s all.”

“Keep that what happened tonight. If your husband finds out, he will throw the blame at me and say he’s right.”

I managed to smile as I grabbed the glass of wine. “I’m okay now. I’ll make sure to lock the door. Now please, don’t be a pain, Grandpa. Go back to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”


I had a peaceful breakfast with Grandpa at the patio with a view of a vast lawn and a gorgeous landscaped garden.

“How are you feeling?”

“Are you going to ask me every five minutes?” He didn’t look pale anymore. In fact, his cheeks had some colors. Despite his graying hair, he still looked handsome-I remembered my father. He got the high cheekbones and strong jaw from him.

I smiled.

He was back-the grandfather I knew was back.

We were interrupted by Adrian. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t stop him.”

I turned to him. Then I found my husband, who never looked so pissed, yet hot as ever, making my jaw drop.

“It’s Mykel, Adrian,” Grandpa dismissed him. “Come here. It’s great that you could join us.”

Instead of acknowledging my grandfather, Mykel made his point. He leaned over and kissed me like we had no audience.

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